Latin Text of Epidicus with Language Notes

From the Latin text of W. M. Lindsay, with vocabulary and grammar help by Catherine Tracy

© 2021 Catherine Tracy, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

[Note: for the acrostic argumentum (plot summary) that was added to the play perhaps around 150 CE, see page 173]

Helpful Information for Reading the Latin Text

Students who read the play in Latin will see that there are a few ways in which this text differs from the Latin introduced in most beginners’ textbooks. This is partly because, between the time of Plautus and the time of Cicero and Caesar, the spelling of some Latin words changed, and partly because poetic Latin retained some variant forms after they had disappeared from Latin prose. The Latin of Plautus’s day is called “Early Latin”, as opposed to the later “Classical Latin” that most Latin textbooks teach. The following points will enable readers of the Latin text of Epidicus to take in their stride most of the quirks of Plautus’s Latin as they appear in this play.

  1. The letter “u”: When writing, the Romans did not distinguish between the vowel “u” and the semivowel that was later written as “v” (which was pronounced like our “w”), and the Latin text of the play used in this volume (which is Lindsay’s widely used edition from 1903) therefore uses the letter “u” for both the vowel and the semivowel. When written in upper case both the vowel and the semivowel are written like a capital “V”.

    For example, in the word “iuuenis” (line 5 of the play), the first “u” is a vowel, while the second is a semivowel, and it would consequently be spelled “iuvenis” in most Latin textbooks (like its English derivative “juvenile”). The reason introductory Latin textbooks distinguish between the two is because it is believed to help beginners learn how to pronounce Latin correctly. Those whose Latin skills have reached the point where they can read this play should have no real trouble distinguishing the vowel “u” from the semivowel “u”.

  2. Avoidance of “uu”: Early Latin tended to avoid placing the vowel “u” immediately after another “u”. For this reason we find that “seruus” (nominative singular) and “seruum” (accusative singular) in Plautus are usually spelled “seruos” and “seruom”, respectively. Similarly we see the Early Latin spellings “aequom”, “confluont”, “emortuom”, “saluos”, “suom”, “tuom”, “uolt”, “uoltu”, etc. (instead of the Classical Latin spellings of these words: “aequum”, “confluunt”, “emortuum”, “saluus”, “suum”, “tuum”, “uult”, “uultu”).
  3. “Quo-/qu-” where you might expect “cu-”: the conjunction that was later spelled “cum” is spelled “quom” in Early Latin (though the same is not true for the preposition “cum”, which is so spelled in both Early and Classical Latin). In this Latin text we also see “quoius/quoiius”, “quoi”, “quor/qur”, and “utquomque” (instead of the Classical Latin “cuius”, “cui”, “cur”, and “utcumque”).
  4. “Qui” where you might expect “quo”, “qua” or “quibus”: the singular and plural ablative forms of the relative and interrogative pronouns, and of the interrogative adjective (which are normally “quo”, “qua”, and “quibus”) can be instead written as “qui” in Plautus. Similarly in this play we see “quicum” (instead of the more standard “quacum”) and “aliqui” (instead of “aliquo”).
  5. The spelling “-ei-” where you might expect “-ī-: some words that, in Classical Latin, came to be spelled with a long “i” were spelled instead with “ei” in Early Latin; in this play we see “preimum”, “quei”, “sei”, “seic”, “sein”, and “uestei” (instead of the Classical Latin “primum”, “qui”, “si” “sic”, “si+ne”, and “uesti”).
  6. The spelling of prepositional compounds: where a preposition has become the prefix of a word, this Latin text preserves the original spelling, so that we see “inmortales”, “adligabit”, and “adcurentur” (instead of the Classical Latin “immortales”, “alligabit”, and “accurentur”.)
  7. “Aps”, “ap-” where you might expect “a”, “ab-”: the preposition “a” (short for “ab”) before the word “te” was usually “aps” in the time of Plautus. Prepositional compounds that in Classical Latin would begin with “abs-” in Early Latin are spelled “aps-”; thus we see “apscedat”, “apsentem”, “apsoluam”, “apstulit”, and “apsurde”, etc. (instead of the Classical Latin “abscedat”, “absentem”, “absoluam”, “abstulit”, and “absurde).
  8. Superlative adjectives/adverbs ending in -umus” instead of -imus”, etc.: in Early Latin the superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs were often spelled with a “-u-” for the penultimate vowel instead of the “-i-” that was standard in Classical Latin. Hence in this play we see the forms “festiuissumus, “maxumae”, “meritissumo, “optuma”,“ planissume, “proxumum”, etc. (instead of the Classical Latin spellings “festiuissimus”, “maximae”, “meritissimo, “optima”, “planissime, “proximum”).
  9. The syllable “uo-” where you might expect “ue-”: some words that in Classical Latin include the syllable “ue-” (such as “uertere”) were written instead with the syllable “uo-” (like “uortere”). Hence in this play we find the forms “uorsutior”, “uortitur, and “uotuit” (instead of the Classical Latin “uertitur”, “uersutior”, and “uetuit”).
  10. “Illic”, istoc”, etc.: students will be familiar with the “-c” that ends half of the Classical Latin forms of the demonstrative pronoun/adjective “hic”, “haec”, “hoc”. This final “-c” (originally it was “-ce”) could also be added, in Early Latin, to forms of “ille” and “iste”, so we get “illic”, “illoc”, “istac”, “istaec”, “istanc”, “istoc”, “istuc”, etc. (instead of the Classical Latin “ille”, “illo, “istā, “ista, “istam, “isto, “istud”).
  11. Variant verb forms:
    1. Future in “-so”: in this play we see the alternate future forms “faxo” (from “facio”) and “adempsit” (instead of adimet, from the verb “adimo”). Faxo” does not, however, simply substitute for “faciam” (which Plautus uses in its essential future sense), but tends to function as a statement of the speaker’s certainty, so should be translated as “I promise” or “definitely”.
    2. Future in “-asso”, “-assis”, etc.: in clauses introduced by si, nisi, nei (ni), ubi, or siue, Plautus used an older form of the future tense of some first-conjugation verbs by adding “-asso”, “-assis”, “assit”, etc. to the stem; hence we find “commostrasso”, “comparassit” and “orassis” (instead of the Classical Latin “commonstrabo”, “comparabit”, and “orabis”).1
    3. Future in “-ibo”, “-ibis”, etc.: the future tense signifier “-bi-” which in Classical Latin is used only for the first and second conjugations and in the verb “eo”, can also appear in Early Latin in verbs of the fourth conjugation, so that in this play we see “reperibitur, “saeuibunt”, and “scibit” (instead of the Classical Latin “reperietur, “saeuient”, and “sciet”).
    4. Imperfect in “-ibam”, etc.: The imperfect active forms of fourth-conjugation verbs sometimes have no “-e-” before the tense signifier “-ba-”; thus in this play we see the form “exaudibam” (instead of the more standard “exaudiebam”).
    5. Singular imperativesface andduce: whereas in Classical Latin the singular imperatives of the verbs “dico”,duco”,facio”, and “fero” are“ dic”,duc”,fac”, and “fer”, respectively, in Early Latin the forms “dice”,duce”, and “face” (but not “fere”) could be used. In this play we see “duce” and “dice” once each, and “face” twice, but also “fac” several times.
    6. “Euenat and “euenant instead of “eueniat and “eueniant: the present subjunctive third-person singular and plural of the verb “euenio” appears in Early Latin as “euenat” and “evenant”.
    7. Present passive infinitive in -ier”: Plautus sometimes used an older form of the present passive infinitive, which ended in “-er”, so that in this play we see “percontarier” and “praestolarier” (instead of the Classical Latin “percontari” and “praestolari”).
    8. Perfect system forms of “sumin perfect passive tenses: perfect passive forms of verbs that in Classical Latin use “sum,eram, or “ero” (indicative) or “sim,essem” (subjunctive) sometimes use instead the perfect system forms “fui”, “fueram,fuero” (indicative) and “fuerim,fuissem” (subjunctive). Thus in this play we see “fuero elocutus” and “induta fuerit” (instead of the Classical Latin “ero elocutus” and “induta sit”).
    9. Present subjunctive of “sum: alternative forms to the Classical Latin “sim, “sis, “sit, and “sint” often appear in Early Latin as “siem, “sies, “siet, and “sient” (in this play only “sies” and “siet” appear).
  12. Contractions: the final “-s” of words normally ending in “-us” or “-is” was pronounced weakly enough that it did not affect the scansion of the line the way a normal consonant would, and in this version of the Latin text the weak final “-s” is not written. Hence we get “minu’”, “dici’”, “rebu’”, and “priu’”, etc. (contracted from “minus”, “dicis”, “rebus”, and “prius”).

