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1870 5, 79, 11, 4041, 52, 59, 86, 88, 90, 9697, 100, 103, 115, 126128, 133, 138, 148, 173, 178, 180182, 184185, 188, 204205, 210, 223224, 229230, 238, 241244, 247249, 252253, 260, 285, 288, 294, 303, 317319, 321, 328, 348, 350, 352, 354, 368, 374

abortifacients, newspaper advertisements 44, 46. See also advertising

Abram, William 179, 314

Accrington 181, 279, 329, 333, 374

activist readers 65, 191

Adams, W. E. 52, 206, 357

Addison family 6061

Advertisement Duty 4

advertising 12, 2122, 38, 4345, 55, 7374, 81, 123, 146, 148149, 155, 159, 164, 174, 178, 185, 210211, 226, 228, 256, 263265, 282283, 298299, 313, 376, 391392. See also abortifacients, newspaper advertisements

classified 263, 313

income 22, 148149, 211

Afghanistan 32

Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 74, 132

Alliance News 12, 252

almanacs 122, 190, 278, 285286, 315

Altick, Richard 42

The English Common Reader 42

‘amateur’ contributors 22. See also non-journalists as producers of journalism

amateur writers 12, 22, 192196, 373

Ambler, Edward 65, 70, 367, 372

America, American 22, 68, 155, 160, 162, 168, 171, 173, 201202, 204206, 208, 315, 372

American content in UK local newspapers 160

American influence 160, 201202, 205206

Americanisation 24

Amundsen, Roald 133

anachronistic views of nineteenth-century newspapers 10, 195, 318, 384

Anderson, Benedict 14, 29, 113, 116117, 299, 359

Anglican 12, 32, 45, 61, 87, 136, 161, 173, 200, 363, 369370. See also Church of England

Animals’ Friend Society 53, 291, 358


of contributors 320, 353, 390

of letter writers 353, 362363, 367

of London editors 187

provincial editors’ lack of 200201, 385

anti-Catholicism 4546, 163, 292, 363364

Anti-Corn Law 153, 308

Anti-Corn Law League 153

Antidote 364, 368370, 378

apprentices, printers’ 144, 164, 179, 197

Arnold, George 160

Arnold, Matthew 22, 25, 44

Aspinall, Arthur 18

assaults on editors 187, 201, 367

Aston Villa 335

Athenaeum 222224, 228229, 248, 253

Athletic News 12, 253, 338

Atlantic magazine 190, 193, 205

Bacup 231233, 244, 251, 259260

Bagehot, Walter 11

Baines, Edward 179, 220, 245, 259260, 352

Bakhtin, Mikhail 204

balanced news reporting 153, 160162

Band of Hope 12

Banks, Isabella 26, 106

The Manchester Man 26

Baptist 44

Barker, Hannah 363

Barmby, Goodwyn 144

Barrow 49, 5455, 58, 88, 119, 122, 124, 215, 225, 228, 230, 235236, 239241, 243244, 250253, 256, 258259, 271, 274276, 278, 287288, 292, 299, 355, 366, 371, 374375, 379, 387388

Barrow Herald 236, 274275, 278, 287288

Barrow-in-Furness 215, 224, 259, 271, 292

Barrow Pilot 256, 288

Barrow Times 256, 278, 287288

Barton, David 15

Barton, Henry 72, 155

Bass brewery 263264

Bath 132

Bauman, Zygmunt 113

Beattie, Edwin 278

Beetham, Margaret 20, 26, 112, 124, 385

Bell, Florence 38, 42, 49, 54, 57, 119, 242, 254

Bell’s Life in London 250, 253

Ben Brierley’s Journal 26

Ben Brierley’s Seaside Annual 123

Bennett, James Gordon 130, 204

Berlin 14, 266, 309

betting 107, 240, 255, 258, 333, 356

Bible 36, 51, 136

Biggs, William 352

biographies 27, 42, 49, 115, 285, 343, 352, 385

Birmingham 57, 9697, 113, 115, 149, 216, 225, 246, 250, 281, 338339

bi-weekly newspapers 4, 6, 44, 114, 118, 125, 133134, 141, 144, 146, 148149, 152, 154, 195196, 245, 331, 333

Blackburn 27, 46, 67, 74, 76, 82, 95, 100, 144, 166, 171, 173, 178179, 181, 206207, 209, 216, 238, 242, 293, 295, 301303, 312314, 317, 324, 329, 336337, 341, 344, 367, 376

Blackburn Mercury 301, 303, 324

Blackburn Rovers 337, 344

Blackburn Standard 173, 303, 317

Blackburn Times 179, 181, 206, 314, 317, 329, 367

Blackpool 160, 375

Blair, Tony 364

Blanchard, Samuel Laman 155

Blanchard, Sidney Laman 155

Bland, Isaac 70, 86

Blatchford, Robert 218, 245

Bobbin, Tim [John Collier] 238, 308, 322

Boer War 97, 127129, 185, 207

Bolton 57, 64, 115, 122, 138, 149, 154, 161162, 172, 181, 189, 206, 218, 238, 241, 276, 283, 308, 358, 388

Bolton Evening News 172, 206, 241

Bolton Free Press 308

Bolton Journal 57, 149

Bond, Chas 48, 87, 179

book production by local newspaper publishers 208

book reviews in local newspapers 22, 385

bookshop as newspaper-reading place 6970, 81, 87

books, less popular than newspapers 38, 43, 77, 225226

boosterism 287289, 328, 345, 348, 379, 387

Borlase, James 280

bound volumes of newspapers 72, 94, 131132, 134, 261, 355, 386

Bourdieu, Pierre Felix 309

Bradford 5, 245246, 259, 388389

Brake, Laurel 203, 385

Bright, John 3, 44, 74, 123, 161

Bright’s Intelligencer 123

Britain, British 1617, 20, 22, 2425, 43, 79, 82, 89, 96, 105, 138, 152, 160, 167170, 180, 183, 186, 199, 201202, 204206, 213214, 227, 252, 263, 277, 305, 310, 327, 343, 350, 375, 385, 392

