That Greece Might Still Be Free
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I. Works by Philhellenes


Church Papers, British Museum.

Finlay and Flashings Papers, British School at Athens.

Gordon Papers, King’s College, Aberdeen.

Stanhope Papers, National Archives, Athens

Washington, W. T., Copy of fragment of a diary, Gennadios Library, Athens.

Whitcombe, Thomas, Campaign of the Falieri and Piraeus in the year 1827, Gennadios Library, Athens.


‘Albano’, Reise und Abentheuer, Gotha, 1823.

Aschling, Nils Fr., Forsok till Grekiska Revolutionens Historia, Stockholm, 1824.

Bellier de Launay, Wilhelm, Einige Worte über Griechenland, Berlin, 1823.

Blaquiere, Edward, Report on the Present State of the Greek Confederation, London, 1823.

Blaquiere, Edward, The Greek Revolution, London, 1824.

Blaquiere, Edward, Narrative of a Second Visit to Greece, London, 1825.

Blaquiere, Edward, Greece and her Claims, London, 1826.

Blaquiere, Edward, Fetters from Greece, London, 1828.

[Bojons, C. F. ?] ‘Auszug aus dem Schreiben eines teutschen Arztes, aus Athen vom 30. Sept. 1822’, Taschenbuch für Freunde der Geschichte des Griechischen Volkes, Heidelberg, 1824.

Bollmann, L. de, Remarques sur l’état moral, politique et militaire de la Grèce, Marseilles, 1823.

[Brengeri], ‘Adventures of a Foreigner in Greece’, London Magazine, 1826 and 1827.

Browne, James Hamilton, ‘Voyage from Leghorn to Cephalonia’ and ‘Narrative of a Visit in 1823 to the Seat of War in Greece’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1834.

Bulwer, H. Lytton, An Autumn in Greece, London, 1826.

Byern, E. v., Bilder aus Griechenland und der Levante, Berlin, 1833.

Cochrane, George, Wanderings in Greece, London, 1837.

Collegno, See Ottolenghi in list of ‘Other Useful Sources’, p. 366.

Dannenberg, Carl Wilhelm, Harm lose Betrachtungen, Hamburg, 1823.

Elster, Johann Daniel, Das Bataillon der Philhellenen, Baden, 1828.

[Elster, Johann Daniel], Fahrten eines Musikanten, Frankfurt, 1854.

Emerson, James; Pecchio, Count; and Humphreys, W. H., A Picture of Greece in 1821, London, 1826.

Emerson, James, Fetters from the Aegean, London, 1829.

Féburier, Théophile, La Corse, L’Ile d’Elbe, Les Grecs, et Sainte Hélène, Paris, 1827. In verse.

Feldham (sic on title page, should be Feldhann), Gustav, Kreuz- und Querzüge oder Abentheuer eines Freiwilligen, Leipzig, 1822.

Finlay, George, History of the Greek Revolution, Edinburgh, 1861.

[Finlay, George], ‘An Adventure during the Greek Revolution’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1842. A letter from Finlay claims that this represents a true incident.

Friedel, Adam de, The Greeks, Twenty four Portraits, Paris and London, 1825-6.

Gamba, Count Peter, A Narrative of Lord Byron’s Last Journey to Greece, London, 1825.

Garston, Edgar, Greece Revisited, London, 1840.

Gordon, Thomas, History of the Greek Revolution, Edinburgh and London, 1832.

Gosse, Louis-André, Correspondance entre deux philhellènes, Paris, 1919.

Gosse, Louis-André, Lettres à sa mère pendant son séjour en Grèce, Paris, 1920.

Grasset, Edouard, Souvenirs de Grèce, Nevers, 1838.

Hahn, A. E., Brief des Philhellenen Em. Hahn aus Griechenland, Berne, 1827.

Hahn, Amenaus Emanuel, ‘Memoiren über seine Beteiligung am griechischen Freiheitskampf’, Berner Taschenbuch, 1870.

Harring, Harro Paul, Tragikomische Abenteuer eines Philhellenen, Stuttgart, 1910. An extract from Rhonghar Jahr published in 1828.

Heideck, Karl Freiherr von, Die Bayerische Philhellenenfahrt, Munich, 1897.

Hodges, John Monins, Diaries and Letters, privately published, 1953.

Howe, Samuel G., An Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution, New York, 1828.

Howe, Samuel G., Letters and Journals, Boston and London, 1906.

Humphreys, W. H., First Journal of the Greek War of Independence, ed. Sture Linnér, Stockholm, 1967.

[Humphreys, W. H.], ‘Adventures of an English Officer in Greece’, New Monthly Magazine, 1826.

Humphreys, W. H., see also Emerson.

Jarvis, George, Journal and Related Documents, Thessalonika, 1965.

Jourdain, Mémoires historiques et militaires sur les événements de la Grèce, Paris, 1828.

Kiefer, Heinrich Joseph, Nachrichten über Griechenland, Mainz, 1823.

Kiesewetter, Ferdinand von, Reise eines teutschen Officiers nach Griechenland, Parchim, 1823.

