List of Tables and Illustrations
Chapter 2
Fig. 2.1 |
Itineraries mentioned in the Stadiasmus (CAD Anne-Laure Pharisien/CReAAH). |
Fig. 2.2 |
Itineraries mentioned in Strabo’s Geography (CAD Anne-Laure Pharisien/CReAAH). |
Fig. 2.3 |
Weather conditions around Cyprus in December (CAD Anne-Laure Pharisien/CReAAH). |
Fig. 2.4 |
Weather conditions around Cyprus in June (CAD Anne-Laure Pharisien/CReAAH). |
Table 2.1 |
Comparison of the impact of weather conditions on navigation. |
Fig. 2.5 |
Akrai and akroteria in Strabo’s Geography (CAD Anne-Laure Pharisien/CReAAH). |
Fig. 2.6 |
Akrai and akroteria in the Stadiasmus (CAD Anne-Laure Pharisien/CReAAH). |
Table 2.2 |
Main akroteria and akrai mentioned in the Stadiasmus and in Strabo’s Geography. |
Chapter 3
Fig. 3.1 |
Kyrenia shipwreck. Plan and amidship cross-section (Steffy 1994). |
Fig. 3.2 |
Kyrenia shipwreck. Reconstructed hull lines (Steffy 1994). |
Fig. 3.3 |
Marsala shipwreck. Hull plan (Frost 1976). |
Fig. 3.4 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. General view of hull (Photo A. Chéné, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.5 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. Plan of the hull remains (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.6 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. Reconstructed hull lines (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.7 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. Amidship cross-sections (Drawing J.-M. Gassend, M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.8 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. General axonometric view (Drawing J.-M. Gassend, M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.9 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. Axial axonometric view (Drawing J.-M. Gassend, M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.10 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. Axonometric view of the keel, the double planking and the hull sheathing (Drawing J.-M. Gassend, M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.11 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. Axonometric views of the stem complex and the stern complex (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.12 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. 3D reconstruction of the hull shapes (Drawing Sistre international). |
Fig. 3.13 |
Madrague de Giens shipwreck. Detailed section of the keel area. Note the bolt joining the floor-timber to the keel (Drawing J.-M. Gassend, M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.14 |
Dramont A shipwreck. Axonometric view of the central part of the hull (Drawing Cl. Santamaria). |
Fig. 3.15 |
Jules-Verne 9 shipwreck. General view of the hull remains (Photo M. Derain, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.16 |
Jules-Verne 9 shipwreck. Cross-section of the hull remains (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.17 |
Jules-Verne 9 shipwreck. Axonometric view of the sewing and lashing of the hull assembly system (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.18 |
Jules-Verne 7 shipwreck. General view of the hull remains (Photo M. Derain, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.19 |
Jules-Verne 7 shipwreck. Amidship cross-section of the hull remains (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.20 |
Theoretical schema of the mortise-and-tenon joint (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.21 |
Jules-Verne 7 shipwreck. Schema of the mortise-and-tenon joint network (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.22 |
Jules-Verne 7 shipwreck. General axonometric view of the hull structure (toward the bow) (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.23 |
Ma’agan Mikhael shipwreck. Plan and longitudinal section of the hull remains (Kahanov, Linder 2004). |
Fig. 3.24 |
Ma’agan Mikhael shipwreck. Main cross-section of the hull remains (From Kahanov, Linder 2004). |
Fig. 3.25 |
Ma’agan Mikhael shipwreck. Top view of the bow with the sewn bow knee (Kahanov, Linder 2004). |
Fig. 3.26 |
Trireme replica Olympias. General plans (J.F. Coates). |
Fig. 3.27 |
a- Baie de Briande shipwreck; b- Chrétienne A shipwreck. (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.28 |
Western Roman Imperial type: top- Laurons 2 shipwreck; bottom- La Bourse shipwreck (Marseilles) (P. Pomey, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.29 |
Yassiada 2 shipwreck. Cross-sections at frame B7 and B23 (van Doorninck 1976). |
Fig. 3.30 |
Yassiada 1 shipwreck. Amidship cross-sections (Steffy 1982). |
Fig. 3.31 |
Bozborum shipwreck. Cross-section of the hull (floor-timber 1) (Harpster 2002). |
Fig. 3.32 |
Mosaic of the frigidarium of the bath of Themetra (Tunisia, 3rd c. AD). Ship of Madrague de Giens type (Photo R. Guéry, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.33 |
Comparative sketch of the Themetra ship and the Madrague de Giens. Note the similarity of the hull profiles (Drawing M. Rival, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Fig. 3.34 |
Mosaic of the Syllectani in the Piazzale delle Corporazioni (Ostia Antica, late 2nd c. AD) (Photo A. Chéné, AMU, CNRS, MCC, CCJ). |
Chapter 5
Fig. 5.1 |
The evolution of the tonnage of the ships in the Hellenistic period from the shipwrecks. Graph by Emmanuel Nantet. CC BY. |
Table 5.1 |
The tonnage of the ships in the Hellenistic period from the shipwrecks. |
Fig. 5.2 |
The evolution of the tonnage of the boats mentioned in the papyri in the Hellenistic period. Graph by Emmanuel Nantet. CC BY. |
Table 5.2 |
Estimated number of shipments required for the supply of Rome. |
Table 5.3 |
The gifts of the Western Mediterranean powers to the Romans from the second half of the 3rd century to the first half of the 2nd century BCE (after Garnsey 1996, 241-246). |
Chapter 6
Fig. 6.1 |
Simplified topography of the Canopic region (After Goddio 2007, 17, fig. 1.15.) |
Fig. 6.2 |
Starboard heel of 8 degrees of the hull of ship 17 from Thonis-Heracleion in Formsys HydroMax. Loadcase of 113 tons, freeboard of 0.64 m. CC BY 4.0. |
Fig. 6.3 |
Mortise in the central segment K6 of the proto-keel of ship 17 viewed from above (Photo: C. Gerigk © Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation). |
Fig. 6.4 |
Outer surface of ship 17’s keel segment K6 (Photo: Author © Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation). |
Fig. 6.5 |
Salinity (‰) on the surface of the Mediterranean coast of Egypt in October 1982 and on the surface of the Bay of Abukir in March 1970 (Charts: Author, after Halim & Morcos 1995 and El-Sharkawy & Sharaf el Din 1974). |
Fig. 6.6 |
Mosaic from the Square of Corporations in Ostia representing a scene of transshipment of goods from a sea-going vessel to a riverine navis caudicaria (Photo: I. Sailko, CC BY-SA 3.0, |