
Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) 155156, 165, 172

Académie Française 243

adaptation 27, 82, 89, 99100, 107, 109, 119, 121122, 228, 238

Æthelweard 56

Africa 4, 10, 40, 77, 111, 124, 137, 160, 210, 230

Afrikaans 13, 73

AI. See artificial intelligence (AI)

Akbar, Emperor 120

Aladdin 120, 122

Aldrin, Buzz 38

A Level (UK) 185

Alf layla wa-layla. See Arabian Nights, The

Ali Baba 120, 122

alienation 70

Al-Māwardī 116

alphabets 19, 81, 139, 140, 142, 196. See also script

Altshuler, Michael 26

Alzheimer’s disease. See dementia

Anglophone 3, 8, 137, 207, 211, 243

animal communication 226228, 250

anime 122123

anthropology 18, 45, 4763, 231

Appalachia 61

Arabian Nights: Sinbad’s Adventures (film) 122

Arabian Nights, The 114, 117, 119122, 130

Arabic 7, 12, 19, 29, 7779, 81, 109110, 116117, 119121, 123126, 130, 139, 145, 182, 250

Arab-Israeli conflicts 90

Aristotle 37

Armstrong, Neil 38

artificial intelligence (AI) 5, 37

ATTA (Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults). See Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA)

Atwood, Margaret 57

Australia 29

authentic text 165

Aymara 29

Azerbaijani 139, 141

Aztecs 55

Babalolá, Lékan 39

Balinese 117

Barnes, Julian 112, 114115, 118

England, England 112, 114, 118

Barpaga, Rinkoo 232234

Barth, John 122

Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor, The 122

Bassa 226

Baudelaire, Charles 39

‘Élévation’ 39

Beckett, Samuel 97

Ghost Trio 97

Beethoven, Ludwig van 97

Ghost Trio 97

behaviourism 224

Bell, Currer 136

Bengali 70, 73, 77, 82, 145, 182, 208210

Benhamou, Jessica 214

bilingualism 2, 45, 21, 29, 110, 133, 153, 156, 170, 178, 205, 208, 210, 213

biocultural diversity 47–63, 67

biodiversity ix, 4763, 125, 231, 249

biology 18, 49, 53, 58, 69

BirdLife International 61

birds 27, 47, 50, 53, 54, 56, 156, 172, 173, 190, 191, 227. See also naming: of birds