[Koesterus, M. C. I.], Schicksale eines aus Griechenland zurückgekehrten deutschen Offiziers, Darmstadt, 1822. I have not been able to trace a copy of this book. Some extracts are reproduced in Deutsche Philhellenen in Griechenland 1821-1822, ed. Karl Dieterich, Hamburg, 1929.

[Kotsch, Maximilian von], Reise eines deutschen Artillerie-Offiziers nach Griechenland, ed. F. W. Mauvillon, Essen, 1824.

Krazeisen, Charles, Portraits des Grecs et des Philhellènes, Munich, 1828 and 1829.

Krøyer, Henrik, Erindringer of Henrik Krøyers Liv. 1821-1838, Copenhagen, 1870.

[LeFebre, W. de], Relation de divers faits de la guerre de Grèce, Marseilles, 1822.

Lessen, Friedrich August, Schilderung einer enthusiasmirten Reisen nach Griechenland, Görlitz, 1823.

Lieber, Franz, Tagebuch meines Aufenthaltes in Griechenland, Leipzig, 1823.

Lübtow, Adolph von, Der Hellenen Freiheitskampf i. J. 1822. Aus dem Tagebuche des Herrn A. v. L., bearbeitet von Ludwig von Bollmann, Berne, 1823.

Marcet, Frank, ‘Un Voyage en Grèce en 1826’, Revue Hebdomadaire, 1915.

[Masson, Edward], Φιλελληνικα or Poetic Translations … by a Scottish Philhellen, 1852.

Miller, Jonathan P., The Condition of Greece in 1827 and 1828, New York, 1828.

Millingen, Julius, Memoirs of the Affairs of Greece, London, 1831.

Morandi, Antonio, Il Mio Giornale dal 1848 al 1850, Modena, 1867.

Müller, Albert, Erinnerungen an Griechenland, Aarau, 1872.

Müller, Dr. Christian, Journey through Greece, London 1822. Translation from the original German edition.

Müller, Friedrich, Denkwürdigkeiten aus Griechenland, Paris, 1833.

Müller, Gottfried, Reise eines Philhellenen, Bamberg, 1825.

Palma, Count Alerino, Greece Vindicated, London, 1826.

Parry, William, The Last Days of Lord Byron, London, 1825.

Pecchio, Count, see Emerson.

Persat, Mémoires, 1806-1844, Paris, 1910.

Pisa, Vicenzo, Résumé des luttes de l’armée regulière, Athens, 1841. I have not been able to trace a copy of this book.

Raffenel, CD., Histoire des Événements de la Grèce, Paris, 1822 and 1824.

Raybaud, Maxime, Mémoires sur la Grèce, Paris, 1824 and 1825.

[Rosenstiel, Karl Emil] Nelisteros [anagram], Tagebuch eines Griechenfreundes, Liegnitz, 1824.

Schack, F.-R., Campagne d’un Jeune Français en Grèce, Paris, 1827.

Schrebian, C. M., Aufenthalt in Morea, Attika und mehreren Inseln des Archipelagus, Leipzig, 1825.

Sketches of Modern Greece … by a Young English Volunteer in the Greek Service, London, 1828. This book seems to contain some genuine material.

Stabell, Johann H., Schicksale eines dänischen Philhellenen, Leipzig, 1824. Translation from the original Danish edition.

[Staehelin, J. A. ?], ‘The Siege of the Acropolis of Athens in the years 1821-22 By an Eye-Witness’, London Magazine, 1826.

Stanhope, Hon. Colonel Leicester, Greece in 1823 and 1824, New edition, London, 1825.

Stauffer, Fridolin, Die zwei Philhellenen, Münster, 1823.

Striebeck, C. T., Mitteilungen aus dem Tagebuch des Philhellenen C. T. Striebeck …Nach dem Manuskript von Fr. Lindes, Hanover, 1828.

Tagebuch einer Reise nach Morea, Tubingen, 1824.

Tagebuch und Erläuterungen über den Kampf der Hellenen in Griechenland, Dinkelsbühl, 1823.

Treiber, Heinrich, Άναμνήσεις άπ’ τήν Έπαναστάση τού 1821, Athens, 1960. The German original of this diary has not been published.

Trelawny, E. J., Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron, London, 1858.

Trelawny, Edward John, Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author, London, 1878.

Trelawny, Edward John, Letters, London, 1910.

Urquhart, D., The Spirit of the Last, London, 1839.

Villeneuve, Eugène de, Journal fait en Grèce, Brussels, 1827.

Voutier, Olivier, Mémoires sur la Guerre Actuelle des Grecs, Paris, 1823.

Voutier, Olivier, Lettres sur la Grèce, Paris, 1826.

II. Other Useful Sources


Colonial Office Records, Ionian Islands, Public Record Office, London.

Fauvel Papers, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.

Hobhouse Papers, British Museum.


Anderson, Rufus, Observations upon the Peloponnesus and Greek Islands, Boston and New York, 1830.

Argenti, Philip, ed., The Expedition of Colonel Fabvier to Chios, London, 1933.

Arnold, Robert F., ‘Der deutsche Philhellenismus’, Euphorion, 1896.

