The mathematical requirements for this book are based on the syllabus for STEP Mathematics I and II. The syllabus listed below serves as a rough guide. Some of the questions in the book require no knowledge of the syllabus; and some cover material that is not included in the syllabus, but is introduced in the question itself. You can find more information about the STEP examinations from the web site .
Specification | Notes |
General | |
Mathematical vocabulary and notation | including: equivalent to; necessary and sufficient; if and only if; ; ; . |
Methods of proof | including proof by contradiction and disproof by counterexample; proof by induction. |
Algebra | |
Indices and surds | including rationalising denominators. |
Quadratics | including proving positivity by completing a square. |
The expansion for | including knowledge of the general term; notation: . |
Algebraic operations on polynomials and rational functions | including factorisation, the factor theorem, the remainder theorem; including understanding that, for example, if then . |
Partial fractions | including denominators with a repeated or quadratic factor. |
Sequences and series | including use of, for example, or ; including understanding of the terms convergent, divergent and periodic in simple cases; including use of to obtain related sums. |
The binomial series for , where is a rational number |
including understanding of the condition . |
Arithmetic and geometric series |
including sums to infinity and conditions for convergence, where appropriate. |
Inequalities |
including solution of, eg, ; including simple inequalities involving the modulus function; including the solution of simultaneous inequalities by graphical means. |
Functions | |
Domain, range, composition, inverse |
including use of functional notation such as , and . |
Increasing and decreasing functions |
the precise definition of these terms will be included in the question. |
Exponentials and logarithms |
including , ; including the exponential series |
The effect of simple transformations |
such as . |
The modulus function. |
Location of roots of by considering changes of sign of |
Approximate solution of equations using simple iterative methods |
General curve sketching |
including use of symmetry, transformations, behaviour as , points or regions where the function is undefined, turning points, asymptotes parallel to the axes. |
Radian measure, arc length of a circle, area of a segment |
Trigonometric functions |
including knowledge of standard values, such as , ; including identities such as ; including application to geometric problems in two and three dimensions. |
Double angle formulae |
including their use in calculating, eg, . |
Formulae for and |
including their use in solving equations such as |
Inverse trigonometric functions |
definitions including domains and ranges; notation: either or , etc. |
Straight lines in two-dimensions |
including the equation of a line through two given points, or through a given
point and parallel to a given line or through a given point and perpendicular to a given
line; including finding a point which divides a segment in a given ratio. |
Circles |
using the general form ; including points of intersection of circles and lines. |
Cartesian and parametric equations of curves and conversion between the two forms. |
Interpretation of a derivative as a limit and as a rate of change |
including knowledge of both notations and . |
differentiation of standard functions |
including algebraic expressions, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, exponential and log functions. |
differentiation of composite functions, products and quotients and functions defined implicitly. |
Higher derivatives |
including knowledge of both notations and ; including knowledge of the notation . |
Applications of differentiation to gradients, tangents and normals, stationary points, increasing and decreasing functions |
including finding maxima and minima which are not stationary points; including classification of stationary points using the second derivative. |
Integration as reverse of differentiation |
Integral as area under a curve |
including area between two curves; including approximation of integral by the rectangle and trapezium rules. |
Volume within a surface of revolution |
rotation about either or axes. |
Knowledge and use of standard integrals |
including the forms and ; including transformation of an integrand into standard (or some given) form; including use of partial fractions; not including knowledge of integrals involving inverse trigonometric functions. |
Definite integrals |
including calculation, without justification, of simple improper integrals such as and (if required, information such as the behaviour of as or of as will be given). |
Integration by parts and by substitution |
including understanding their relationship with differentiation of product and
of a composite function; including application to (e.g.) . |
Formulation and solution of differential equations |
formulation of first order equations; solution in the case of a separable equation or by some other method given in the question. |
Vectors in two and three dimensions |
including use of column vector and , , notation. |
Magnitude of a vector |
including the idea of a unit vector. |
Vector addition and multiplication by scalars |
including geometrical interpretations. |
Position vectors |
including application to geometrical problems. |
The distance between two points |
Vector equations of lines |
including the finding the intersection of two lines; understanding the notion of skew lines (knowledge of shortest distance between skew lines is not required). |
The scalar product |
including its use for calculating the angle between two vectors. |
Questions on mechanics may involve any of the material in the Pure Mathematics syllabus.
Specification | Notes |
Force as a vector |
including resultant of several forces acting at a point and the triangle or
polygon of forces; including equilibrium of a particle; forces include weight, reaction, tension and friction. |
Centre of mass |
including obtaining the centre of mass of a system of particles, of a simple uniform rigid body (possibly composite) and, in simple cases, of non-uniform body by integration. |
Equilibrium of a rigid body or several rigid bodies in contact |
including use of moment of a force; for example, a ladder leaning against a wall or on a movable cylinder; including investigation of whether equilibrium is broken by sliding, toppling or rolling; including use of Newton’s third law; excluding questions involving frameworks. |
Kinematics of a particle in a plane |
including the case when velocity or acceleration depends on time (but excluding
knowledge of acceleration in the form ); questions may involve the distance between two moving particles, but detailed knowledge of relative velocity is not required. |
Energy (kinetic and potential), work and power |
including application of the principle of conservation of energy. |
Collisions of particles |
including conservation of momentum, conservation of energy (when
appropriate); coefficient of restitution, Newton’s experimental law; including simple cases of oblique impact (on a plane, for example); including knowledge of the terms questions involving successive impacts may be set. |
Newton’s first and second laws of motion |
including motion of a particle in two and three dimensions and motion of connected particles, such as trains, or particles connected by means of pulleys. |
Motion of a projectile under gravity |
including manipulation of the equation
viewed, possibly, as a quadratic in ; |
The emphasis is towards probability and formal proofs, and away from data analysis and use of standard statistical tests. Questions may involve use of any of the material in the Pure Mathematics syllabus.
Specification | Notes |
Probability | |
Permutations, combinations and arrangements |
including sampling with and without replacement. |
Exclusive and complementary events |
including understanding of , though not necessarily in this form. |
Conditional probability |
informal applications, such as tree diagrams. |
Discrete and continuous probability density functions and cumulative distribution functions |
including calculation of mean, variance, median, mode and expectations by
explicit summation or integration for a given (possibly unfamiliar) distribution (eg exponential
or geometric or something similarly straightforward); notation: . |
Binomial distribution |
including explicit calculation of mean. |
Poisson distribution |
including explicit calculation of mean; including use as approximation to binomial distribution where appropriate. |
Normal distribution |
including conversion to the standard normal distribution by translation and
scaling; including use as approximation to the binomial or Poisson distributions where appropriate; notation: . |
Basic concepts in the case of a simple null hypothesis and simple or compound alternative |
including knowledge of the terminology |