    For the same reason, a word ending in “-us” followed by the word “es” or “est”, is written without the final “-s” of the first word and the initial “e-” of “es/est” when the meter requires it. Hence we get “captiost”, “mercatust”, “timidu’s”, and “ueritust”, etc. (instead of “captio est”, “mercatus est, “timidus es, and “ueritus est).

    The initial “e-” of “es/est” when it follows a word ending in “-m” or in a vowel was either not pronounced or pronounced very lightly, and thus Lindsay’s text does not write that final “-e. Hence we see “corruptumst”, “ergost”, “tu’s”, and “ubist”, etc. (contracted from “corruptum est, “ergo est, “tu es”, and“ubi est”).

    When metrically necessary, the interrogatory suffix -ne/-n” is often shortened to “-n” even when not followed by a word beginning with a vowel, such as “nouistin” (instead of “nouistine”), “meministin” (instead of “meministine”), “perpetuen” (instead of “perpetuene”), and “men” (instead of “mene”).A final “s” disappears before the suffix “-ne” (usually shorted to “-n”), so that we get “ain”, “audin”, “patierin”, “potin”, “satine”, “scin”, “uiden”, etc. (instead of “aisne”, “audisne, “patierisne, “potisne, “satisne, “scisne, and “uidesne”).

  13. “Med instead of “me”: Plautus at least sometimes used the Early Latin ablative/accusative forms of the personal pronouns (med and ted); in this play we find “med” instead of ”me” twice, though he used “me” more commonly.
  14. -ii-” for the semivowel “-i-”: we see the forms “eiius”, “huiius”, and “quoiius” (instead of the later spellings “eius”, “huius” and “quoius/cuius”).
  15. Poetic forms “mī” and “nīl”: Plautus used the forms “” and “nīl” (for “mihi” and “nihil”) when the rhythm of the line required it.
  16. Other common variant forms: Plautus preferred to use the variant form “lubet” and its cognates (such as “lubens” and “lubentius”), instead of the later spelling of these words with “lib-”. We also find the spelling “sacruficas”, “periclum”, and “caussa (which in Classical Latin would be “sacrificas, “periculum”, and “causa”).