British Broadcasting Company 207

British Library 82, 89, 96, 105, 152, 183, 199, 213, 227, 350

British Newspaper Archive (BNA) 17, 167168, 305, 317

broadside ballads 68

Brontë, Branwell 193

Brontë, Charlotte 311312, 318

Shirley 311

Brontë, Emily 318

Brontës, the 12

Brooks, Joseph Barlow 64, 189, 218, 259

Browning, Robert 196

Brown, Lucy 17, 166, 351

Buchanan, James 130

Buller, Evan 70, 87

Burnley 97, 171, 216, 231, 285, 287, 313, 317

Burnley Advertiser 287, 313, 317

Burnley Express 313

Burnley Football Club 313

Burt, Arnold G. 225

Burton 263264, 351

Burton Daily Mail 263264, 351

Bury 23, 92, 168169, 218, 222223, 228229, 231233, 248, 253, 308

Bury Free Press 168169

Bury Guardian 231232

Bury Times 218, 231233

Butterworth, Edwin 164

Caffrie, J. V. 192193

Canning, Charles John 156

Carey, James 1516, 27, 29, 357

Carlisle 56, 6465, 7779, 91, 119, 126, 129, 133, 154, 217, 375376, 387

Carlisle Examiner 65, 154

Carlisle Express 65

Carlisle Journal 65, 78, 376

Carlisle Observer 65

Carlyle, Thomas 196

Carnegie, Andrew 173

Carnegie-Storey syndicate 173

Carrington, Frederick George 159

Cass, Eddie 20

Cassell’s Illustrated Family Newspaper 150, 214

Catholic 3132, 41, 4448, 61, 70, 72, 8687, 95, 163, 172, 174, 185, 194, 197, 209, 251, 290291, 325, 355, 363364, 366, 368370, 388. See also anti-Catholic

Catholic Institution 72

Catholic local newspapers and periodicals 32, 46, 48, 172, 174, 185, 209, 364, 368

Catholic News 48, 209, 364, 368

Catholic Times 172

Catton, James 331

Caunce, Stephen 311

Cavendish, Louisa 161

Caxton, William 88

Census 88, 100, 231, 259, 374

Central Press news agency 168, 170, 173, 241, 388

chain of newspapers 12, 182

Chalaby, Jean 2324, 162, 386, 389

Chambers’s Journal 150, 221, 252

Charcot, Jean 132

Chartism, Chartist 11, 19, 47, 57, 67, 147, 154, 232, 308, 310, 367

Cheltenham 7, 357

Cheshire 194, 359, 374

Chicago 14, 64, 284, 356

children as newspaper readers 45, 50, 5253, 66

Chorley 37, 60, 107, 217, 365

Christmas 75, 121122, 190, 278, 280, 337

Christmas annuals 122

Christmas supplements 121122

chronologies 105, 193, 285286, 389

Church of England 10, 44, 67, 78, 92. See also Anglican

Church reading rooms 215

circulation 45, 78, 1011, 14, 23, 29, 31, 38, 117118, 126, 128, 135, 147149, 152153, 158, 161, 164, 178, 180, 185186, 194, 214, 218, 221, 242, 249, 275, 278, 333, 350, 364, 372, 381, 385, 387, 391

increase in wartime 126128, 217, 241, 245, 353

Civil War 14, 68, 315, 372

Clarion 218

class conflict 294295, 302, 307, 309, 317, 321, 325

classification of newspapers, geographical 12

Clay, John 58, 124, 214

Clinton, Bill 364

Clitheroe 36, 46, 49, 6364, 7375, 83, 9091, 113, 119, 126, 165, 171, 189, 216217, 247, 254, 376

Clynes, J. R. 351

Cobbett’s Political Register 12

Cobbett, William 12, 76

Cobden, Richard 3, 44, 74

Cocker, Moses 301304, 307, 324

Colclough, Stephen 49

Collins, Mortimer 7

Collins, Wilkie 52, 82

Commercial News Room 68, 77

communal newspaper reading 16, 2829, 36, 38, 48, 66, 73, 211, 349. See also listening to newspapers being read aloud

competition between newspapers 12, 57, 209, 331332

competitions for readers 54, 185, 203204, 252, 272, 292, 317, 322, 338, 358, 378

compositor 126, 145, 162163, 197, 199, 357, 391

Congregational, Congregationalist 44, 65, 163, 172

Conservatism, Conservative 32, 45, 48, 61, 87, 90, 92, 94, 102, 128, 145, 153156, 162, 172, 180, 187, 206, 209, 216217, 231232, 242, 245, 256257, 278, 294295, 309310, 317, 335, 368, 370

Conservative Club 92, 94

Conservative Reading Room 87

Conservative Working Men’s Club 94, 278, 295

Cooke, John Parsons 138

Co-operative reading room 64

Co-operative Society 47, 92, 103104, 107, 109, 218, 222223, 228229, 248, 253, 384

core and periphery 114, 167, 205

Cotton Famine 1861-65 125, 312, 315

county newspapers 10, 149, 186

Coupe, Francis 334

cover price 133135, 149, 189, 211, 257

Cowper’s Penny News & Reading Room 69, 77, 115, 213215

Crimean War 68, 126129, 245

Cross Keys 84, 97

Cumberland 53, 130, 374

Cup Final 328, 336, 339. See also FA Cup

curation of material for local readers 191192, 338, 372

Curran, James 23

dailies 3, 5, 2122, 24, 117, 133, 143, 146148, 157, 160, 167168, 184, 217, 221, 226, 228, 245248, 250, 377, 389. See also daily newspapers

Daily Mail 139, 174, 206, 210, 248249, 252, 330, 381

Daily News 7, 146, 167, 226, 234, 248, 250, 338

daily newspapers 133, 173, 231. See also dailies

Daily Telegraph 56, 146, 205, 226, 234, 249250

Danson, Robert 164

Darlington 205, 223, 229230, 247248, 251

Darnton, Robert 34

De Certeau, Michel 4748

Deepdale 336, 344

default 25, 50, 55, 60, 101, 109, 249, 354

grievance 354

London newspapers 25, 249

male 50, 55

middle class 50, 60

dialect literature 306, 314321, 324

dialect writing 38, 218, 285, 306, 314, 316, 320, 322, 378

Diamond, Charles 173, 209, 388

diaries of newspaper readers 27, 33, 46, 49, 64, 73, 91, 114, 130, 143, 157, 161, 163, 166167, 175, 177, 185, 194, 196, 201, 208209, 216, 247, 333334, 351353, 365, 375376