yellowhammers 228

Birds, The (project) 190191

Birksted-Breen, Noah 88

Birmingham 19, 8788, 102104, 188, 190, 193194, 231, 233234

Birmingham Repertory Theatre 188, 190, 193194

body language 191, 204, 250

in the workplace 204

body parts 74, 186, 192, 197

Borges, Jorge Luis 236

Boroditsky, Lera 28

‘How Languages Construct Time’ 28

borrowing. See linguistic borrowing

brain hemisphere 36, 139

Brave New Voices (project) 182

Brazil 40, 59

British Academy 217

Born Global: Implications for Higher Education 217

British Council 158, 210

Brontë, Charlotte 19, 131, 135136

Jane Eyre 19, 131, 134137, 148

Brown, Theodore L. 27

Buddhism 115117

Bulgarian 73, 7779, 81

Bulletproof Monk (film) 117118

C4 102

Calderón, Pedro 188

calque, calquing. See loan translation

Cambridge Handbook of Creativity, The 13

Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought, The 31

Cameron, David 10

Cangjie 55

career 20, 203222, 231, 234

cartoons 26, 32, 122, 240

Casasanto, Daniel 30

Catalan 7475, 81

CEFR. See Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Chaucer 56

Chekhov, Anton 9697

Cherry Orchard, The 97

Uncle Vanya 96

Ch’eng-en Wu 115

Journey to the West 115, 117

China 10, 55, 111, 113, 115116, 120, 230

Chinese 10, 19, 52, 55, 79, 109110, 112121, 131, 136, 142, 207, 227, 230, 250

Chomsky, Noam 224225

I-language and E-language 224

Christianity 115

Classic of Mountains and Seas 121

classroom language learning. See language learning: classroom language learning

cognition 2629, 37, 47, 140, 157, 208, 223, 225226

cognitive flexibility 160, 170

cognitive science 37, 226227

colonialism 910, 17, 59, 111, 230, 235, 242

colour 226227

comedy 19, 145, 195

comics 115118, 122123

Commedia. See Dante: Divine Comedy

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) 165

community languages 105, 207

conlangs. See constructed languages

conservation 4758, 6063, 67

constructed languages 223, 236, 238

High Valyrian 238

Quenya 238

Sindarin 238

convergence. See language convergence

corpus 37, 43, 207

Côte d’Ivoire 160

creative arts 3, 87105

Creative Commons licence 4

creative economy 87105

creative personality 157

creativity. Passim

general creativity 152161, 165166

linguistic creativity. Passim

Crystal, David 22, 177, 225, 230, 238241

Language Play 238

culture. Passim

cultural change 58

cultural diversity 8, 4849, 68, 181, 226, 264 and passim

cultural identity 11, 55, 226, 237 and passim

curiosity 151, 157158, 164165, 174, 209

curriculum 163, 182

Czech 77

Daily Mail 103

dance 40, 91, 134, 231, 251

dancehall. See music: dancehall

Dani 226

Danish 73, 75

Dante 132, 134135

Divine Comedy 132133, 135

Daoism 115117

Darwin, Charles 4849, 62

Descent of Man, The 48

Dastān of Amīr Ḥamza. See Ḥamzanāma

Declaration of Belém 59

Defiance (series) 238

dementia 178, 209, 253

Devanagari 139

Devilman 102

Devine, George 98

Dewaele, Jean-Marc 159

dialect 56, 79, 81, 103, 133, 141, 178, 207, 227230, 246

dictionary 33, 56, 132133, 190, 205207, 213, 218, 242243

Digital Arts and Humanities Commons (DAHC) 143

digraphic languages 139

discourse analysis 58

diversity. See biocultural diversity; See biodiversity; See culture: cultural diversity; See language: diversity

Dizzee Rascal 102

Dollinger, Stephen 157

Dothraki 20, 235, 238, 246

drama 17, 19, 87105, 108, 144, 158, 181, 188190, 192197, 200, 213

Dudrah, Rajinder 88

Dugdale, Sasha 92, 100

Dungeons & Dragons 5

Duolingo 212, 236, 238

Dutch 14, 73, 75, 8081, 186

Dutch East India Company 111

East India Company 111

ecolinguistics 58

Edmondson, Willis 161

education 2, 3, 7, 8, 36, 71, 219, 234. See also language learning

emojis 6, 190

emotions 1, 11, 29, 157159, 164166, 173174, 180, 191, 239

empathy 160, 166, 175, 219

England 5, 54, 6970, 111114, 118, 144, 151, 153, 158159, 163, 188, 208

English 23, 712, 1415, 17, 26, 2829, 3133, 35, 3940, 4243, 5254, 56, 6971, 73, 7577, 79, 8182, 9293, 100, 109114, 116120, 122123, 126, 132134, 136137, 139140, 143146, 151, 162, 177178, 180, 182, 186187, 189, 206209, 211, 213, 216, 227, 229230, 240, 242243, 245, 250

as lingua franca 8, 10

‘plain English’ 206207

Queen’s English 12

Scouse 5

Englishness 112

environment 56, 8, 16, 29, 36, 42, 4763, 92, 120, 123, 157158, 178, 217, 226227, 231, 250

eponyms 53

Esperanto 20, 236237

Ethiopia 111

ethnobiology 59

Ethno-ornithology World Atlas (EWA) 18, 63, 67

etymology 34, 7175, 206, 238, 250

Evans, Nicholas 58

evolution 48, 52, 56, 67, 246

Fairbanks Jr., Douglas 123

false friends 32, 250

Faroese 73

Farsi 119, 145

Fauconnier, Gilles 31

Featherstone, Vicky 98

Feld, Steven 50

feng shui 112113

film 9, 17, 90, 92, 96, 99, 107, 116, 118, 122123, 136, 200, 213215, 222, 251

First International Congress of Ethnobiology 59

flexible thinking 158, 164, 166, 174

folklore 121

folk song. See music: folk song

food 8, 1415, 57, 111, 116, 166167, 185, 198, 213, 222, 242

foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) 159

foreign language enjoyment (FLE) 159

foreignness 6983, 101, 112

French 910, 12, 14, 17, 33, 52, 69, 7377, 8082, 110, 120121, 124, 126, 132133, 152153, 160, 162, 165166, 171, 174175, 180182, 185, 192, 195, 206210, 214, 243, 250