The Rhythm of Plautus

The actors in Plautus’s plays often broke into song, in a variety of very complicated meters (“meter” refers to the rhythmic structure of the line) that continued the play’s action rather than, like the choral interludes in Greek drama, being a break from the action. Furthermore, much of the dialogue was sung or spoken with accompaniment on one or more musical instruments (usually a woodwind instrument called a tibia and some sort of percussion); these sections of sung or chanted dialogue are commonly called in English “recitative”, like the “spoken” parts of an opera that are sung to accompanying music but that are not self-contained arias or songs. Songs and recitative made up nearly two-thirds of the lines in Plautus’s plays, while the remaining third, written in a meter called iambic senarii, was spoken without music (Duckworth 1952/1971: 363).

Those who want to experience Epidicus in at least some of its metrical complexity are encouraged to consult a book on Latin meter (The Meters of Greek and Latin Poetry by Halporn et al. is a good place to start2). Beginners who have learned the basic rules of elision and vowel length should practice reading the two most common meters of Plautus: trochaic septenarii (which was generally recited or chanted to the music of the tibia), and the spoken passages in the iambic senarius meter.

Trochaic Septenarii

A line of trochaic septenarii is theoretically made up of seven trochees plus an additional anceps (either long or short) syllable at the end. A basic trochee is a long syllable followed by a short syllable (— ⋃), but in a line of Latin trochaic septenarii the short syllable in the first six trochees can be either long or short. An anceps syllable is usually represented by X, so that a trochee, where the so-called short syllable is actually an anceps, would be symbolized like this: — X.

Furthermore, since the important thing about syllable length in Latin meter is literally how long it took to pronounce, two short syllables can replace a long syllable, allowing a so-called trochee to potentially be replaced by a spondee (— —), a dactyl (— ⋃ ⋃), an anapaest (⋃ ⋃ — ), a tribrach (⋃ ⋃ ⋃), or a proceleusmatic (⋃ ⋃ ⋃ ⋃). That so many variations are possible may sound anarchic, but with enough practice it is possible to get a sense of the unifying rhythm that makes each line of trochaic septenarii distinct from the other meters in the play. Plautus used meter changes to differentiate between different characters and different aspects of his plays, so getting a feel for the rhythm will add to an appreciation of the play.

Almost the whole of scene 2 in Act 1 (lines 104–163) is written in trochaic septenarii. We can visualize the scansion of lines 104–105 as follows:

  • The letters printed in subscript are elided, which means they were either barely pronounced, or not pronounced at all.
  • A natural pause in the line, where a diaeresis (a word and the metrical foot ending in the same place) coincides with a pause in the sense of the line, is represented by this symbol: and usually appears after the fourth foot. This diaeresis is one of the distinct aspects of a line of trochaic septenarii.
  • In line 105, the “e” and the “o” of “meorum” are pronounced together as a long syllable (this is called synizesis).
  • The final syllable of a line of verse can be either long or short regardless of the meter, since a reader or actor would pause at the ends of lines, thereby effectually lengthening a short final syllable.

The following lines of Epidicus are in trochaic septenarii: 1–2; 23; 44–45; 50–51; 86; 88; 90; 91; 93; 95; 97; 99–163; 190–305; 333; 547–733.

Iambic Senarii

A line of iambic senarii is theoretically made up of six iambs. A basic iamb is a short syllable followed by a long: ⋃ —, but the “short” syllable of the iamb in Roman comedy is an anceps (can be either long or short) in all but the last foot; in fact, the anceps is more often long than short in Plautus’s iambic senarii. To further complicate matters, any of the first four iambs in the line can be replaced with a dactyl (a long followed by two shorts: — ⋃ ⋃) or with an anapaest (two shorts followed by a long: ⋃ ⋃ —). Since a long syllable can be replaced by two short syllables (except for the final syllable in a line of iambic senarii), one of Plautus’s iambs can potentially look like this: ⋃ ⋃ ⋃ ⋃.

We can visualize the scansion of lines 310–311, both in the iambic senarius meter, as follows:

  • The prominent caesurae are here marked with the same notation as for the diaeresis in the trochaic septenarii above: .

    A caesura is the ending of a word in the middle of a foot; in Plautus a line of iambic senarii usually has a prominent caesura (where a pause in the sense of the line coincides with a caesura) in the third or fourth foot.

The following lines of Epidicus are in iambic senarii: all of the Argumentum; 24; 46–47; 177; 306–319; 382–525.

A dedicated student of Plautine meter will eventually need to learn the more complicated choral meters to fully experience the play, but beginners can start slow, and there is no need to feel discouraged if you can’t scan a particular line. Aim instead to acquire a sense of the rhythm by scanning the less complicated lines. Timothy Moore’s article on introducing students to the music of Roman comedy provides useful suggestions to instructors as to how best to approach teaching scansion in Plautus (Moore 2013).

A word of encouragement: Latin poets took occasional liberties with the strict rules of meter (see section 367: “Special Peculiarities” in Bennett’s New Latin Grammar and Moore 2013: 229–230), which can make scansion more complicated. Furthermore, the plays of Plautus have not come down to us without numerous copying errors creeping in, and though experts attempt to fix these errors (and the faulty meter of a line can be a hint that an error has crept in), sometimes it can be quite challenging to work out the meter of a line. If you find you can’t scan a line properly, move on and try another.