Dicey, Edward 197, 199200

Dickens, Charles 1415, 31, 36, 43, 5455, 153, 155, 163, 214, 252, 307

All The Year Round 15, 104, 107, 150, 221, 252, 255

Hard Times 31, 214

Household Words 43, 45, 215, 235

Our Mutual Friend 36, 54

Pickwick Papers 15, 153

digitisation 17, 24

disabled men as newspaper sellers 95

Disraeli, Benjamin 155, 365

Tancred 365

distribution of newspapers 8, 12, 22, 34, 388

district correspondents 164167, 174, 195

Dobson, William 68, 87, 180, 194, 198

Donaldson, William 318

Dublin 8, 10

Dundee 148, 167, 184

Dundee Advertiser 167

Dundee People’s Journal 148, 184

eavesdropping readers 48, 138, 260

Echo 50, 115, 147, 237, 241, 243, 250, 258, 352

editors 7, 19, 25, 27, 33, 37, 48, 52, 56, 62, 65, 80, 125126, 128, 130, 137, 144145, 154155, 159, 165, 172, 178179, 182, 187188, 193194, 196201, 205206, 209211, 228, 257, 265, 287, 295298, 301, 311, 314, 323, 328, 350352, 360361, 366369, 372373, 377, 385. See also assaults on editors

as communications brokers 201

lack of anonymity 200201

social status of 199200

Edward Smith-Stanley, Lord Derby 305

Eliot, George 12

Eliot, Simon 4243

Eliot, Thomas Stearns 13

Ellegard, Henrik Alvar 219

Empire Journal 210, 358

Engels, Friedrich 305

England, English 4, 67, 10, 1415, 18, 20, 25, 29, 31, 3334, 39, 42, 49, 69, 94, 134, 144, 146, 158, 174, 181, 190, 192, 194, 204, 206207, 220, 255, 267, 279281, 284, 292, 301, 303307, 309, 311314, 320324, 337, 352, 360, 365, 369, 385, 387

Standard English 279, 303307, 309, 311314, 321, 323324

ephemeral, newspapers as 81, 131132, 136, 138

evening newspapers 5, 9, 3738, 46, 50, 5758, 93, 95, 9798, 115, 127, 129, 139, 141, 147, 168, 181, 195, 198, 203, 205, 207210, 219, 228, 235, 238245, 250, 256, 258, 260, 327, 329330, 332333, 367, 382, 386, 391

London 147, 258, 330

provincial 205

Everton 341, 345

Exchange and News Room 93, 216, 247, 371

Exchange Commercial News Room 69, 85, 109

Exchange News Room 223224, 233234

Eyre, John Macklin 282

FA Cup 327329, 335337, 339, 341342, 344345, 348. See also Cup Final

Family Herald 150, 214, 235

Fenianism, Fenian 154155, 159, 161, 165, 171

fiction 4, 1011, 55, 109, 116, 130, 132133, 140, 147148, 150, 186, 192, 203204, 206207, 224, 251252, 269, 279280, 285, 298, 305306, 311312, 314, 317319, 324, 356, 378, 383, 385, 390

local 280

serial 10, 55, 130, 148, 150, 186, 204, 251

Fielden, Samuel 310

First Division 330

First World War 127, 244

Fishergate 60, 6869, 7273, 85, 87, 89, 92, 95, 9798, 115, 136, 157, 162, 181, 187, 217, 280281, 297, 334, 336, 343

Fish, Stanley 2728, 62, 353

Fleet Street 3, 9

football 12, 16, 4647, 67, 91, 95, 97, 124, 141, 185, 209210, 240, 242, 253254, 258, 273, 289, 292, 313, 325, 327350, 357, 377378, 381382, 392

Football Association 327, 329, 342, 345346, 348

Football League 153154, 242, 309, 327, 333, 336338, 341, 344, 346

framing 27, 82, 265, 271, 348

France, French 26, 46, 132, 161, 168, 181, 321

Franco-Prussian War 52, 66, 91, 115, 127, 129, 181, 185, 241, 354

Fraser, Nancy 364

Free Library 59, 9394, 104105, 224225, 230, 236. See also public library

Friargate 68, 74, 91, 128

Fritzsche, Peter 14, 266

Furness 56, 58, 215, 259, 271, 275, 278, 292, 296, 316, 373374

Fyfe, Paul 170

Gardner, Victoria 5, 19

Garvey, Ellen Gruber 49, 128, 136

Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, Lord Salisbury 278, 295

Gaskell, Elizabeth 31, 304, 311312, 318

North and South 31, 311

gender 34, 50, 54, 83, 107, 195, 214, 252, 256, 258259, 261, 353

gender differences in newspaper reading 50, 83, 214, 252, 256, 258259, 261

genre 22, 26, 57, 124, 129, 133, 148150, 175, 192, 195, 202205, 234235, 239, 241, 243, 245, 251252, 254, 256, 259261, 284285, 305306, 314, 317318, 322, 352, 373, 381382, 385, 389390

Gentlemen’s News Room 71

geography of newspapers 26, 108

Georgian 60, 68, 70

German 181, 267

Gillow, Joseph 194

Gissing, George 9

New Grub Street 9

Gladstonian 161, 207

Glasgow 3, 126127, 148, 288, 336, 388

Glasgow Herald 126127

global, localization of 31, 206, 281

Globe 147, 168, 250

Goffman, Erving 28

Goldgel-Carballo, Victor 111

Goosnargh 190191, 201, 309

gossip 38, 147, 150, 164166, 187188, 190, 201205, 255, 332

Gothic 84, 278

Green ‘Un 105, 329330, 349350

Gregory, Alfred 287

growth in number of newspapers 248, 251, 305, 329

Habermas, Jurgen 16, 23, 29, 33, 360

Hagan, John 354

Halifax 49, 193, 222223, 228229, 232233, 247, 252

Hall, Stuart 47

Hamilton, Mary 15

Hampton, Mark 23

Hardie, Keir 198

Hardy, Thomas 149, 388

Tess of the D’Urbervilles 149, 388

Harmsworth, Alfred 174, 210

Harris free library 59, 93, 292

Haslam, James 122, 254, 258

Healey, Denis 310

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 116117

Henkin, David 14

Hess, Kristy 13, 281

Hewitson, Anthony 3334, 95, 125, 143146, 153, 155173, 175, 177178, 180182, 184185, 187188, 190194, 196202, 206, 208211, 257, 281, 296298, 311, 332334, 344, 348, 351, 367, 297, 297