Frisian 73

Friulian 69, 74

funk. See music: funk

Game of Thrones 235, 238, 246

games 5, 115, 117, 190, 192196, 200, 238, 241

Gandhi, Mohandas K. 7, 92

An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth 7

garage. See music: garage

Garbay, Bruno 175

GCSE (UK) 163, 181, 208209

Georgian 117

German 910, 14, 26, 3233, 69, 71, 73, 7581, 110, 126, 133, 136, 138, 144, 152153, 165167, 178, 186187, 192, 206209, 229, 240, 243, 250

Bavarian 5

Germany 5, 118

gesture 16, 40, 97, 188, 189, 204, 233, 234. See also body language; See also sign language

Getty Research Institute 143

Ghetts 102

Gill, Sam 55

globalization 15, 129130, 204, 208, 235

Google 224

Google Translate 145, 215

grammar 58, 133, 153, 163164, 211213, 218, 236, 239, 241

universal grammar 224

graphic novel 122

Greaves, Kyle. See Ky’Orion

Greek 42, 77, 81, 120, 132, 137138, 152, 227, 250

Green, Debbie Tucker 92

Grenfell Tower 100, 103

grime. See music: grime

Gujarati 7, 73

Guo, Xiaoting 116

Ji Gong Quan Zhuan 115

Hale, Susan 55

Ḥamzanāma 116, 119120

Harry Potter. See Rowling, J. K.: Harry Potter

Haugen, Einar 55

‘Healthy Linguistic Diet’ 178, 208

Hebrew 29, 77, 121, 152

heritage 6, 11, 29, 38, 40, 61, 69, 125, 160, 204, 209, 252

High Valyrian. See constructed languages: High Valyrian

Hildegard of Bingen 235

‘Lingua Ignota’ 235

Hindi 7, 9, 70, 73, 77, 117, 141, 144, 208, 250

Hinduism 115

Hinglish 17, 208

hip-hop. See music: hip-hop

Ho, Chi Minh 140

Declaration of Independence 140

Hodgson, George 210

Holness, Joshua. See RTKal

Hugo, Victor 174175

‘Demain, dès l’aube’ 174

humanities 1, 38, 4243

humour 134, 156, 173, 223224, 238, 241

Huntington, Julie A. 160161

Hurricane Irma 174

Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ 116

Kalīla wa-Dimna 116, 119120

Ibn al-Nadīm 120

al-Fihrist 120

Icelandic 70, 73, 75

iconicity 53

idiolect 230

idioms 133, 135, 206, 211

imagination 29, 158160, 164, 166, 174175, 215, 219, 225, 237, 242

immigration 134, 218, 231

imperialism 98, 111113, 121

India 4, 9, 70, 111, 115, 120, 208, 230

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film) 118

Indigenous languages 4763

Indigenous peoples 49, 6062, 231, 240

Industrial Revolution 230

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) 61

International Concrete Poetry movement 142

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) 82

Internet 10, 27, 67, 92, 133, 204, 213, 224, 230, 238

interpretation 56, 58, 89, 9293, 9698, 133134, 141, 207, 218, 222, 226, 243, 251

Ishiguro, Kazuo 141

Never Let Me Go 141

Italian 15, 6970, 7377, 8081, 120, 136, 182, 186, 250

Italy 69

Japanese 15, 7779, 120, 122123, 140, 144, 152, 182, 186, 195, 207208, 227, 240, 250

Ji Gong (character) 115, 116. See also Guo, Xiaoting: Ji Gong Quan Zhuan

Jme 102

Johnson, Mark 31, 37, 42. See also Metaphors We Live By

jungle. See music: jungle

Kalīla wa-Dimna. See Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ: Kalīla wa-Dimna

