20. Robert Rennie: A Bibliography
© Bernadette O’Neill, CC BY 4.0 http://dx.doi.org/10.11647/OBP.0056.20
Floating Charges: A Treatise from the Standpoint of Scots Law unpublished thesis (University of Glasgow).
“Non-Oil Related Minerals and Reservation Clauses” Law Society of Scotland PQLE Paper (1988).
“Introduction to Commercial Missives” in Law Society of Scotland PQLE Commercial Missives Seminar (1992) vol 80 4-23 (Edinburgh: Law Society of Scotland).
Book review of P Robson and K Miller Property Law (1991) (1992) 37(12) JLSS 476-77.
“Mandates, Assignations and Arrestments” (1993) 38(5) JLSS 185-86.
“A Matter of Interest” (1993) 38 (9) JLSS 363-65.
“Letters of Obligation – A Classic Dilemma” (1993) 38(11) JLSS 431-33.
“Missives – Penalty Interest Clauses” with D J Cusine (1993) 38(11) JLSS 450-51.
“Warrandice: A Guarantee With Small Print” (1993) 5(Oct) PropLB 6-8.
Missives with D J Cusine (Edinburgh: Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland).
“Inhibitions, Standard Securities and Further Advances” (1994) 39(2) JLSS 52-54.
Book review of A J McDonald Conveyancing Manual 5th edn (1993) (1994) 39(4) JLSS 121.
“Negligence, Instructions and the Lender’s Need to Know” (1994) 39(4) JLSS 135-38.
“Conveyancing - What’s Coming?” (1994) 39(12) JLSS 450-53.
“Dead on Delivery” (1994) 19 SLT 183-89.
“Possession: Nine Tenths of the Law” (1994) 26 SLT 261-65.
“The Theory and Ethics of Irritancy” (1994) (3) JurRev 283-91.
“Negligence, Securities and the Expanding Duty of Care” (1995) JLSS 40(2) 58-61.
“The Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995” with D J Cusine (1995) 40(6) JLSS 221-225.
“Coal Mining Inquiries” with S Brymer (1995) 40(6) JLSS 238-39.
“Certificate of Title: Legal Context” (1995) 40(10) JLSS 377-79.
Book review of D M Walker The Law of Contracts and Related Obligations in Scotland 3rd edn (1995) (1995) 40(12) JLSS 466.
Book review of A Barr J M H Biggar A M C Dalgleish and H J Stevens Drafting wills in Scotland (1994) (1995) 18 SLT 170-71.
Book review of D M Walker The Law of Contracts and Related Obligations in Scotland 3rd edn (1995) (1995) 40 SLT 369.
“The Acquisition of Crofts” (1995) 63(2) SLG 63-66.
“The Feudal System – Going, Going, Gone?” (1995) 4 JurRev 321-31.
“The Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995” (1995) 5 JurRev 445-52.
“Grabbing the Proceeds of Sale of the Family Home” (1995) 17(Sep) FamLB 2-3.
“Rescission of Missives” (1995) 17(Oct) PropLB 2-4.
The Requirements of Writing with D J Cusine (Edinburgh: Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland).
“Letters of Obligation – Legal Lubrication” (1995) 1(1) SPLQ 76-82.
“Alluvio in the Land Register: Shifting Sands and the Thin Red Line” (1996) 5 SLT 41-44.
“Keeping the Price and the Property: Sharp v Thomson” (1996) 1 JurRev 68-71.
“Law Reform at the University” (1996) 41(6) JLSS 221-22.
“The Professional’s City?: Lawyers of the City and the University of Glasgow” (1996) 41(8) JLSS 304-06.
“Requirements of Writing: Problems in Practice” (1996) 1(3) SLPQ 187-96.
“Setting Missives up – and Apart” (1996) 19(Feb) PropLB 2-4.
Solicitors’ Negligence (Edinburgh: Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland).
“Prescriptive Possession in the Sasine and Land Registers” (1997) 2(4) SLPQ 309-15.
“The Sellers’ Remedies” (1997) 26(Apr) PropLB 1-3.
“The Sasine Register and Dispositions A Non Domino” with AM Falconer (1997) 42(2) JLSS 72-74.
“Sharp v Thomson: The Final Act” (1997) 42(4) JLSS 130-34.
“Negligence and the Duty to Disclose – A Turning of the Tide” (1997) 42(10) JLSS 405-07.
Professor McDonald’s Conveyancing Manual 6th edn with A J McDonald, S Brymer and D J Cusine (Edinburgh: T & T Clark).
“Non-Feudal Landholdings in Scotland” with D O’Donnell (1998) 3(1) SLPQ 31-51.
“The Tragedy of the Floating Charge in Scots Law” (1998) 3(3) SLPQ 169-79.