Hewitt, Martin 19, 104105

Heyd, Uriel 26, 131, 135

Heywood, Abel 20, 221, 241, 257

Hickson, William Edward 37, 52, 228

Hill, Jeffrey 265, 328, 338, 342, 344, 348

historical readers 33, 43, 48, 260261, 386

historical writing in local newspapers 194195, 285, 378

by local newspaper editors 193194

history of reading 26

Hodgson, William Ballantyne 51

Holden, Moses 301302

holiday, Saturday half-day 84, 90, 118, 378

Hollingworth, Brian 322

home as a newspaper-reading place 33, 38, 55, 5758, 60, 64, 75, 88, 355, 360, 381, 383

human interest stories 201

Hunt, Frederick Knight 7

Hunt, Henry 76

hybrid national-local publications 12

illiteracy 23, 35, 55, 66

Illustrated London News 12, 79, 106, 133, 135, 147, 232, 236237, 250251, 261

Illustrated Police News 86, 147, 251

imagined communities 113, 299

implied reader 1415, 4345, 48, 50, 60, 62, 66, 112, 260261, 386

India, Indian 126, 130131, 153, 156

Indian Mutiny 1857 126

influence 45, 14, 19, 21, 2324, 27, 29, 34, 39, 41, 66, 90, 104, 111, 114, 117, 152, 161, 182, 184, 214, 219, 244, 265, 288, 318, 324, 334, 378, 383

‘influential’ newspapers 4, 24, 27, 29, 34, 52

Institution for the Diffusion of Knowledge 7071, 77, 87, 215, 224, 229, 247

intensity of newspaper reading 6265

interpretive communities 2729, 33, 62, 6566, 85, 103, 144, 165, 188, 201, 261, 353, 370, 373

interviewing 202204

investigative journalism 202203

Ireland, Irish 31, 44, 76, 152, 155, 159, 165, 168, 170, 204, 207, 221, 232233, 295, 320, 297

Italy, Italian 126, 281, 378

iterative nature of newspapers 298

Jackson, Alexander 338

Janowitz, Morris 15, 64, 284, 356, 382

John Bull 55, 119, 251

Jones, Aled 1617, 49, 267, 282283, 298

Jones, T. Artemus 159

journalists 8, 14, 21, 23, 27, 29, 34, 62, 65, 143144, 154155, 157, 162, 164, 166, 174, 185, 192, 194197, 201206, 209210, 219, 245, 265, 273274, 282, 304, 314, 318, 320, 352353, 358, 367, 373, 377378, 381, 383, 387, 389, 391

Joyce, Patrick 16, 267, 271272, 298, 320

Kendal 136137, 144, 149, 165

Kendal Mercury 136, 165

Kennedy, John F. 309

Kent 37, 371

Kentish Independent 168169

Kidd, Alan 193

Kingsley, Charles 47

Koss, Stephen 22

Kristeva, Julia 123

Labour Party 79, 198, 351, 364

Lamb, Charles 13

Lancashire 27, 3032, 3741, 4647, 52, 54, 56, 64, 7879, 85, 92, 95, 97, 115116, 122123, 128, 138, 144, 147, 151, 155, 159160, 164, 167, 173, 181, 184186, 190191, 194, 198199, 207210, 217218, 224, 231, 233, 236239, 241244, 254, 258, 265, 277, 279280, 291, 293, 302306, 308310, 312, 314323, 327329, 331333, 335336, 339, 342343, 350, 355, 359360, 370, 372374, 377, 381

Lancashire Catholic 95, 291

Lancashire Daily Post 3738, 4647, 52, 95, 97, 116, 198, 242243, 258, 355

Lancashire dialect 185, 277, 302304, 306, 308, 312, 317318, 321, 350, 381

Lancashire Evening Post 46, 128, 138, 198199, 207210, 236237, 239, 291, 329, 331335, 337339, 342, 344345, 370

Lancaster 7, 15, 4950, 54, 58, 71, 92, 144, 163164, 171, 188189, 195, 239240, 243244, 251, 258259, 355356, 372, 375

Lancaster Gazette 7, 144, 164, 195

Lancaster Observer 50

Langley, Walter 263

Latin 63, 301, 321

Law, Graham 10, 149, 192, 204, 207, 244

Lee, Alan 17, 299, 330

Leeds 12, 57, 113, 115, 148, 154, 165, 167, 179, 220, 245247, 257, 280, 320, 352353

Leeds Mercury 148, 154, 165, 167, 179, 220, 245247, 257, 353

Leicester 179, 280, 352

Leicester Chronicle 179

Leicestershire Mercury 352

Leigh, John Garrett 58, 244, 247, 254

letters to the editor 27, 4749, 53, 56, 58, 65, 103, 171, 190, 197, 204205, 216, 281, 284, 289290, 294295, 306, 311, 318, 334, 350, 352355, 360362, 364, 367, 370372, 375, 377378, 384, 391

male pseudonyms of women writers 56

women hiding their gender 56

working-class writers hiding their class 58

Liberal Club 64, 9192

Liberal party, Liberals 3, 23, 32, 4445, 47, 53, 61, 6465, 84, 86, 9092, 102, 107, 152, 154155, 161, 177, 179181, 207, 209, 211, 216218, 231, 237, 242, 245, 247, 256, 276, 295296, 367368, 370, 372, 389

Preston Guardian links 154, 207, 209, 295, 370

Liberal Working Men’s Club 84, 86

libraries as newspaper-reading places 5, 17, 27, 49, 55, 59, 353, 374, 383

Liddle, Dallas 191, 204, 318

Lincoln 222223, 228229, 243, 248, 253

listening to newspapers being read aloud 33, 6768, 73, 90, 117, 119, 138, 213, 301302, 324. See also communal newspaper reading

literacy 23, 3538, 40, 50, 66. See also signature at marriage as literacy measure

as a spectrum 35

as communal asset 16, 2829, 36, 38, 48, 66, 73, 211, 349

as individual asset 41

functional 38

Literary and Philosophical Institute 70, 72, 80, 87, 109

Liverpool 3, 7, 22, 31, 51, 57, 61, 7476, 95, 113, 115, 118, 128, 132, 134, 138, 148150, 167168, 171172, 179, 191, 205, 208, 217, 222223, 229230, 232, 234, 236237, 241, 243253, 257, 259, 283, 287, 307, 313, 366, 377