The Play in Latin


ACROPOLISTIS: FIDICINA (a lyre-player and female slave who was Stratippocles’s girlfriend till just before the action of the play begins; she is first mentioned by Epidicus in Act 1, scene 1 as the “fidicina” that Stratippocles ordered Epidicus to buy for him)

APOECIDES: SENEX (an old man, friend of Periphanes, first appearing in Act 2, scene 1)

CHAERIBVLVS: ADVLESCENS (a freeborn young man, friend of Stratippocles, first appearing in Act 1, scene 2)

DANISTA (the moneylender from whom Stratippocles borrowed in order to buy Telestis; he first appears in Act 5, scene 1)

EPIDICVS: SERVOS (a male slave of Periphanes’s household who is the con-man hero of the play)

FIDICINA (a freedwoman and professional musician who appears in Act 3, scene 4a)

MILES (a wealthy and boastful soldier, first appearing in Act 3, scene 4)

PERIPHANES: SENEX (an old man, father of Stratippocles, first appearing in Act 2, scene 1)

PHILIPPA: MVLIER (a poor middle-aged woman, mother of Telestis; she first appears in Act 4, scene 1)

SERVOS (unnamed male slave belonging to Periphanes’s household who appears in Act 3, scene 3)

STRATIPPOCLES: ADVLESCENS (a freeborn young man, son of Periphanes, who is first mentioned in Act 1, scene 1, and first appears in Act 1, scene 2)

TELESTIS: VIRGO (a freeborn young woman, illegitimate daughter of Philippa and Periphanes; Stratippocles, not knowing she is his half-sister, buys her as a war captive; she first appears in Act 5, scene 1)

THESPRIO: SERVOS (a male slave of Periphanes’s household who appears in Act 1, scene 1



Scene summary: Thesprio, a slave in the Athenian household of Periphanes, returns from Thebes where Periphanes’s son Stratippocles has been serving as a soldier. He encounters Epidicus, another of Periphanes’s slaves, and the two begin a comic routine, each insulting the other. We find out that Stratippocles has abandoned his weapons in battle (showing us that he is a cowardly soldier), and that he has borrowed a large sum of money with which he has bought a young woman who was taken captive when the Athenian army had captured Thebes. Epidicus is horrified because, before Stratippocles had left for the war, his young master had been in love with a different young slave woman, a lyre-player called Acropolistis. Stratippocles had insisted that Epidicus find a way to buy Acropolistis for him while he was away in Thebes, and the clever, scheming Epidicus had done so by tricking Periphanes into buying her, after making him believe that Acropolistis was actually his long-lost illegitimate daughter Telestis. The scene ends with Epidicus desperately trying to think of some way to get out of the inevitable punishment he’ll get from Periphanes when his trick is found out.

Epidicus: Heus,3 adulescens! Thesprio: quis properantem me

reprehendit pallio?

Epidicus: familiaris. Thesprio: fateor,4 nam odio es5 nimium familiariter.6

Epidicus: respice uero, Thesprio. Thesprio: oh,

Epidicumne ego conspicor?7

Epidicus: sati’8 recte oculis uteris.9


Thesprio: salue. Epidicus: di dent quae uelis.

uenire saluom gaudeo.10 Thesprio: quid ceterum? Epidicus: quod eo adsolet:11

cena tibi dabitur. Thesprio: spondeo — Epidicus: quid? Thesprio: me accepturum,12 si dabis.

Epidicus: quid

tu agis?13 ut uales?14 Thesprio: ex-


emplum adesse15 — Epidicus: intellego. eugae!16


corpulentior uidere atque habitior.17 Thesprio: huic gratia.18


Epidicus: quam19 quidem te iam diu

perdidisse20 oportuit.21


Thesprio: minu’22 iam furtificus23 sum quam antehac. Epidicus: quid ita?24 Thesprio: rapio propalam.25

Epidicus: di inmortales26 te infelicent,27 ut tu es gradibus grandibus!28

nam ut29 apud portum te conspexi, curriculo30 occepi31 sequi:

uix adipiscendi32 potestas modo fuit. Thesprio: scurra33 es. Epidicus: scio


te esse equidem hominem militarem. Thesprio: audacter34 quamuis35 dicito.36

Epidicus: quid agis? perpetuen37 ualuisti? Thesprio: uarie.38 Epidicus: qui uarie ualent,

capreaginum39 hominum non placet40 mihi neque pantherinum genus.

Thesprio: quid tibi uis dicam nisi quod est? Epidicus: ut illae res *?41 Thesprio: probe.42

Epidicus: quid erilis43 noster filius? Thesprio: ualet pugilice atque athletice.44


Epidicus: uoluptabilem mihi nuntium tuo aduentu adportas, Thesprio.

sed ubist45 is? Thesprio: aduenit simul.46 Epidicus: ubi is ergost?47 nisi si in uidulo48

aut si in mellina49 attulisti. Thesprio: di te perdant! Epidicus: te uolo — 

percontari:50 operam da, opera reddetur tibi.51

Thesprio: ius


dicis. Epidicus: me decet.52 Thesprio: iam tu autem


nobis praeturam geris?53 Epidicus: quem54


dices55 digniorem esse hominem hodie Athenis56 alterum?