“Conveyancing Case Law: Some Unexpected Results” (1998) 3(4) SLPQ 278-85.
“Faxed Missives – The Distinction Between Constitution and Transmission” (1998) 32(Mar) PropLB 2-3.
“Fraud and Forgery, and the Land Register” (1998) 36(Nov) PropLB 1-3.
“The Future of Conveyancing” (1998) 43(12) JLSS 21-23.
“The Reality of Real Burdens” (1998) 19 SLT 149-53.
Scottish Conveyancing Legislation (ed) with M Meston, R R M Paisley, K G C Reid and D J Cusine (Edinburgh: W Green) [loose leaf service regularly updated].
Annotations in Scottish Landlord and Tenant Legislation D Brand (ed) (Edinburgh: W Green).
“Abolition of the Feudal System” (1999) 12 SLT 85-92.
Book review of A Wightman (ed) Scotland: Land and Power – The Agenda for Law Reform (1999) (1999) 38 SLT 325-26.
“Negligence: Liability of Each Individual Partner to the Firm” (1999) 4(1) SLPQ 13-18.
Missives with D J Cusine 2nd edn (Edinburgh: Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland).
“Conclusion of Missives in the Modern Age” (2000) 5(4) SLPQ 346-55.
“The Modern Missive” (2000) 8 SLT 65-70.
“To Sharp v Thomson - An Heir” (2000) 31 SLT 247-51.
Book review of G L Gretton & Reid Conveyancing 2nd edn (1999) (2000) 45(2) JLSS 43.
Book review of Registration of Title Practice Book 2nd edn (2000) (2000) 45(12) JLSS 44.
“Boundary Disputes” (2001) 13 SLT 115-19.
“Leasehold Casualties” (2001) 27 SLT 235-39.
“Solicitors’ Negligence and the Judgement of Solomon” (2001) 6(2) SLPQ 95-102.
“Statutory Personal Bar - Rei Interventus Replaced” (2001) 6(3) SLPQ 197-203.
“Solicitor’s Negligence: Third Parties Join the Queue” (2001) 6(4) SLPQ 304-13.
Minerals and the Law in Scotland (Welwyn Garden City: EMIS Professional Publishing).
Book review of C H Agnew Crofting Law (2000) (2001) 5(2) EdinLR 264.
Review of Professor McDonald’s Conveyancing Case Notes CD-ROM Production (Dundee University) (2001) 46 (1) JLSS 40.
“Mineral Rights” (2002) 7(1) SLPQ 1-9.
“Solicitors’ Negligence: Rearguard Action” (2002) 7(2) SLPQ 87-96.
“The Role of the Expert Witness in Negligence Claims” (2002) 39 SLT 317-321.
Standard Securities with D J Cusine 2nd edn (Edinburgh: Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland).
“A Matter of Opinion” (2003) 48(5) JLSS 32-35.
“In My Considered Opinion: A Decade of Disputed Advice” (2003) 48(8) JLSS 26-29.
“The End of Conveyancing As We Know It” (2003) 48(11) JLSS 15-18.
“House Rules” with L Freedman (2003) 17(27) Lawyer 23.
“Standard Securities” (2003) 71(1) SLG 26.
Land Tenure Reform (Edinburgh: Thomson/W Green).
“Last Piece of the Jigsaw” (2004) 49(3) JLSS 26-27.
Book review of KGC Reid The Abolition of Feudal Tenure in Scotland (2003) (2004) 49(3) JLSS 59.
“Waste Paper” with G Gretton, R R M Paisley and S Brymer (2004) 49(5) JLSS 54-57.
“How Much Law, Anyway?” (2004) 49(8) JLSS 60-63.
“Will We Leave It to the Software?” in “What Next For Conveyancing?” with D Reid, R Mackay and S Brymer (2004) 49(11) JLSS 18-19.
“Solicitors’ Negligence: Dealing With Tricky Twosomes” (2004) 6 SLT 33-36.
“Widening the Duty of Care” (2004) 40 SLT 245-49.
Land Tenure in Scotland (Edinburgh: W Green).
Opinions on Professional Negligence in Conveyancing: the Opinions of Professor Robert Rennie (Edinburgh: Thomson/W Green).
“Control of Land in the Post-Feudal era” (2005) 16 SLT 89-91.
“The Race to the Registers Revisited” (2005) 50(7) JLSS 53-55.
“Memorial and Opinion Intus Re: Automated Registration of Title to Land” with S Brymer, G Gretton and R Paisley (2005) JurRev 201-50.
Land Tenure and Tenements Legislation 2nd edn (Edinburgh: Thomson/W Green).