Liverpool Albion 3

Liverpool Chronicle 3

Liverpool Courier 3

Liverpool Daily Post 148

Liverpool Lyceum 132, 191, 222223, 229, 243, 247249, 252253

Liverpool Mail 3

Liverpool Mercury 128, 134, 179, 217, 234, 245, 247

Liverpool Weekly Post 57, 118, 208, 245

Livesey, Joseph 153154, 156, 179180, 197, 209, 257

Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper 12, 147, 168, 184, 244

local correspondents 157, 164

local government reorganisation 16, 374, 379

local identity 14, 16, 23, 27, 34, 60, 172, 178, 187, 261, 263265, 267274, 279, 282, 284285, 287, 289, 296, 298, 302, 313, 324325, 328329, 337, 339, 347350, 358, 361, 374375, 378379, 381382, 385

techniques for promoting 261, 265, 274, 287, 298

local newspaper markets 143, 149150, 154, 162

segmentation of 149

local newspapers 4, 79, 1213, 1516, 25, 3334, 3637, 39, 42, 52, 6264, 6667, 70, 109, 111, 130, 141, 149, 158, 174, 191193, 195196, 208, 212214, 223, 260261, 278, 313, 321, 348350, 352353, 360, 377, 379, 382

local patriotism 16, 21, 34, 179, 268, 271, 274, 280, 283, 293, 298, 302, 309, 316, 327328, 330, 333, 348, 350, 381

local print ecology 46, 152

London 312, 14, 2125, 30, 42, 50, 5557, 65, 70, 79, 86, 103, 106, 113115, 118, 120, 125130, 132133, 135, 139, 143144, 146150, 154155, 160, 166168, 170171, 174, 180, 182184, 187188, 192, 195, 197, 200206, 208, 210211, 213215, 217224, 226, 228229, 233, 235237, 240241, 243253, 255, 258261, 279280, 282, 292, 302, 304, 312, 322, 330331, 338, 342343, 358, 370371, 375377, 381382, 385, 387391

as local 4, 6

as metropolitan 5, 11, 17, 22, 2425, 42, 56, 60, 64, 114, 120, 127, 139, 141, 157, 162, 168, 170, 180, 182, 205, 208, 211, 220, 248, 273, 332, 356, 358, 371, 385, 392

papers 45, 812, 21, 42, 125, 129130, 132, 139, 147, 149, 171, 180, 187, 215, 220222, 224, 228, 246, 248250, 260, 282, 358, 370, 375, 377, 381, 385, 388

London Evening Standard 115, 168, 217, 226, 250

London Journal 150, 214, 235

London letter 203205

long-term newspaper reading 128, 131, 135

Longworth, David 86, 185

Lonsdale, James 376

Lopatin, Nancy P. 18

Lucas, Peter 316, 320

Lucy, Henry 372

‘magazine day’ 120

magazines 34, 10, 12, 18, 21, 26, 33, 43, 46, 52, 54, 62, 64, 72, 77, 8082, 8485, 8788, 90, 9495, 99100, 103, 107112, 114, 119120, 122, 124, 128, 131, 133, 136, 139140, 147150, 152, 160, 166, 173, 175, 184185, 190195, 197, 199, 202205, 209210, 213216, 218226, 231, 234235, 239, 244, 247248, 250253, 256, 258261, 269, 275276, 280, 291, 321, 355356, 368369, 390391

‘magazinization’ of newspapers, New Journalism as 24, 52

Magnetic Telegraph Company 73, 85, 170

Maidment, Brian 20, 152, 322

Maidstone 37, 228, 371

Maidstone Gazette 228

manager, newspaper 145, 162, 198

Manchester 3, 7, 1112, 20, 26, 31, 44, 57, 81, 95, 104106, 113115, 118, 121122, 124, 128, 131, 134, 138, 148150, 154, 164165, 171, 174, 184185, 191, 210, 215, 217218, 221, 225, 231232, 234, 236237, 240241, 243248, 250, 252254, 257259, 265, 283, 314, 330, 359, 365366, 372, 375, 377, 388, 391

Manchester Courier 3

Manchester Evening Chronicle 106

Manchester Examiner & Times 314

Manchester Guardian 3, 114, 128, 134, 148, 154, 164, 167, 234, 236237, 244248, 265, 314315, 372

Manchester Times and Examiner 114, 217

Manchester Weekly Express 121122, 232

Manchester Weekly Times 57, 118, 148, 184, 218, 232233, 243244

maps in local newspapers 278, 285

market day as publication day 112, 118, 141

Marr, Andrew 265

Marx, Karl 34, 31, 381

Mason, Anthony 329

mastheads 275277

Matthews, Rachel 19

Mayhew, Henry 204

mechanics’ institute 6971, 74, 7778, 80, 86, 92, 97, 103104, 109, 120, 154, 215, 217, 222224, 229, 246247, 249, 252

medium-term newspaper reading 132

Melly, George 367, 372

Merthyr Tydfil 283

Methodist 44, 64, 218

metropolitan as default 25

middle-class newspaper readers 4445, 50, 57, 6061, 103, 109, 158, 208, 244, 260, 381, 383, 388

Middlesbrough 36, 38, 54, 57, 119, 207, 209, 241242, 254, 271, 292, 320

Midlands 197198, 280, 336, 340, 369

migrants 31, 40, 233, 374

Milne, Maurice 282283

Milton, Frederick 357

miscellaneity 21, 272

mobility of local newspaper reporters 144145

monthlies 54, 80, 86, 120, 122123, 133, 219, 246, 252253, 312, 321

moonlighting 157, 173, 391

Moorman, Frederic W. 320

Morning Advertiser 146, 249250

Morning Chronicle 146, 249

morning edition 249

morning newspapers 113, 115, 127, 134, 146148, 167, 182, 204205, 208, 219, 228, 230, 243245, 247248

Morning Post 134, 146, 167, 249

Morning Star 65, 154, 206

MPs 3, 10, 173, 220, 278, 297, 297

Mudie’s circulating library 81, 87, 90

multiple editions 113

Mussell, James 35, 113

mutual improvement 80, 87, 163, 213, 358

Mutual Improvement Society 87

Napoleon III 127

national 45, 712, 1415, 19, 2223, 31, 33, 3940, 45, 66, 70, 73, 76, 78, 80, 82, 86, 9192, 97, 118, 125, 139, 141, 143, 146, 148, 152154, 157, 159, 161162, 165, 168, 173174, 178, 180181, 183185, 190, 192193, 207208, 210211, 214, 216, 232233, 235, 240241, 259, 267269, 276, 285, 311, 318, 322, 327, 330331, 333, 337338, 348, 356357, 360, 364, 367368, 370, 372, 377, 381, 384385, 387391

national identity 267

national network 4, 9, 45, 152, 157, 165, 338, 348, 357, 367368, 390

‘national’ newspaper, contested category 173174

National Reform Union 91, 216

national structure of local press 327, 337338, 348

nature clubs, children’s, in local papers 53, 272, 291, 358

network 45, 7, 910, 2122, 45, 114, 143, 152, 154, 157, 164165, 168, 174, 191, 194, 202, 210211, 269, 278, 338, 348, 351, 356357, 360, 367369, 378, 381382, 384, 390