Kannada 9, 139

Kano 102

Kim, Myonghee 163

King, Stephen 99

Body, The 99

kinship 3334

Kislorod (film) 90, 96

Kitāb Naṣīḥat al-mulūk 116

Korean 120, 139140, 144, 208

Krauss, Michael 60

Kuuk Thaayorre 29

Ky’Orion 8788, 103

Ladin 74

Lady Leshurr 102

Lady Sanity 8788, 98, 100101

Lakoff, George 31, 37, 42. See also Metaphors We Live By


barrier 19, 70, 144

contact 56, 85, 180

convergence 77, 85

difference. Passim

diversity ix, 14, 8, 1819, 25, 3031, 33, 4650, 62, 6768, 84, 87, 107, 124, 151, 177, 180182, 203, 223, 225227, 231, 235236, 243, 249250, and passim

ecology 5456

extinction 5960, 67, 228, 231

play 20, 177, 223, 239240, 245

predictability across languages 75

revitalization 62

language borrowing 250

language families 77, 212

Germanic languages 73, 75, 83

hidden resemblances between unrelated languages 7677

Indo-Aryan languages 73

Indo-European languages 7374, 77, 179180, 236

Romance languages 7376, 83, 186, 237

Slavonic languages 73

visualized through tree-diagrams 73, 179

language learning ix, 2, 8, 17, 19, 36, 83, 87, 151188, 203–224, 246, 249

benefits of 151, 181, 205, 209

classroom language learning 151, 156

‘immersion’ 180

in the workplace 205

Language Lives 69, 12, 14, 109, 119, 137, 144, 151, 208209, 214

language loss. See language: extinction

languages. See Afrikaans; Arabic; Balinese; Bassa; Bengali; Bulgarian; Catalan; Chinese; constructed languages; Czech; Dani; Danish; Dutch; English; Esperanto; Faroese; Farsi; French; Frisian; Friulian; Georgian; German; Greek; Gujarati; Hebrew; Hindi; Icelandic; Italian; Japanese; Korean; Latin; Malayalam; Maltese; Mandarin; Norwegian; Persian; Polish; Portuguese; Punjabi; Romanian; Russian; Sanskrit; Sardinian; Scots Gaelic; sign language; Spanish; Swahili; Swedish; Taiwanese; Tamil; Turkish; Urdu; Vietnamese; Welsh; Yoruba; Welsh