Thesprio: at unum a praetura tua,

Epidice, abest.57 Epidicus: quidnam?58 Thesprio: scies:


lictores59 duo, duo ulmei60


fasces uirgarum.61 Epidicus: uae tibi!

sed quid ais? Thesprio: quid rogas? Epidicus: ubi arma sunt Stratippocli?62

Thesprio: pol63 illa ad hostis64 transfugerunt.65 Epidicus: armane?66 Thesprio: atque quidem cito.67


Epidicus: serione68 dici’69 tu?


Thesprio: serio, inquam: hostes habent.


Epidicus: edepol70 facinus inprobum.71 Thesprio: at iam ante72 alii fecerunt idem.73

erit illi illa res honori.74 Epidicus: qui? Thesprio: quia ante aliis fuit.75

Mulciber,76 credo, arma fecit quae habuit Stratippocles:

trauolauerunt77 ad hostis.78 Epidicus: tum ille prognatus79 Theti80


sine81 perdat:82 alia adportabunt83 ei Neri84 filiae.

id modo uidendum est, ut85 materies86 suppetat87 scutariis,88

si in singulis89 stipendiis90 is ad hostis91 exuuias92 dabit.

Thesprio: supersede93 istis rebu’94 iam. Epidicus: tu ipse ubi lubet95 finem face.96

Thesprio: desiste percontarier.97 Epidicus: loquere98 ipse: ubist99 Stratippocles?


Thesprio: est caussa qua caussa100 simul mecum ire ueritust.101 Epidicus: quidnam102 id est?

Thesprio: patrem uidere se neuolt103 etiamnunc. Epidicus: quapropter?104 Thesprio: scies.

quia forma lepida et liberali105 captiuam adulescentulam106

de praeda107 mercatust.108 Epidicus: quid ego ex te audio? Thesprio: hoc quod fabulor.109

Epidicus: qur110 eam emit? Thesprio: animi111 caussa.112 Epidicus: quot illic113 homo animos habet?


nam certo,114 priu’ quam115 hinc116 ad legionem abiit domo,

ipse mandauit117 mihi ab lenone118 ut fidicina,119

quam amabat, emeretur sibi. id120 ei impetratum121 reddidi.122

Thesprio: utquomque123 in alto124 uentust,125 Epidice, exim126 uelum127 uortitur.128

Epidicus: uae misero mihi, male perdidit me! Thesprio: quid istuc?129 quidnam | est?


Epidicus: quid130 istanc131 quam emit, quanti132 eam emit? Thesprio: uili.133 Epidicus: haud istuc te rogo.134

Thesprio: quid igitur? Epidicus: quot135 minis?136

Thesprio: tot: quadraginta137 minis.


id adeo138 argentum139 ab danista140 apud Thebas141 sumpsit142 faenore143

in dies minasque argenti singulas nummis.144 Epidicus: papae!145

Thesprio: et is danista aduenit una146 cum eo, qui argentum petit.


Epidicus: di inmortales! ut ego interii147 basilice!148 Thesprio: quid iam? aut quid est,

Epidice? Epidicus: perdidit149 me. Thesprio: quis? Epidicus: ille qui arma perdidit.

Thesprio: nam quid ita? Epidicus: quia cottidie ipse ad me ab legione epistulas

mittebat — sed taceam optumum est,

plus scire satiust150 quam loqui seruom hominem;151 ea sapientia est.


Thesprio: nescio edepol quid [tu] timidu’s,152 trepidas,153 Epidice, ita uoltu154 tuo

uideor uidere commeruisse155 hic me apsente156 in te aliquid mali.157

Epidicus: potin158 ut molestus ne sies?159 Thesprio: abeo. Epidicus: asta,160 abire161 hinc non sinam.162

Thesprio: quid nunc me retines? Epidicus: amatne istam quam emit de praeda? Thesprio: rogas?


Epidicus: deagetur164corium165 de tergo meo.


Thesprio: plusque amat quam te umquam amauit. Epidicus: Iuppiter te perduit!166

Thesprio: mitte167 nunciam,168

nam ille me uotuit169 domum ue-


-nire, ad Chaeribulum170 iussit171

huc in proxumum;172


ibi manere iussit, eo173 uenturust174 ipsus.175 Epidicus: quid ita?176 Thesprio: dicam:

quia patrem priu’177 conuenire se non uolt178 neque conspicari,179


quam id argentum, quod debetur pro illa,180 dinumerauerit.181

Epidicus: eu182 edepol res turbulentas!183 Thesprio: mitte me ut eam184 nunciam.185

Epidicus: haecine186 ubi scibit187 senex,

puppis188 pereunda est189 probe.190

Thesprio: quid191 istuc ad

me attinet,


quo tu intereas192 modo?

Epidicus: quia perire solus nolo, te cupio perire mecum,

beneuolens cum beneuolente. Thesprio: abi in malam rem maxumam193 a me

cum istac194 condicione.195 Epidicus: i sane,196 — siquidem197 festinas magis.198

Thesprio: numquam hominem quemquam199 conueni unde200 abierim201 lubentius.202 — 


Epidicus: illic203 hinc abiit. solus nunc es.204 quo in loco haec res205 sit uides

Epidice: nisi quid tibi206 in tete207 auxili208 est, apsumptus es.209

tantae in te impendent210 ruinae:211 nisi suffulcis212 firmiter,

non potes supsistere:213 itaque in te inruont214 montes mali.215

neque216 ego nunc


quo modo217

me expeditum218 ex impedito219 faciam, consilium placet.


ego miser


meis dolis senem221 ut censeret suam222 sese emere filiam:


is suo


fidicinam223 emit, quam ipse224 amat, quam abiens mandauit225 mihi.


