|Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld TFCA (Southern Africa) 465–466
abalone (Haliotis spp.) 273
acidification, of oceans 186
acid rain 213
Addo Elephant National Park (South Africa) 278, 389
Adeso (Horn of Africa) 361
African Parks 43, 444, 446–447, 498
agriculture. See also crops; See also crops
climate change 190
marginal lands 533
perverse subsidies 40
sustainable practices 526–528, 530
Aichi Biodiversity Targets 431, 478–480
air quality, monitoring 106
Albertine Rift (Central Africa) 79, 475–476
blooms 210
relationship with coral 187
Alliance for Zero Extinction 471
ex situ conservation 411
translocation 407
Animal Demography Unit (ADU, South Africa) 572
Anthropocene 258
APLORI (A.P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute, Nigeria) 576–579
aquaria. See ex situ conservation
aquatic ecosystems. See also freshwater ecosystems, marine ecosystems; See also freshwater ecosystems, marine ecosystems
biomes 26
eutrophication 210
monitoring 66–67, 105, 330, 332
archaea, antibiotics 117
Arusha Manifesto 36
assisted colonisations/migrations 384, 405–407
assisted reproductive technologies 414–417
avoidance costs 119
plastic-degrading 237
species diversity 82
balance of nature 494
Bandiagara Escarpment (Mali) 327
baobab (Adansonia digitata) 91
as biological control 106
pollinators 101
benefit sharing 498
bequest values 116
beta diversity 80
bilharzia/schistosomiasis 149, 242
bioaccumulation. See biomagnification
bioassays 330
bioblitzes 299
biochemical indicators 332
biocontrol. See biological control
biodegradation 207
definition 62
indexes 64
informatics 64
laws 29, 32–37, 428–441, 448–454
biogeographic transition zones 85, 471
biologging devices. See wildlife tracking
biological control 106–107, 109, 346–347
biological interactions
co-extinction 275
coextinction 183
ecosystem engineers 97
extinction cascades 98
maintenance 341
seed dispersal 102
biomimicry 113
biopiracy 123
bioregional management 493
biosorption 106
biotic attrition 182
BirdLife South Africa 221–222, 406
primary threats 328
black markets 567
botanical gardens. See ex situ conservation
breeding back (de-extinction) 285, 288
buffer zones. See zoning
bushmeat crisis 94–95, 218–220
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda) 23, 463
calendar, environmental 613–614
camera traps 309
CAMPFIRE (Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources, Zimbabwe) 537, 539
canine distemper virus 241
captive breeding. See also ex situ conservation
databases 408
pre-release training 392
risk of inbreeding 281
carbon cycle 99
carbon dioxide
Africa’s emissions 170
greenhouse gas 168, 170, 172–173
carbon trading 363
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 434
chronosequence studies 382
circadian rhythms 215
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) 432, 451
climate. See also temperature, precipitation
corridors 405
refuges 405
regulation (ecosystem service) 99–100
climate change
agriculture 190
assisted colonisations 405–407
biological interactions 182–183
biotic attrition 182
human-wildlife conflict 189
impact on people 176–177, 192–193
interaction with habitat loss 188–192
protected areas 502
refugees 176
reptiles 184
terrestrial ecosystems 178–179, 181–184
cocoa, shade-grown 527–528, 530
coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) 81
African origin 28
climate change 190
shade-grown 527
collaborators, working with 573–574
COMACO (Community Markets for Conservation, Zambia) 534–535
co-managed protected areas 465–466
co-management 37
community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) 535–536
community conserved areas 464
compensation payments 540
competing interests 52
conflict, environmental degradation 47, 92
conflicting priorities 449
confounding factors 332
connectivity. See also dispersal; See also dispersal
climate change 405
definition 395
loss 139–140, 148–149, 188–189
maintenance 396–397, 401–403, 533
advocacy 9
categories. See IUCN Red Lists
corridors. See connectivity
refugees 36
conservation biologists, roles 7, 9
conservation biology
ethical principles 16
interdisciplinary approach 9–10
normative discipline 3
societies 4
conservation categories, IUCN Red Lists 272–273, 312
Conservation International (CI) 472
Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) 5–7
consumers (trophic levels) 99
consumption. See also human population growth