language teaching 22, 46, 151–176, 181, 185, 189, 192, 196, 205, 218

creative approach 151167

functional approach 164167

Latin 10, 26, 2829, 32, 74, 81, 152, 206, 208209, 227, 235, 242, 250

Lazare-Parris, Liam. See Stanza Divan

Leikin, Mark 153

Lethal Bizzle 102

Levant Company 111

Lewis, Brett 117

lexical diversity 124, 157

Limbu, Mukahang 144

lingua franca 3, 8, 1011, 110, 210, 230, 235

Linguee 207

linguistic borrowing 16, 77, 80, 186, 227, 236, 250

linguistic creativity. Passim

linguistic diversity. See language: diversity

linguistic ecology. See language: ecology

linguistics 18, 3031, 3738, 42, 45, 47, 49, 52, 58, 60, 68, 225, and passim

linguistic sign 5153

arbitrary nature of 51, 53


Arabic 110, 116, 125

Caribbean 124

European 139

Francophone 124

in language learning 160164

national 129

non-European 140

postcolonial 124

post-Soviet 97

world 19, 109126, 129, 143

loan translation 80, 126

loanword. See linguistic borrowing

London 12, 102, 181

Lost Words, The 56, 67

Luxmoore, Kate 39

Macfarlane, Robert 56

Magi: Adventure of Sinbad (film) 122

Mahfouz, Naguib 122

Layālī alf layla 122

Malayalam 9, 139

Maltese 81

mammals 49, 227228

Mandarin 10, 28, 109110, 144, 208

Martin, Chris 152

Martin, George R. R. 238

Song of Ice and Fire, A 238

May, Theresa 81, 103

Memrise 213

Mendelssohn, Felix 96

mentalese 228

metaphor 1819, 2543, 4547, 56, 145, 162, 170, 191

Metaphors We Live By 31, 42

Mexico 55

migration 17, 103, 125, 165, 229

Mill, John Stuart 159

‘What is Poetry?’ 159

mime 40, 188

Mississippi 61

Monkey King. See Sun Wukong

Monkey King, The (film) 117

monolingualism 45, 8, 7071, 100, 128, 146, 153, 177178, 205, 207208, 230

Morris, Jackie 56

Moscow 19, 87, 8990, 92

multilingualism. Passim

Multilingual Performance Project (MPP) 19, 181, 188198, 200

music 41, 9193, 9698, 101103, 105, 122, 134, 151, 175, 190, 214, 250251

dancehall 102

folk song 40

funk 40

garage 102

grime 19, 87, 89, 102103, 105

hip-hop 19, 87, 89, 93, 98, 100, 102103, 105, 108

jungle 102

rap 19, 87, 89, 9293, 96, 102103

myth 16, 18, 55, 61, 116, 141, 191, 235, 252

Nakba 125126

naming 18, 4763, 6768, 226

of birds 5354, 56

nation 60, 113, 124, 141, 143, 230, 236

nationalism 8, 11, 59, 60, 69, 133, 139, 141, 143. See also literature: national

National Trust 57

natural sciences 12

nature 4748, 50, 5563

Navajo 55

neologism 17, 27, 35, 53, 132, 147, 162, 205, 242243

Nepal 144, 208

Nettle, Daniel 60

neural networks 208

neuroscience 37, 42, 141143, 178, 226

New York Times 14

Nonuya 62

Norwegian 73, 75

Occitan 74

Oeming, Michael Avon 117

onomatopoeia 53

openness 157158, 160, 164, 166, 174, 209

opera 252

ornithology 18, 47

Ouyang, Wen-chin 110

Oxford 87

Oxford English Dictionary 206, 242243

Oxford Junior Dictionary 5657, 67

Oxford Spires Academy 132, 143144, 147

Panchatantra. See Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ: Kalīla wa-Dimna

paralinguistics 204

Paran, Amos 161

performance 1314, 19, 3941, 87105, 107, 188192, 195, 216, 250

Persian 7, 81, 110, 116117, 119120, 135, 206

Peterson, David J. 235, 238

Art of Language Invention, The 238

Philippou, Eleni 138

Philombé, René 162

‘L’homme qui te ressemble’ 162

‘Philosophical Language’ 236. See also constructed languages

philosophy 2930, 42, 45, 60, 101, 142, 159, 225, 236, 246

phonetics 16, 139140, 142

phonocentrism 142

Pilpay. See Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ: Kalīla wa-Dimna

Pinker, Steven 228, 246

Language Instinct, The 228, 246

Pinter, Harold 99

Plato 29, 51

Cratylus 51

play. See language: play

plurilingualism 45

Poe, Edgar Allen 122

‘Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade, The’ 122

poetry 26, 3637, 39, 41, 45, 50, 91, 109, 131134, 137, 139, 143, 145146, 148, 158162, 171, 174176, 178, 180185, 238239, 241, 252