si sibi nunc alteram


ab legione adduxit animi caussa,226 corium227 perdidi.

nam ubi senex



sibi data esse uerba,229 uirgis dorsum dispoliet meum.230 — 

at enim tu



at enim — bat enim!232 nihil est istuc.233 plane hoc corruptumst234 caput.


nequam235 homo es,



qui236 lubidost237 male loqui? — quia tute te<te>238 deseris.239 — 

quid faciam?

men240 rogas?


tuquidem241 antehac aliis solebas dare consilia mutua.242

aliquid243 aliqua244 reperiundumst.245 sed ego cesso246 ire obuiam247


adulescenti, ut quid negoti248 sit sciam? atque ipse illic249 est.

tristis est. cum Chaeribulo incedit aequali250 suo.

huc concedam,251 orationem unde252 horum placide253 persequar.254


Scene summary: With Epidicus eavesdropping on the conversation, Stratippocles arrives with his friend Chaeribulus and complains to him about the debt he’s incurred for his new slave girl. He gets angry at Chaeribulus for not being able to give him the money he needs, and then says he’ll send the slave Epidicus to work at the mill if he doesn’t find a way to pay his debt for him. Epidicus makes his presence known, and attempts to make Stratippocles aware of how much Epidicus has already risked on his behalf in buying Acropolistis for him with his father’s money. Stratippocles feels no remorse, however, and just demands that Epidicus find a way to pay off his current debt and get rid of Acropolistis (whom Periphanes thinks is his daughter Telestis). Epidicus says that he knows of a rich soldier from Euboea who will buy Acropolistis and promises to find some way to pay off Stratippocles’s debt. Stratippocles, Chaeribulus, and Epidicus all go into Chaeribulus’s house.

Stratippocles: Rem tibi sum elocutus255 omnem, Chaeribule, atque admodum256

meorum maerorum257 atque amorum summam258 edictaui259 tibi.


Chaeribulus: praeter260 aetatem et uirtutem stultus es, Stratippocles.

idne pudet te, quia captiuam genere prognatam261 bono

in262 praeda es mercatus?263 quis erit uitio264 qui id uortat tibi?

Stratippocles: qui265 inuident omnis266 inimicos mihi illoc267 facto repperi;268

at pudicitiae eiius269 numquam nec uim nec uitium270 attuli.271


Chaeribulus: iam istoc272 probior273 [es] meo quidem animo, quom274 in amore temperes.275

Stratippocles: nihil agit qui diffidentem276 uerbis solatur277 suis;

is est amicus, qui278 in re dubia re iuuat, ubi rest279 opus.

Chaeribulus: quid tibi me uis facere? Stratippocles: argenti280 dare quadraginta281 minas,282

quod danistae283 detur, unde ego illud sumpsi284 faenore.285


Chaeribulus: si hercle286 haberem <pollicerer>.287 Stratippocles: nam quid te igitur retulit

beneficum esse oratione,288 si ad rem289 auxilium emortuom290 est?

Chaeribulus: quin291 edepol292 egomet293 clamore294 differor,295 difflagitor.296

Stratippocles: malim297 istius modi298 mihi amicos furno299 mersos300 quam foro.301

sed operam302 Epidici nunc me303 emere pretio pretioso304 uelim.


quem305 quidem ego hominem inrigatum306 plagis307 pistori308 dabo,

nisi hodie priu’309 comparassit310 mihi quadraginta minas

quam argenti fuero elocutus311 ei postremam syllabam.312

Epidicus: salua res est: bene promittit, spero, seruabit fidem.313

sine meo sumptu314 paratae iam sunt scapulis315 symbolae.316


adgrediar317 hominem. aduenientem peregre318 erum319 suom320 Stratippoclem321

impertit322 salute seruos323 Epidicus? Stratippocles: ubi is est? Epidicus: adest.

saluom huc aduenisse324 — Stratippocles: tam325 tibi istuc326 credo quam mihi.

Epidicus: benene usque ualuisti? Stratippocles: a morbo327 ualui, ab animo aeger fui.

Epidicus: quod ad me attinuit,328 ego curaui: quod mandasti329 <tu> mihi,


impetratum est;330 empta ancillast,331 quod tute332 ad me litteras

missiculabas.333 Stratippocles: perdidisti omnem operam. Epidicus: nam qui334 perdidi?

Stratippocles: quia meo neque cara est cordi neque placet.335 Epidicus: quid retulit336

mihi tanto opere337 te mandare et mittere ad me epistulas?

Stratippocles: illam amabam olim, nunc iam alia cura impendet338 pectori.


Epidicus: hercle miserum est ingratum esse homini id quod facias bene.339

ego quod bene feci male feci, quia amor mutauit locum.340

Stratippocles: desipiebam341 mentis342 quom illa scripta mittebam tibi.

Epidicus: men343 piacularem344 oportet fieri ob stultitiam tuam,

ut meum tergum tuae stultitiae subdas345 succidaneum?346


Stratippocles: quid347 istic348 uerba facimus? huic homini opust349 quadraginta minis

celeriter calidis,350 danistae quas resoluat,351 et cito.

Epidicus: dic modo: unde auferre352 me uis? quo a tarpezita353 peto?