Newcastle 5253, 138, 184, 206, 215, 223, 229, 243, 246247, 249, 253, 282283, 356357

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 5253, 184, 206, 356357

New Journalism 52, 149, 186187, 201204, 206208, 211, 249, 258, 272, 311, 327, 389

news addict 6365, 84, 138, 254

news agencies 5, 8, 168, 170, 173, 180, 241

newsagents 5, 20, 22, 63, 68, 70, 81, 83, 8690, 95, 97, 100102, 107109, 117, 122, 134, 188189, 219, 221, 231233, 244, 251, 257260, 383

newsboys 95

news gathering 140, 164, 166, 173174, 210, 388

News of the World 12, 147, 232, 243244, 257

newspaper offices 8, 69, 7374, 83, 97, 125, 131, 165, 193, 291, 334335, 382383

as newspaper-reading place 73, 83

crowds outside 7374, 97

Newspaper Press Directory 12, 150

newspaper proprietors 8, 62, 143, 145, 180, 197, 199, 201, 385

newspaper reading not really reading 38

Newspaper Stamp Committee 52, 189, 228, 257, 371

Newspaper Stamp Duty 144, 245

Newspaper Stamp, the 211, 220

newspaper trains 8, 182, 184

news rooms 26, 29, 55, 5960, 6774, 7681, 8388, 9194, 97, 100, 102105, 107109, 125, 131133, 139, 171, 179, 188189, 213, 215217, 219220, 222223, 225226, 228230, 233, 235, 247, 249251, 253, 256257, 259260, 294, 367, 370, 381, 383384, 386, 391

as alternative to pub 75

auctions 80, 128, 133, 135, 139

church-sponsored 78, 84

conversation 72, 78

fees 44, 87, 97, 149, 167

maps on the walls of 72

noisy 72, 104, 255

segregation by class 109

segregation by gender 55

social control 78, 103

state control 104

telegraphic 223, 229, 247248, 251

use by non-members 68

news vendors 73, 81

New Year 75, 190, 192

New York Herald 130, 204

New Zealand 171

Nicholson, Bob 160

Nisbet, J. F. 123

Nonconformism, Nonconformist 25, 28, 32, 44, 154, 200, 215, 218, 296

non-journalists as producers of journalism 27, 166, 171, 174, 192, 195. See also ‘amateur’ contributors

non-news content of newspapers 22, 38, 86, 93, 111, 147, 149, 159160, 186, 192, 207, 238, 251, 272, 308, 383, 385

Nord, David Paul 26, 48, 272, 349, 377

Northern Daily Telegraph 46, 242

Northern Star 1112, 19, 57, 113

Norwich 149, 189, 241, 357

‘notes and queries’ columns 193, 285

Nottingham 280, 320, 334

novels, serialized 26, 190, 202, 235, 279

Oakey, Henry 73, 87

obituaries 285, 310, 359

objectivity 21, 24, 39, 161162, 272

obsolescence of news 131132

Ogden, James 63, 83

Oldham 92, 164, 289, 309, 351

old newspapers, reading 80, 128, 133, 139

O’Neil, John 36, 46, 49, 63, 73, 75, 7778, 84, 9192, 107, 114, 118119, 126, 130, 133, 138139, 189, 216217, 247, 254, 259, 375

oral history of reading 5, 27, 36, 42, 4950, 52, 54, 5758, 115, 219, 226, 238239, 243245, 250251, 254, 258260, 352353, 374375, 381, 387

O’Reilly, John Boyle 154

original matter 148, 238

othering 196, 265, 270, 292293, 298, 328, 336, 347

Oval, the 343344

owner-editors 144, 178, 182, 187, 200, 205, 209210

pagination 191, 207, 241

Pall Mall Gazette 106, 147, 205, 226, 250

Palmer, William 114, 138, 217

Paper Duty 4

paragraphing, paragraphist 165166

Paris 156, 280

parish reading room 81

Parliament 11, 3233, 125, 141, 180, 186, 198, 205207, 231, 254, 343, 372, 382

Parliamentary reporting 206

Parliamentary reports 11

partly printed newspapers 12, 155, 168

Pawley, Christine 15

periodical time 112, 139

periodicity 140

Pink ‘Un 357

Pitman, Isaac 318

poetry 4, 19, 55, 63, 65, 136, 138, 150, 160, 190, 192193, 238, 269, 279, 285, 298, 306, 312, 314315, 318320, 322, 376, 378, 385, 390

political nature of local newspapers 325, 348, 370, 372

political participation beyond the franchise 23

Poor Law 65, 119, 166, 171, 294, 296, 301303, 297

Poor Law Guardians 119, 294, 296297, 297

Potter, Simon 10

Powell, Michael 20

Press Association 89, 85, 180181, 241, 259, 390

Preston 3, 27, 2934, 3637, 3941, 4456, 5862, 6574, 76, 78, 8084, 8695, 9798, 100108, 114120, 122, 124130, 133136, 138139, 141, 143146, 151167, 170173, 177181, 184189, 191, 194, 196199, 202203, 207211, 213217, 222224, 226230, 232236, 239240, 242245, 247248, 250255, 257259, 265, 270, 273281, 283286, 288296, 298299, 302, 308, 311313, 315317, 321, 325, 327329, 331339, 341348, 350351, 353354, 356, 358364, 366378, 383385, 297

low standard of education 41

Preston Advertiser 86

Preston Argus 321

Preston Chronicle 3, 47, 56, 5961, 68, 8688, 106, 117, 119120, 125, 128, 144145, 152154, 159, 161, 163, 171172, 177181, 184, 186187, 190191, 193194, 197198, 202, 207210, 213, 216, 233234, 236, 245, 247, 253254, 273, 276281, 288, 293, 295296, 298, 302, 308, 311312, 315316, 331334, 344346, 348, 365, 368, 370, 297

Preston Daily Guardian 181

Preston Evening News 122, 181

Preston Football News 185

Preston Guardian 3, 20, 37, 4447, 5254, 65, 68, 86, 8889, 97, 114, 127, 133, 143146, 152162, 164167, 170171, 173, 177179, 181, 184185, 190191, 196, 198199, 207209, 232236, 257258, 274, 276, 278, 280, 288, 291, 295296, 303, 329, 331333, 354, 358, 370, 372, 297