“Conveyancing” in The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, Reissue (Edinburgh: LexisNexis)
“Standard Missives and Negligence” (2006) 12 SLT 65-69.
“Solicitors’ Negligence: The Specialist and Best Practice” (2006) 35 SLT 225-30.
Book review of G L Gretton and K G C Reid Conveyancing 3rd edn (2004) (2006) 51(5) JLSS 48.
“Purchase Options in Leases” with D Bell (2006) 51(5) JLSS 49-50.
“Opinion for the Law Society of Scotland Relative to Special Mandates for the Adhibition of Digital Signatures” available at http://www.lawscot.org.uk/media/88205/opinion_of_prof_rennie.pdf
“What sort of Lawyers Do We Want?” (2007) 1 SLT 1-4.
“Real Burdens – A Question of Interest” (2007) 14 SLT 89-93.
“Noting Title in a Non Feudal Era” (2007) 22 SLT 157-62.
Solicitors’ Negligence (Edinburgh: Butterworths/Law Society of Scotland).
Book review of A C Ferguson Common Good Law (2006) (2007) 52 (2) JLSS 45.
The Promised Land: Property Law Reform (ed) (Edinburgh: Thomson/W Green).
“Barker v Lewis on Appeal” (2008) 12 SLT 77-79.
“Claims and The Credit Crunch” (2008) 36 SLT 239-44.
“An Idea Whose Time Has Gone” with L Freedman (2008) 53(9) JLSS 68-69.
Conveyancing in the Electronic Age with S Brymer (Edinburgh: Thomson/W Green).
“Supplementary Opinion by Professor Robert Rennie for the Law Society of Scotland Relative to Special Mandates for the Adhibition of Digital Signatures” available at http://www.lawscot.org.uk/media/88202/artl-supplementary-opinion.pdf
“Counting the Costs in Tenements” (2009) 23 SLT 137-40.
“Marching Towards Equity – Blindfolded” (2009) 32 SLT 187-92.
Land Tenure and Tenements Legislation 3rd edn (Edinburgh: W Green).
“Folly, Guilt and More Folly: The McCaig Cases” in J P Grant and E Sutherland (eds) Scots Law Tales (2010) (Dundee: Dundee University Press).
“Land Registration and the Decline of Property Law” (2010) 14(1) EdinLR 62-79.
“Solicitors` Negligence - New Developments” (2010) 29 SLT 159-64.
“The Ice Cream Man Cometh” (2010) 30 SLT 165-68.
“Law v Practice: Royal Bank of Scotland Plc v Wilson” (2010) 40 SLT 219-24.
Book review of K S Gerber Commercial Leases in Scotland (2009) (2010) 14(1) EdinLR 170-72.
Book review of W M Gordon and S Wortley Scottish Land Law 3rd edn vol 1 (2009) (2010) 55 (4) JLSS 51.
“Pre-2004 Real Burdens – The End Game” (2011) 23 SLT 163-68.
“Enforcement of Missives” (2011) 24 SLT 169-73.
“Interest Enforced” (2011) 28 SLT 217-21.
“Interpretation of Commercial Missives” (2011) 37 SLT 273-79.
“Missives in Motion” with S Brymer (2011) 56(12) JLSS 32-33.
“Property Law: How the World Changed at Martinmas” in E E Sutherland, K E Goodall, GF M Little, and F P Davidson (eds) Law Making and the Scottish Parliament: The Early Years (2011) (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press).
Book review of M Higgins, The Enforcement of Heritable Securities (2010) (2011) 15(3) EdinLR 510-11.
“The 20 Year Rules and the McLetchie Amendment” (2012) 16(1) EdinLR 114-16.
“The Lodge with Three Names: Lubbock v Feakins” (2012) 16(3) EdinLR 438-45.
“The End of Immunity for Expert Witnesses?” with S Brymer (2012) 80(2) SLG 37-40.
Book review of G L Gretton and K G C Reid Conveyancing 4th edn (2011) (2012) 57(2) JLSS 7 [full version available online at bit.ly/xKU264].
“A Bold Step Forward” with S Brymer (2012) 57(3) JLSS 32-33.
“A More Flexible Approach to the Scottish Principle of Warrandice” (2012) LNB News 55.
“Warrandice – The Threat of the Threat of Eviction” (2013) 4 SLT 27-29.
“Boundary Disputes Revisited” (2013) 27 SLT 189-94.
“E-missives: What Now?” with S Brymer (2014) 59(1) JLSS 18-19.
“Lender Exchange Ahead” with S Brymer (2014) 59(2) JLSS 33 [fuller version available online at bit.ly/xKU264].
Leases with S Brymer, T Mullen, M Blair and F McCarthy (Edinburgh: W Green/Scottish Universities Law Institute).