Asse, Eugène, ‘L’Indépendance de la Gréce et les Poètes de la Restauration’ in Les Petits Romantiques, Paris, 1900.

Barth, Wilhelm, and Kehrig-Korn, Max, Die Philhellenenzeit, Munich, 1960.

Bartle, G. F., ‘Bowring and the Greek Loans of 1824 and 1825’, Balkan Studies, 1962.

Booras, Harris J., Hellenic Independence and America’s Contribution to the Cause, Rutland, Va., 1934.

[Bowring, John], ‘The Greek Committee’, Westminster Review, 1826.

Brewer, Josiah, A Residence at Constantinople, New Haven, 1830.

Byzantios, Christos S., ‘Ιστορία τού τακτικού στρατού’, Athens, 1837.

Carne, John, Letters from the East, London, 1826.

Church, E. M., Sir Richard Church, Edinburgh and London, 1895.

Cline, Myrtle A., American Attitude toward the Greek War of Independence, Atlanta, Ga., 1930.

Crawley, C. W., The Question of Greek Independence, Cambridge, 1930.

Dakin, Douglas, British and American Philhellenes, Thessalonika, 1955.

Dakin, Douglas, ed., British Intelligence of Events in Greece, 1824-1827, Athens, 1959.

Dalleggio, Eugène, Les Philhellènes et la Guerre de L’Indépendance, Athens, 1949.

Davesiès de Pontes, Lucien, Notes sur la Grèce, Paris, 1864.

De Beer, E. S., and Seton, Walter, ‘Byroniana’, Nineteenth Century, 1926.

Débidour, A., Le Général Fabvier, Paris, 1904.

Dimakis, Jean, La Guerre de l’Indépendance grecque vue par la Presse française, Thessalonika, 1968.

Dimopoulos, Aristide G., l’Opinion Publique française et la Révolution grecque, Nancy, 1962.

Documents relatifs à l’état présent de la Grèce, publiés d’après les communications du Comité Philhellenique de Paris, Paris, 1826-9.

Dontas, Domna N., The Last Phase of the War of Independence in Western Greece, Thessalonika, 1966.

Driault, Edouard, and Lhéritier, Michel, Histoire diplomatique de la Grèce, Paris, 1925-6.

Earle, Edward Mead, ‘American Interest in the Greek Cause, 1821-1827’,

American Historical Review, October 1927.

[Finlay, George], ‘Biographical Sketch of Frank Abney Hastings’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, October 1845.

Finnie, David H., Pioneers East, Harvard, 1967.

Frankland, Charles Colville, Travels to and from Constantinople in 1827 and 1828, London, 1829.

Green, Philip James, Sketches of the War in Greece, London, 1827.

Hartley, Rev. John, Researches in Greece and the Levant, London, 1831.

Irmscher, Johannes, Der Philhellenismus in Preussen als Forschungsanliegen, Berlin, 1966.

Isambert, Gaston, L’Indépendance Grecque et l’Europe, Paris, 1900.

Jurien de la Gravière, La Station du Levant, Paris, 1876.

Kennedy, James, Conversations on Religion with Lord Byron, London, 1830.

Lane-Poole, Stanley, ‘Sir Richard Church’, English Historical Review, 1890.

Larrabee, Stephen A., Hellas Observed, New York, 1957.

Lauvergne, H., Souvenirs de la Grèce, Paris, 1826.

Leake, William Martin, An Historical Outline of the Greek Revolution, London, 1825.

Lemaître, Alfred, Notes sur la Guerre de l’Indépendance Grecque, Paris, 1895

Levandis, John A., The Greek Foreign Debt and the Great Powers, New York, 1944.

MacFarlane, Charles, Constantinople in 1828, second edition, London, 1829.

Marchand, Leslie A., Byron, a Biography, 1957.

Mengous, Petros, Narrative of a Greek Soldier, New York, 1830.

Ottolenghi, Leone, La Vita e i Tempi di Giacinto Provana di Collegno, 1882. Includes Collegno’s diary of the siege of Navarino.

Penn, Virginia, ‘Philhellenism in England’, and ‘Philhellenism in Europe’, Slavonic Review, 1935, 1936, and 1937.

Post, Henry A. V., A Visit to Greece and Constantinople, New York, 1830.

Roma, Dionysios, Ιστορικòν Άρχεîου, Athens, 1901.

Rothpletz, Emil, Der Genfer J. G. Eynard als Philhellene, Zürich, 1900.

Rothpletz, Emil, Bernische Hilfsvereine für die Griechen, Basel, 1932.

Slade, Adolphus, Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, etc., London, 1832.

Spencer, Terence, Fair Greece, Sad Relic, London, 1954.

Swan, Rev. Charles, Journal of a Voyage up the Mediterranean, London, 1826.

Waddington, George, A Visit to Greece in 1823 and 1824, London, 1825.

Walsh, Rev. R., A Residence at Constantinople, London, 1836.

Wilson, Rev. S. S., A Narrative of the Greek Mission, London, 1839.

Woodruff, Samuel, Journal of a Tour to Malta, Greece etc …, Hartford, 1831.