Preston Herald 4547, 59, 61, 72, 76, 82, 88, 90, 114, 125128, 130, 144145, 149150, 155156, 160162, 172174, 178179, 184185, 191, 198, 202, 207, 209210, 217, 233236, 249, 257, 276, 278, 280, 285286, 288290, 294296, 331334, 336339, 342347, 353354, 358359, 361363, 368370

Preston Illustrated General Advertiser 72

Preston Journal 152, 179

Preston Monthly Circular 292, 358

Preston North End 97, 289, 293, 327328, 331, 333334, 336348, 388

Preston Observer 156

Preston Pilot 6869, 87, 90, 153, 179, 196, 276277, 367

Price, Leah 34

Priestley, J. B. 5, 388

Printers’ Register 3, 127, 303

prints given with local newspapers 276

Procter, Richard Wright 131

profession, journalism as 192, 196

Proffitt, John 8182, 189

profitability 154

pronouns, first-person plural 274

Protestant 294, 355, 366

Proust, Marcel 42

provincialism of London newspapers 11, 22

Provincial Newspaper Society 8, 180, 182

provincial press co-operation 5, 8, 19, 180

pub as newspaper reading-place 55, 70, 7375, 91, 100, 107, 109, 126

reading newspapers aloud in 67, 7677

public libraries 55, 93, 102105, 107108, 120, 122, 124, 215, 220, 224226, 228, 241, 243, 250, 252253, 255, 259, 271, 384

cross-class 250

public sphere 16, 23, 29, 33, 38, 58, 105, 192, 195, 201, 206, 261, 338, 341, 349, 353354, 360, 362364, 367368, 370371, 373, 378, 382, 384, 389

publisher, local newspaper as 10, 19, 160, 193, 279, 373

Punch 44, 133, 135, 160, 236237, 250251, 261

Quarterly Review 133, 246

Radcliffe 64, 189, 218, 308

Radical 44, 57, 108, 145, 154, 156, 173, 215216, 231, 233, 248, 257, 288, 290, 294295, 317

Radical newspapers 57

railway station as newspaper-reading place 9597, 357

rain and reading 91, 122123

Read, Donald 18

readers as poachers (De Certeau) 4748, 66

reading communities 103, 139, 191, 220, 261

reading places 26, 30, 49, 64, 68, 70, 7374, 8384, 9193, 9798, 103, 105, 107, 109, 115, 117, 120, 125, 139, 214, 219, 235, 246248, 250251, 253, 261

Reform Act 1867 33, 321

Reform Club 64, 94

Reform Union 91, 179, 216

regional identity 9, 280, 309, 340

Reid, Thomas Wemyss 154, 196

reporters 24, 33, 59, 143146, 154, 156, 158, 162164, 166, 168, 174, 177, 197, 199, 210211, 259, 301, 303, 306, 311, 314, 316, 328, 331, 347, 351, 359, 390, 392

reprinting material from other publications 185

Reuters 170, 181, 259

Reynolds, George W. M. 14

Reynolds’s Miscellany 214, 235

Reynolds’s Newspaper 147, 168, 184, 232

Ribble, river 153, 341, 350, 297

ritual, newspaper-reading as 27, 29, 33, 67, 112, 116118, 123124, 130, 139

Roberts, Elizabeth 37, 4950, 98

Robinson, James 8687

Rochdale 63, 83, 92, 106, 231233, 238, 280, 320, 322

Rochdale Observer 83, 232233, 322

Rome, Roman 281, 297298

Rose, Jonathan 42, 351

Rowbotham, Judith 24

Royle, Edward 268, 270

Rubery, Matthew 318

Russell, Dave 267268, 304, 309, 320

Russell, Edward 198

Russia 313, 357

Russo-Turkish War 1877-78 128, 217, 241

sales of provincial newspapers 182, 188, 195, 209, 211, 219222, 231, 233, 246, 257, 259260

Salford 97, 254

Salveson, Paul 315, 320

satirical magazines, provincial 150, 185, 210, 275276

Saturday editions 45, 160, 171, 332, 337

Saturday papers 114, 329

Saturday sports specials 330

Savage, Michael 32

Scotland, Scottish 115, 174, 181, 204, 207, 240, 280, 328, 339, 375

Scott, C. P. 198, 265

Scott-James, Rolfe Arnold 272

Scott, J. W. Robertson 130

scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings 49, 128, 136138, 356, 359, 369

second-hand newspapers, magazines and reviews, sale of 62, 64, 8081

auctions of second-hand newspapers and magazines 60, 62, 132, 134

Secord, James A. 49, 390

self-improvement 384

semi-literate 3738, 66

sense of place 1216, 21, 31, 263, 268, 324, 378, 382, 388, 390

serial fiction 10, 55, 130, 148, 150, 186, 203204, 251

Shakespeare, William 322

Shannon, Mary 14

Shattock, Joanne 20

Sheffield 49, 77, 104105, 148, 167, 206, 282, 329, 349350

Sheffield Daily Telegraph 148, 167

shops not classed as newsagents selling newspapers 70, 82

shorthand 144, 157, 164, 318

short-term newspaper reading 131

signature at marriage as literacy measure 39. See also literacy

Silberstein-Loeb, Jonathan 180

silent newspaper-reading 67, 7677, 104105, 107, 109

size, physical, of newspapers 171, 186, 190191, 207, 210, 305, 364, 382. See also pagination

Smith, Mary 56, 65

smoking and newspaper reading 103, 107, 116

Snow, W. Parker 132

social class of newspaper readers 18, 20, 3134, 36, 40, 42, 4450, 54, 5658, 6061, 6366, 69, 7475, 7779, 8384, 9091, 97100, 103, 106109, 115116, 119120, 125, 127, 138139, 141, 147148, 154, 158, 162, 165, 173, 193, 195, 208, 214215, 218, 221222, 224, 228, 231, 233, 240245, 247248, 250254, 256261, 267268, 281, 283, 302303, 306312, 314325, 327328, 340341, 353, 356, 358, 381, 383384, 386, 388