Stratippocles: unde lubet.354 nam ni ante solem occasum355 e lo<culis adferes>356

meam domum ne inbitas:357 tu te in pistrinum358 <conferas.>359


Epidicus: facile tu istuc360 sine periclo361 et cura, corde362 libero

fabulare;363 noui364 ego nostros:365 mihi dolet366 quom367 ego uapulo.368

Stratippocles: quid tu nunc? patierin369 ut ego me interimam?370 Epidicus: ne feceris.371

ego istuc372 accedam373 periclum374 potius375 atque audaciam.376

Stratippocles: nunc places, nunc ego te laudo. Epidicus: patiar ego istuc quod lubet.377


Stratippocles: quid illa fiet fidicina igitur?378 Epidicus: aliqua res reperibitur,379

aliqua ope exsoluam,380 extricabor381 aliqua. Stratippocles: plenus consili’s.382

noui ego te. Epidicus: est Euboicus383 miles locuples,384 multo auro potens,385

qui ubi tibi386 istam387 emptam esse scibit388 atque hanc adductam389 alteram,390

continuo391 te orabit ultro392 ut illam393 tramittas394 sibi.


sed ubi illa est quam tu adduxisti395 tecum? Stratippocles: iam396 faxo397 hic398 erit.

Chaeribulus: quid hic nunc agimus?399 Stratippocles: eamus intro huc ad te,400 ut hunc hodie diem

luculente401 habeamus. — 402 Epidicus: ite intro, ego de re argentaria403

iam senatum404 conuocabo in corde consiliarium,405

quoi406 potissumum407 indicatur408 bellum, unde argentum auferam.


Epidice, uide quid agas, ita res subito haec obiectast409 tibi;

non enim nunc tibi dormitandi neque cunctandi410 copia411 est.

adeundum.412 senem oppugnare413 certumst414 consilium mihi.415

ibo intro atque adulescenti dicam nostro erili416 filio,

ne hinc foras417 exambulet418 neue419 obuiam420 ueniat seni. — 




Scene summary: The two old men, Periphanes and his friend Apoecides, come out of Periphanes’s house (which is next door to Chaeribulus’s). Their conversation tells us that the widowed Periphanes is planning on marrying a woman (whom, we later find out, is called Philippa), the mother of his illegitimate daughter Telestis, but he’s worried about how his son Stratippocles will react.

Apoecides: Plerique421 homines, quos quom422 nil423 refert424 pudet,

ubi pudendum est425 ibi eos deserit426 pudor,


quom usust427 ut pudeat.428

is429 adeo430 tu’s.431 quid est quod432 pudendum siet,433

genere gnatam434 bono435 pauperem436 domum

ducere te uxorem?437


praesertim438 eam, qua ex439 tibi commemores440 hanc quae domist441

filiam prognatam.442


Periphanes: reuereor filium.443 Apoecides: at pol444 ego te credidi445

uxorem, quam tu extulisti,446 pudore exsequi,447

quoiius448 quotiens sepulcrum uides, sacruficas449


ilico450 Orco451 hostiis,452 neque adeo iniuria,453

quia licitumst454 eam tibi uiuendo455 uincere. Periphanes: oh!456

Hercules457 ego fui, dum illa mecum fuit;

neque sexta aerumna458 acerbior Herculi459 quam460 illa mihi obiectast.461

Apoecides: pulchra edepol462 dos463 pecuniast.464 Periphanes: quae quidem pol non maritast.465



Scene summary: Epidicus comes out and sees the old men before they see him. He overhears Periphanes planning a marriage for Stratippocles and worrying about a rumour that Stratippocles has been devoting himself to a young lyre-playing slave-woman (we know she is Acropolistis). Epidicus hits on a scheme to cheat Periphanes out of the money needed to repay Stratippocles’s debt. He pretends he’s been searching for them all over town to tell them the news that the legion has arrived home from the war in Thebes, and that he has overheard two women who say that Stratippocles was planning on borrowing the money to buy, and then manumit, his lyre-playing girlfriend. Periphanes is very upset at his son for ruining his credit and wasting money like this, and gladly takes Epidicus’s advice, which is to arrange a marriage for Stratippocles to some unnamed woman, and to buy Acropolistis himself but arrange for her to be sent out of the city and out of Stratippocles’s reach. Epidicus persuades Periphanes not to involve himself personally in the purchase of the slave woman (ostensibly to ensure that Stratippocles won’t find out that his own father has bought her), and promises him that he’ll recoup the money and even make a profit by selling her on to a wealthy Rhodian soldier (perhaps the same soldier as the Euboean one Epidicus mentioned act 1, scene 2). Periphanes agrees to send his friend Apoecides with Epidicus to carry out the purchase.

Epidicus: St!466

tacete, habete animum bonum.467

liquido468 exeo foras469 auspicio, aui470 sinistera;471


acutum cultrum habeo, senis472 qui473 exenterem474 marsuppium.475


sed eccum476 ipsum ante477 aedis478 conspicor479 <cum> Apoecide

qualis480 uolo uetulos481 duo.

iam ego me conuortam482 in hirudinem483 atque eorum exsugebo484 sanguinem,

senati485 qui columen486 cluent.487

Apoecides:488 continuo489 ut maritus490 fiat. Periphanes: laudo consilium tuom.491


nam ego illum audiui in amorem492 haerere493 apud nescioquam494 fidicinam,

id495 ego excrucior.496 Epidicus: di hercle omnes me adiuuant, augent, amant:

ipsi hiquidem497 mihi dant uiam, quo pacto498 ab se499 argentum auferam.

age nunciam500 orna501 te, Epidice, et palliolum502 in collum503 conice504

itaque adsimulato505 quasi506 per urbem totam hominem quaesiueris.507


age, si quid agis.508 di inmortales!509 utinam conueniam510 domi511

Periphanem, per omnem urbem quem sum defessus512 quaerere:513

per medicinas,514 per tostrinas,515 in gymnasio atque in foro,

per myropolia516 et lanienas517 circumque argentarias.518

rogitando sum raucus519 factus, paene in cursu concidi.520


Periphanes: Epidice! Epidicus: Epidicum quis est qui reuocat? Periphanes: ego sum, Periphanes.