globalisation 158
consumptive use values 94
contingent valuation 119
Concerning the Protection of the World’s Cultural and Natural Heritage 432
on Biological Diversity (CBD) 431
on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) 432, 451
on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals 432
on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (African) 36, 433
on the marine environment 433
Ramsar Wetlands 433
cooperative breeding 282–283, 388
coral reefs
climate change 186
restoration 362
species diversity 84
corridors. See connectivity
cost-benefit analysis 122, 385
course-filter assessments 274
crops. See also agriculture; See also agriculture
genetic diversity in wild 28, 68
human-wildlife conflict 541
originated in Africa 28
cross-fostering 392
diseases 241
private protected areas 41
cryopreservation 413
cycads (Encephalartos spp.) 28, 259
climate change 560
environmental impacts 148–149, 216, 269–270
removal 402
data reliability 319
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) 204–205, 207
debt-for-nature swaps 563
decision support tools 476, 478
decomposers (trophic levels) 99
deep ecology 117
deforestation. See forests
Demographic Species Knowledge Index 318, 407
demographic stochasticity 281–282
demographic studies 306–308. See also population viability analysis (PVA)
deoxygenation, of oceans 188
desertification 153, 156, 360–361
deserts, climate change 179–181
development corridors 532
use in biocontrol 347
diseases (and pathogens)
anthroponotic 241
keystone species 98
threat to biodiversity 238, 240–242
dispersal. See also connectivity; See also connectivity
distance sampling 302
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
barcoding 441
law enforcement 448
use in human-wildlife conflict 540–541
drones. See unmanned aerial vehicles
Dzanga-Sangha Project (Central African Republic) 487, 489
early warning systems 106
Earth observation satellites 333–338, 381
Earth Summit 431
Ebola virus 241
restoration. See restoration
succession. See succession
traps 386
extinct 259
naïve 276
relevant 388
economic development 557
economic growth 556
definition 70
healthy 328
productivity 99
resistance/resilience 328
transient 395
ecosystem services
definition 92
nonmaterial contributions 112–117
payments for 563
regulating services 96–102, 104–106, 109
wetlands 149
ecotones. See biogeographic transition zone
ethics 115
edge effects
protected areas 484
Edith Stephens Nature Reserve (South Africa) 523–525
effective population size (Ne) 313–314
electronic waste/e-waste 214
ecosystem engineers 97
genetic drift 278
globalisation 429
ivory burning 427
population declines 34, 227–229
taxonomic status 73
Embryo Plus (South Africa) 414–417
emergence of conservation 565–567
empty forest syndrome 220
Endangered Widlife Trust (EWT, South Africa) 286–287
awareness 112
crimes. See laws
impact assessments (EIAs) 437
justice 13
environmentalism 3
desertification 153
prevention 101
estuaries. See wetlands
de-extinction 288
ecotourism 115
Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS) 153–155
evolution 16
evolutionary significant units (ESU) 269–270, 380
exclusive economic zones (EEZ) 433
exotic species. See invasive species
experiments 382
ex situ conservation
diseases 242
cascades 98
committed to 261
debt 261
definition 259
estimating risk 309–314, 317–319
history of African 263, 266–268, 271
locations 268
multiple drivers 257
rates 259
rates in African 260
risk in small populations 277–285
species threatened with 271–276
vortex 284
extirpation, definition 259
extractive industries, working with 530–532
extractive reserves 466
facial recognition technologies 309
factor income 119
Fauna & Flora International (FFI) 136, 138
conservation tool 397
crop raiding 541
pastoralism 521
predator-proof 540
removal 397
strategic gaps 533
eutrophication 236
microdosing 526
overuse 525
challenges 64–66, 73, 77, 381–382
filter feeders, pollution monitoring 105
edge effects 142
biomagnification 207
primary threats 328
climate change 188
declining 220
perverse subsidies 121
sustainable. See Marine Stewardship Council
threatened species 219
unregulated 449
zoning 490
flagship species 471
flufftail, white-winged (Sarothrura ayresi) 155
focal species 471
food chains/webs
importance of plants 413
microplastics 210
forensics, environmental 441–443
forestry. See logging
mapping 338