comparison with library-book borrowers 59

Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge (SPCK) 87

sociolect 323

sockpuppeting 352

Sommerville, Charles John 140

South Africa 32, 376

Southport 123, 366, 375

Southport Visiter 123, 375

speed, accelerating 8, 125, 138

Sporting Life 232, 253254

sporting newspapers 253, 349

sports news 209, 330, 333334

Stafford, Fiona 13

Staffordshire 128, 144, 172, 355, 374

Staffordshire Sentinel 128, 172

Stam, David 132

Stam, Deirdre 132

Stamp Duty 35, 6970, 115, 148149, 152, 154, 220, 245, 257

Stamp Duty statistics, limitations of 152153

Standen, Robert 191

standing to read 72, 83, 85, 91, 94

Stanley, Edward Smith 76

Stanley family 294295

Stanley, Henry Morton 62

Stead, W. T. 201202, 205206, 352

Stedman Jones, Gareth 321

Stephenson, Tom 37, 98

stereotyping 168169

Stetz, Margaret 9

St Helens 58, 99, 119, 243244, 247, 253254

Storey, Samuel 173

street as newspaper-reading place 73, 98, 109

street sellers of newspapers 95, 190

Streight, W. 312

strikes and reading 124, 141

stringers 170, 173

style-shifting 303

subsidy, political 19, 47, 154, 156, 209210

Sudell, William 339, 346

summer reading decline 122123, 141

Sunday newspapers 12, 22, 107, 118, 147, 168, 184, 202, 219, 244, 258

Sunday reading 119

Sunday School 41, 70, 118

Sunderland 173, 283

supply and demand 90, 92, 126

surveys of working-class newspaper reading 49, 54, 100, 119, 254, 258, 329, 351

suspense and newspaper reading 130

Sussex 173, 257, 357

Sussex Agricultural Express 173, 357

syndicates 10, 173, 209

‘Taxes on Knowledge’ 3, 67, 143, 177, 213

telegrams 68, 97, 125126, 131, 141, 181

telegraphing of news 9, 148, 170, 173, 382

telegraph machines in newsrooms 85, 171

telegraphs, nationalisation of 8, 86, 180181, 240

temperance 12, 44, 156, 185, 209, 252, 278, 285, 383

temperance publications 156, 369

Temple Bar 133, 252

Thackeray, William Makepeace 193, 196

Thatcher, Margaret 310

The Journalist and Newspaper Proprietor 55, 166

Thompson, Michael 132, 136

threats to the provincial press 260, 293

Tillotson, William 206, 238

time capsules, local newspapers buried in 131, 135, 137

time, circular 122123, 129

time, cyclical 112, 124

time limits on newspaper reading 118

time, linear 112, 122124, 130

time of reading 54, 90, 118, 111141, 119, 123124, 131132, 135, 139141

Times 4, 11, 2122, 68, 114, 128, 132136, 143, 146, 148, 157, 167168, 170, 208, 228, 240, 243, 246, 248250, 259, 386

anomaly 22

as morning newspaper template 148, 208, 248

Tit-Bits 185, 210, 252

Tiverton 287

toilet as a newspaper-reading place 88

toilet paper, newspapers as 131

Tories 32, 4445, 47, 90, 153, 155, 160161, 207, 209, 216217, 235, 254, 276, 284, 295297, 297, 297

Toulmin, George 45, 154, 161162, 177, 179181, 188, 198, 206, 209, 335

Toulmin, James 45

Toulmins, the 173, 179, 181182, 208210, 291, 329

trade depressions and reading 124

Trades union rooms 92

Tulloch, John 203

Tupper, Martin 192

Turner, Mark 111

Twitter 56, 140

Tyldesley, Thomas 194, 208

Ulverston 56, 171, 256, 292, 296, 373

Ulverston Advertiser 56, 256, 296

Uncle Ned 68, 84

United Kingdom 8, 11, 81, 159, 164, 168, 171, 173, 190, 205

United States 14, 26, 48, 130, 138, 155, 201202, 205206, 277, 309, 375, 378

Vernon, James 23, 74, 309

Vickery, Amanda 284

Victorian 4, 6, 910, 1314, 1618, 2123, 25, 2728, 3536, 54, 67, 74, 84, 110111, 117, 125, 131, 136138, 143144, 146, 148, 152, 159160, 166, 170, 174, 187, 192, 194, 196, 204, 213214, 219, 249, 267, 271, 273, 288, 293, 299, 350, 352, 364, 385, 387, 390392

visitors’ book 354, 371

visitors’ lists 123

Vulcan 275276, 288

Wadsworth, Alfred 372

Wakefield 144, 257

Wakefield Herald 144, 257

Wales, Welsh 49, 146, 267, 270, 282283, 292, 299, 323

Waller, Lisa 13, 281

Walmsley, Benjamin 187188, 190, 196, 200, 344

Walton, John 49

Warhol, Andy 377

wartime publishing 115, 126, 128129, 131, 141

wartime reading 126129

Waugh, Edwin 238, 314, 317, 365

weeklies 4, 53, 58, 64, 117118, 120, 147, 149, 153154, 160, 168, 184, 198, 205, 217218, 221, 228, 230, 234235, 238, 244, 248, 252, 256, 329

weekly news miscellany 55, 208, 244, 356

weekly newspapers 57, 133134, 144, 156, 169, 193, 195, 219, 231, 233, 244, 259, 284, 390

weekly reading 114

West Bromwich Albion 337, 342

Westminster 37, 52, 215, 228, 387

Westminster Review 37, 52, 215, 228

Westmorland 136, 149, 374

Westmorland Gazette 136, 149

Whigs, Whiggish 24, 32, 145, 284, 295

Whitty, Edward James 205, 208, 257

W. H. Smith 90, 97, 188189, 245246

Wiener, Joel 24, 138, 201203

Wilcockson, Isaac 61, 179, 197

Wilks, Washington 65, 154

Williams, Raymond 25, 36, 109

Wilson, John Thomas 60, 128, 217

Winckley Club 6062, 7172, 74, 8081, 87, 97, 103, 117, 120, 122, 127, 130, 133–135, 139, 247–249, 251–253

Wolff, Michael 20

Wolverhampton 144, 336, 338339, 374

Worcester 138, 280

Wordsworth, William 13, 217

Lyrical Ballads 13

workhouse as newspaper-reading place 16, 59, 100, 108, 119, 349350

working-class newspaper readers 324

working men’s club 59, 84, 8688, 92, 94, 125, 139, 222223, 229, 244, 247, 251253, 278, 295, 374

Working Men’s Club 59, 87, 125, 139, 252

Wright, Thomas 226

Wyke, Terry 20

York 14, 7879, 358

Yorkshire 105, 120, 144, 233, 313314, 320, 330

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) 87, 115

Young Men’s Club 73, 80

Zboray, Mary Saracino 26, 48

Zboray, Ronald J. 26, 48