Polish 12, 70, 73, 138, 141, 145, 182, 210, 236

politeness 119

politics 15, 92, 204, 213

Pollack, John 241

Pun Also Rises, The 241

Portman, Natalie 152

portmanteau 53

Portuguese 70, 7375, 77, 8182, 136, 145, 152, 182, 250

predictability. See language: predictability across languages

Presnyakov Brothers 99

proto-Germanic 73

proto-Indo-European’ 73

psycholinguistics 31, 42, 226

psychology 28, 37, 42, 45, 93

Punch Records 88, 104, 233234

Punjabi 70, 73, 210

punning 20, 240241

Quenya. See constructed languages: Quenya

Racine, Jean 188

rap. See music: rap

Redgrave, Simon 88

register 56, 109, 112, 133, 178, 234

Robbins, Sherelle. See Lady Sanity

Rodríguez, Abel 62

Romaine, Suzanne 60

Roman Empire 10, 74, 235

Romanian 70, 7375, 7781, 182

Romansh 74

Rowling, J. K. 111, 152

Harry Potter 111, 114, 121, 152

Royal Court Theatre 90, 92, 98

Royal Society of Literature 145

Royalty 87, 103

RTKal 8788, 103104

Runco, Mark 157

Russia 73, 8993, 100101, 105106, 146

Russian 19, 73, 7781, 87, 8993, 96, 98101, 106107, 222, 250

Russianness 100

Russian Revolution (1917) 90

Sanskrit 7, 9, 120

Sardinian 74

Saussure, Ferdinand de 5152, 68

Cours de linguistique générale 51

Scots Gaelic 70

Scott, Virginia M. 160161

script 19, 29, 8182, 131, 139143, 147, 194, 212, 238

Arabic 19, 29

Chinese 19, 139, 142

Chữ Nôm 139140

cuneiform 54

Cyrillic 139

Hebrew 29

Latin 29, 139

Runic 139

self-transcendence 157

semiotics 68

September 11 attacks 90

Seven Sieves 83

Shakespeare, William 40, 56, 90, 96, 112, 188, 240

Hamlet 96

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 96

Tempest, The 96

Sigarev, Vasilii 99

Plasticine 99

sign language 16, 189191, 234, 246, 250

British Sign Language 204, 233234

Chinese Sign Language 204

Urban Sign Language 233234

Silk Road 113, 115, 120

Sinbad (film trilogy) 122

Sinbad the Sailor 122, 130

Sinbad the Sailor (film) 122123

Sinbad: Legends of the Seven Seas (film) 122

Sindarin. See constructed languages: Sindarin

Skepta 102

slang 207, 234, 242

Slanguages 231, 233234

Slash 102

Slovenian 69

social sciences 12, 42

Socrates 51

South Africa 7, 13, 137

Soviet Union 91

space-time 25, 42

Spanish 7381, 126, 152, 181182, 185186, 192, 195, 207, 240, 250

speech community 4, 11, 1617, 58, 229, 241242

sport 213

Sputnik Theatre 100

standardization 11, 16, 133, 139, 141, 207, 229, 231, 234

Stanza Divan 8788, 98, 100101

Star Wars 242

Stormzy 102103

Gangs, Signs & Prayer 102

storytelling 50, 116117, 120, 122123

Streets, The 102

Sudan 111

Sufism 115, 117

Sullivan, Irene 55

Sun Wukong 115, 117, 121

sustainability 1, 3, 58, 60, 62

Swahili 120, 145, 250

Swain, Merrill 163

swear words 209

Swedish 73, 75, 7780, 182

Swift, Jonathan 237

Gulliver’s Travels 237

symbolism 53, 174175

synchronic 33

Tadjo, Véronique 160

‘Raconte-moi’ 160

Taiwanese 110

Taiwo, Olu 3941

Tale of Genji, The 140

Tamil 9

Tang dynasty 115

Tauli-Corpuz, Victoria 62

Teatr.doc 90

technology 2, 5, 2728, 37, 122, 142143, 156, 172173, 223, 230231

Telegu 9

Terralingua 48

theatre. See drama

Thériault, Gilles-Claude 175

Thieberger, Nicholas 58

Thierry, Guillaume 30

Tolkien, J. R. R. 237238

Lord of the Rings, The 238

toponyms 53

Touch of Zen, A (film) 118

Tower of Babel 235

Trainspotting 99

transferable skills 203, 212, 214, 216217, 240

translanguaging 124

translation ix, 34, 8, 15, 19, 32, 58, 80, 89, 9293, 96, 99102, 104, 109, 113, 120, 122123, 129, 131148, 180, 182, 200, 206207, 213, 215, 217218, 234, 246, 251

machine translation 217

prismatic translation 92, 131148

translingualism 182

transmogrification 121

trauma 125126

Trilla 102

Trinidad 40

Turkish 12, 117, 120, 140, 250

Turner, Mark 31

Ulster Scots 70

United Nations 61, 134, 218

universal grammar. See grammar: universal grammar

unpredictability 158159, 165166

Urdu 117, 144145, 182, 206, 208, 250

Vas’kovskaya, Irina 99

Vietnamese 139141

Virgil 26

Georgics 26

vocabulary 5, 16, 36, 46, 53, 5859, 83, 152153, 157, 161166, 171, 196197, 211, 213, 218, 226, 229, 236237, 239240

vocabulary development 162

Vyrypaev, Ivan 19, 87, 8994, 9698, 100

Oxygen 19, 8798, 100101, 104105, 107108

Warlpiri language 226

Welsh 10, 70, 77, 210, 227

Weygandt, Susanna 96

Wiley 102

Wilkins, John 236

Wilson-Haughton, Reece. See Royalty

world literature. See literature: world

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 61

writing system. See script

Wuxia 118

Xuanzang 115

Yamlīkha 114

Yavapai 55

Yoruba 3941

Yòrùbá Sonnets 3940

Yosemite 61

young learners 71, 151167, 187

Zamenhof, Ludwik Lejzer 236

Zuckerberg, Mark 152