market value 120
regulating water/soil quality 101–102
speed of regeneration 105
value 145
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) 452, 530
fossil fuels
hydrological fracturing 211
four Rs 482
fracking. See hydrological fracturing
Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) 52, 297
free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) 520
freshwater ecosystems
invasive species 236
laws 433
Freshwater Research Centre (South Africa) 269–270
frog, Hewitt’s ghost (Heleophryne hewetti) 257
debt-for-nature swaps 563
effectiveness 564–565, 567–568
multilateral organisations 562
NGOs 562
payments for ecosystem services (PES) 563
protected areas 501
trophy hunting 46
chytrid (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) 240–241
lists 64
malaria-killing 237
plastic-eating 106
Gaia hypothesis 96
Gambella National Park (Ethiopia) 144
Garamba National Park (DRC) 440, 498
gazelle, Speke’s (Gazella spekei) 281
general circulation models (GCM) 173, 175
pollution 236
recombination 68
genetically modified organisms (GMO) 237–238
genetic diversity
wild crops 28
genome resource bank 413
genotype 65
geospatial analysis 332–338, 381–383, 404
giraffes, taxonomic status 72
Global 200 ecoregions 471
Global Environment Facility (GEF) 562
consumption 158
global warming. See climate change
golden moles (Chrysochloridae) 74–75, 77
Ebola virus 241
ecotourism 114
hunting of 47
inbreeding 280
reintroduction 388
threat status 61
Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique) 300, 302
Green Belt Movement (Kenya) 355
greenhouse effect 168
greenhouse gases. See also carbon dioxide; See also carbon dioxide
definition 168
methane 172
nitrous oxide 173
greenwashing 558
gross domestic product (GDP) 556
groundwater pollution 211
corridors. See connectivity
definition 134
islands 135
stepping stone 401
habitat fragmentation
definition 138
dispersal 139
patch size 138
roads 472
seed dispersal 140
habitat loss
interaction with climate change 188–192
land grabbing 143–144, 171–172
parasites and diseases 240
protected areas 497
threatened species 328
habituated animals 392
hand-held devices 74, 558, 569
hard releases 393
head-starting 393
heavy metals
biomagnification 207
pollution 207
removal 106
hedonic pricing 119
HeroRATs 106
heterosis 278
hippopotamus, pygmy (Choeropsis liberiensis) 136, 138
hirola (Beatragus hunteri) 521
hotspots of biodiversity 472–473
human population growth. See also consumption
extinctions 258
Sub-Saharan Africa 2
human-wildlife conflict
climate change 189
crop-raiding 541
IUCN Task Force 542
roads 144
threatened species 219
hyacinth, water (Eichhornia crassipes) 236, 349
ex situ conservation 411
genetically modified organisms (GMO) 237
in small populations 280
invasive species 236
outbreeding depression 280
threat to biodiversity 73
hydrocarbons 212
hydrological fracturing 211, 560
hydropower. See dams
illegal wildlife trade. See also laws; See also laws
elephants. See elephants
magnitude 448
stimulation 567
Image Based Ecological Information System (IBEIS) 468
Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) 472
iNaturalist 569
inbreeding (and inbreeding depression) 278, 280–281
indicator species 105, 330–331
indirect use values 96–102, 104–106, 109, 112–117
Industrial Revolution 258
informal economies, law enforcement 450–451
unsustainable development 532
in situ conservation 406
integrated conservation and development projects (ICDP) 10, 534–536
integrated pest management (IPM) 348
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 174
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) 92, 123
intermediate disturbance hypothesis 298
international agreements. See laws, international
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) 107
international waters 433
introductions. See translocations
invasive species
characteristics 231
definition 231
laws regulating 438
monitoring 67
threatened species 328
IPAT equation 158
habitats as 135
Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG) 408
Green List of Protected Areas 499
Human-Wildlife Conflict Task Force 542
protected areas classification 466, 469
Red List of Ecosystems (RLE) 274, 471
Red List of Threatened Species 271–273, 312
ivory trade. See elephants
Kakum National Park (Ghana) 563
Kavango-Zambezi TFCA (Southern Africa) 398–400
Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) 472
Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens (South Africa) 579
Kruger National Park (South Africa) 34, 148, 302
Kyoto Protocol 434
Lake Chad, shrinking 212
Lake Victoria, extinctions 268
land degradation, economic losses 120
land grabbing 143–144, 171–172, 567
landmines, detection 106
landscape connectivity. See connectivity
landslides, deforestation 105, 283
lark, Liben (Heteromirafra archeri) 154–155
legislative prioritities 428–429
multi-level cooperation 452–454
legal title 520
air pollution 106
biosorption 106
light pollution 215
Lilongwe Wildlife Trust (Malawi) 48–51
limiting resources
definition 71
fluctuations 71
literature reviews 380
human-wildlife conflict 540–541
wildlife 467
living fossils 81
Living Planet Index 556
local adaptations 380, 388, 404
locally extinct, definition 259
local people, working with 496–498, 569, 572
overharvesting 226
sustainable practices 530, 532
threatened species 219
long-term studies 382
lungs of the planet 100
Maasai Mara National Reserve (Kenya) 140
macroinvertebrates 330
management. See also populations, ecosystems, protected areas; See also populations, ecosystems, protected areas
bioregional 493
co- 37
privately protected areas 41
threatened species 376, 378, 380–382, 384–386, 388, 391–396, 398–399, 401–411, 413, 415–417
mangroves. See also wetlands; See also wetlands
mangrove swamps. See also wetlands
loss 152
marine ecosystems
connectivity 402
laws 433
marine protected areas (MPAs) 480–482, 490
marine protected areas (MPAs) 479
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) 221–222, 452
mark-recapture surveys 302, 307
Marxan (conservation software) 441, 476, 478
mass extinctions 258
material contributions (ecosystem services) 93–94
Mau Forest Complex (Kenya) 101–102, 120
maximum sustainable yield 314
Mediterranean-type ecosystems 84
mesopredator release 540
definition 395
ex situ conservation 411
microloans 52
microplastics 210
laws 432
recovery 397
wildebeest 140
Millennium Seed Bank (UK) 410
minimum dynamic area (MDA) 313
minimum viable population (MVP) 311–314, 318
protected areas 502
working with 531
minnow, Maloti (Pseudobarbus quathlambae) 269–270
mite, varroa (Varroa destructor) 238–240
Miyawaki method (restoration) 359
model reliability 319
pollution monitoring 105
primary threats 328
aquatic ecosystems 66–67, 105, 330, 332
design principles 319
invasive species 67
populations 297–299, 302–309, 318–319
quadrat surveys 306
restoration projects 357
translocations 394
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 434
mountain-top extinctions 178
Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve (West Africa) 133
movies, contribution to conservation 112
Mpala Conservancy (Kenya) 467–468
mussel, Mediterranean (Mytilus galloprovincialis) 235
mutations, genetic diversity 65, 68
mutualistic relationships. See biological interactions
Nagoya Protocol 123
Namaqua National Park (South Africa) 116
Namibia, natural resource management 536
National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) 333
national parks. See protected areas
regeneration. See restoration
resources. See material contributions
selection 278
natural history
definition 376
importance 380
museums 62
naturalists 381
natural regeneration. See restoration
natural resources. See material contributions
nature deficit disorder 575
nature’s contributions to people (NCP). See ecosystem services
nested enterprises 566
Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Tanzania) 342, 450
niche models. See species distribution models (SDM)
non-consumptive use values 96–102, 104–106, 109, 112–117
non-governmental organisations (NGO) 43, 562
non-invasive techniques 308–309
nonmaterial contributions (ecosystem services) 112–117
normative discipline 3
nuclear power 561
cycling 339
loss in soil 340
pollution 210
obstructive mindsets 46
acidification 186
carbon absorption 186
deoxygenation 188
okapi (Okapia johnstoni) 14, 16
Ol Pejeta Conservancy (Kenya) 414–417
outbreeding depression 280, 404
overharvesting 94–95, 218–220, 222–226, 230, 328
atmospheric 434
formation 212
palustrine ecosystems 148
Pan-African Association for Zoos and Aquaria (PAAZA) 408
smuggling 440
traditional medicine 223
as biological control 107, 109
threat to biodiversity 238, 240–242
parasitic wasp (Anagyrus lopezi) 107, 109
Cape (Poicephalus robustus) 78–79
passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags 448
pathogens. See diseases
payment for ecosystem services (PES) 563
Peace Parks Foundation 493
penguin, African (Spheniscus demersus) 209, 309, 405–406
perch, Nile (Lates niloticus) 268
persistent organic pollutants (POP) 207
perverse subsidies 121–122, 363–364, 564
drift 206
persisting in environment 207
pest species. See invasive species
petroleum products. See fossil fuels
phenotype 65
phenotypic plasticity 277
photochemical smog 212
blindness 413
ecosystem productivity 99
ecotourism 116
IUCN evaluations 273
nutrient cycle 339
overharvesting 146–147, 219, 226
regulating water/soil quality 101–102
water cycle 339
micro- 210
pollution 208
reduced use 556
Pleistocene extinctions 263
poaching 453, 454. See also illegal wildlife trade; See also illegal wildlife trade
poisoning. See also pesticides; See also pesticides
invasive species 235
retaliatory 230
policies. See laws
market values 120
genetic 236
groundwater 211
heavy metal 207
laws 438
microplastics 210
noise 216
nutrient 210
persisting in environment 207
plastic 208
threatened species 328
population and habitat viability analysis (PHVA) 313
population, health, and environment (PHE) 5–7
bottlenecks 281
decline 556
definition 65
effective size of (Ne) 313–314, 317
estimating extinction risk 309–314, 317–318
minimum viable (MVP) 311–313, 318
monitoring 297–299, 302–309, 318–319
persistence of small 285
role of keystone species 97–98
source/sink 395
translocations 384–388, 391–394
population viability analysis (PVA) 309–314, 317–319
poverty, consequences 44
poverty, threats 46
biomes 70
climate change 175
Lake Chad 212
as biological control 106
biomagnification 207
exclusion zones 397
human-wildlife conflict 540–541
invasive species as 268
meso-predator release 540
metapopulation management 286–287
primary producers (trophic levels) 99
bushmeat 218
extinction debt 261
seed dispersal 102
ecosystem approach 471
gap analysis approach 334, 474
hotspot approach 472
optimisation approach 476, 478
species approach 471
wilderness approach 472
privately protected areas 40–42, 464–465
problem animals. See human-wildlife conflict
productive use values 94
protected areas
accommodating visitors 498–499
African network 479
climate change 502
downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADD) 502
fragmentation 484
funding 501
habitat loss 497
largest 492
paper parks 43
selection 469, 471–472, 474–476, 478
value of small 493
working with local people 496–498
publication, importance of 11, 394
public outreach 11, 574–575, 578–579
pygmy Rwandan water lily (Nymphaea thermarum) 406
quadrat surveys 306
quagga (Equus quagga quagga) 32, 285, 288
racing stripe darkling beetle (Stenocara gracilipes) 113
Rainforest Alliance 452
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 433
rapid biodiversity assessments (RAP) 299
reconciliation ecology 522
Red Lists. See IUCN Red Lists
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 564
climate 176
conservation 36
species 386
regulating services (ecosystem services) 96–102, 104–106, 109
regulations. See laws
ecosystem. See restoration
reintroductions. See translocations
religion, conservation 12
remote sensing 333–338, 381–382, 497
replacement costs 101, 119–120
climate change 184
sex determination 281
reserves. See protected areas
reservoirs. See dams
restocking. See translocations
adaptive 357
connectivity 396
coral reefs 362
forests 359
monitoring 357
planning 356
rivers 402
wetlands 359
resurrection biology. See de-extinction
retaliatory killings 540. See persecution; See also persecution
-botfly relationship 275
dehorning of 203
dispersal 379
globalisation 428
northern white (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) 414–417
population declines 230
southern white (Ceratotherium simum simum) 285, 379
rinderpest virus 98
Rio Summit 431
riparian zones, connectivity 396–397
rivers, restoration 402
rivet-popper hypothesis 96
habitat fragmentation 138, 472
sustainable development 533
rock art 13
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) 452
sacred spaces (and sacred species) 30–32, 146–147
Sahel ungulates, decline of 261
sandfish, Clanwilliam (Labeo seeberi) 386–387
Sapo National Park (Liberia) 136, 138
schistosomiasis/bilharzia 149, 242
seahorse, Knysna (Hippocampus capensis) 186
seascape connectivity. See connectivity
seasonal drylands
sea turtles
bycatch 317
head-starting 393
seed banks
ex situ conservation 410
seed scarification 102
self-organised actions 565–567
sensitivity analysis 317
sentinel species 106
Serengeti Ecosystem (Tanzania) 351–353
shade-grown crops 527–528, 530
Shamwari Private Game Reserve (South Africa) 41
sharks, value 115
shifting baseline syndrome 337
shifting cultivation 142
invasive species 232
sink populations 395
slash-and-burn agriculture 142–143
SLOSS (Single Large Or Several Small) debate 484
SMART (conservation software) 448
snail, Aldabra banded (Rhachistia aldabrae) 182–183
media 573
organisation (in wildlife) 388
Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) 4, 573–574
Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) 362
soft releases 392
conserving quality 100
quality regulation 101
source populations 395
definition 64
distribution models (SDM) 382–383, 404
lists 64
richness 80
spiritual ecology 12
stepping stone habitats 401
stop-over sites (migrations) 401
studbooks 411
sublethal impacts 181, 205, 340
Sub-Saharan Africa, definition xxvii
conservation 438
sustainable agriculture 526, 531
substitute species 383
succession 71
superorganism 96
surveys. See monitoring
sustainable agricultural intensification 526–527
sustainable development 533–536, 556–558
symbiotic relationships. See biological interactions
systematic conservation planning 474–476, 478
Table Mountain National Park MPA (South Africa) 461
Tana River Delta (Kenya) 151
tax incentives 438
taxonomic databases 64
taxonomists 62
temperature. See also climate change; See also climate change
biomes 70
lapse rates 178
species distributions 69
ecosystem engineers 97
traditional ecological knoweldge (TEK) 381
terrestrial ecosystems
climate change 178–179, 181–184
connectivity 396–397, 401, 403
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) 563
theory of island biogeography 134–135, 483
thermal shock 216
threat assessments. See IUCN Red Lists
threatened species
management 376, 378, 380–388, 390–398, 400–413, 415–417
primary threats 328
trade. See CITES
toad, Kihansi spray (Nectophrynoides asperginis) 407
traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) 381, 436
traditional medicine
impact 223
traditional peoples. See also customary laws; See also customary laws
tragedy of the commons 121
transfrontier conservation areas (TFCA) 38–40, 398–400, 493
transient ecosystems 395
amphibians 407
approaches 384
considerations 384–388, 391–394
need 384
treaties. See laws, international
tribal peoples. See traditional peoples
cascades 98
Tsitsikamma forest (South Africa) 33
turtle excluder devices (TED) 305
umbrella species 471
United Nations
Climate Change Conference 167
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) 432–433
Environmental Programme (UNEP) 430, 432, 562
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) 558–559
unsustainable development 532–533, 556
urban areas
ecosystem restoration 357, 359
urban heat island effect 217
Virunga National Park (DRC) 7, 28, 34
voluntary transactions 121
volunteer-based ecotourism 115
volunteers. See citizen science
poisoning 230
value 109
W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) Complex (West Africa) 486
weak governance/institutions 47
wealth, consumption 2, 157–159
weather forecasting 173
welwitschia (Welwitschia mirabilis) 34–35
conserving water/soil quality 100
laws 433
loss 149
pollution 208
value 149
ecotourism 375
southern right (Eubalaena australis) 375
whistle-blowing 450
wilderness areas
conservation priority 472
traditional people 516
corridors. See connectivity
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) 303, 305, 475–476
Wildlife Direct (Kenya) 450
wildlife trade. See also illegal wildlife trade
elephants. See elephants
illegal . See illegal wildlife trade
sanctions 451
sustainable 452
threatened species. See CITES
traditional medicine 223
wildlife trade . See also illegal wildlife trade
wilful ignorance 574
W National Park (West Africa) 493
Working for Water (South Africa) 346
Working on Fire (South Africa) 342–343
World Bank 562
World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) 432
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) 487, 489
Zakouma National Park (Chad) 444, 446, 447
Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) 408
Zoological Society of London (ZSL, UK) 575
zoos. See ex situ conservation