Apoecides: et ego Apoecides sum. Epidicus: et egoquidem521 sum Epidicus. sed, ere,522 optuma523

uos uideo opportunitate524 ambo aduenire. Periphanes: quid rei est?525

Epidicus: mane, <mane>, sine526 respirem quaeso.527 Periphanes: immo528 adquiesce.529 Epidicus: animo malest.530

Apoecides: recipe anhelitum.531 Periphanes: clementer,532 requiesce. Epidicus: animum aduortite.533


a legione omnes remissi sunt domum534 Thebis.535 Apoecides: <quis hoc>

scit factum? Epidicus: ego ita dico factum esse. Periphanes: scin536 tu istuc?537 Epidicus: scio.

Periphanes: qui538 tu scis? Epidicus: quia ego ire uidi milites plenis539 uiis;540

arma referunt et iumenta541 ducunt. Periphanes: nimi’542 factum bene!

Epidicus: tum captiuorum quid543 ducunt secum! pueros, uirgines,


binos,544 ternos,545 alius quinque; fit concursus546 per uias,

filios suos quisque547 uisunt.548 Periphanes: hercle rem gestam bene!549

Epidicus: tum meretricum550 numerus tantus quantum in urbe omni fuit

obuiam551 ornatae552 occurrebant suis quaequae553 amatoribus,

eos captabant.554 id adeo555 qui556 maxume animum aduorterim?557


pleraeque558 eae sub uestimentis secum habebant retia.559

quom560 ad portam561 uenio, atque ego illam illi uideo562 praestolarier563

et cum ea tibicinae564 ibant quattuor. Periphanes: quicum,565 Epidice?

Epidicus: cum illa quam tuo’566 gnatus567 annos multos deamat,568 deperit,569

ubi570 fidemque571 remque572 seque teque properat perdere;573


ea praestolabatur574 illum apud portam. Periphanes: uiden575 ueneficam?576

Epidicus: sed uestita,577 aurata,578 ornata579 ut580 lepide,581 ut concinne,582 ut noue!583

Periphanes: quid erat induta?584 an regillam585 induculam586 an mendiculam?587

Epidicus: impluuiatam,588 ut istae faciunt uestimentis nomina.

Periphanes: utin589 impluuium590 induta fuerit?591 Epidicus: quid istuc592 tam mirabile est?


quasi593 non fundis594 exornatae595 multae incedant596 per uias.

at tributus597 quom598 imperatus est, negant599 pendi600 potis;601

illis quibu’602 tributus maior penditur, pendi potest.603

quid istae quae604 uestei605 quotannis606 nomina inueniunt noua?

tunicam rallam,607 tunicam spissam,608 linteolum caesicium,


indusiatam, patagiatam, caltulam aut crocotulam,

supparum aut — subnimium, ricam, basilicum609 aut exoticum,610

cumatile aut plumatile, carinum aut cerinum — gerrae611 maxumae!612

cani613 quoque etiam ademptumst614 nomen. Periphanes: qui?615 Epidicus: uocant Laconicum.616

haec uocabula617 auctiones618 subigunt619 ut faciant uiros.


Apoecides: quin620 tu ut621 occepisti622 loquere?623 Epidicus: occepere624 aliae mulieres

duae sic post625 me fabulari626 inter sese627 — ego abscessi628 sciens629

paullum630 ab illis, dissimulabam631 earum operam632 sermoni dare;

nec satis exaudibam,633 nec sermonis634 fallebar635 tamen,

quae loquerentur. Periphanes: id lubidost636 scire. Epidicus: ibi637 illarum altera


dixit illi quicum638 ipsa ibat — Periphanes: quid? Epidicus: tace ergo, ut audias — 

postquam illam sunt conspicatae,639 quam tuo’640 gnatus deperit:641

“quam642 facile et quam fortunate euenit643 illi, opsecro,644

mulieri quam liberare uolt645 amator!” “quisnam646 is est?”

inquit647 altera illi. ibi648 illa nominat Stratippoclem


Periphanei649 filium. Periphanes: perii650 hercle! quid ego ex te audio?

Epidicus: hoc quod actumst.651 egomet652 postquam id illas audiui loqui,653

coepi654 rusum655 uorsum656 ad illas pauxillatim657 accedere,658

quasi retruderet659 hominum me uis660 inuitum. Periphanes: intellego.

Epidicus: ibi661 illa interrogauit illam: “qui662 scis? quis id dixit tibi?”


“quin663 hodie adlatae664 tabellae sunt ad eam a Stratippocle,

eum665 argentum sumpsisse666 apud Thebas ab danista faenore,

id paratum et sese ob eam rem667 id ferre.” Periphanes: certo ego occidi!668

Epidicus: haec sic aibat:669 se audiuisse ex eapse670 atque epistula.

Periphanes: quid ego faciam? nunc consilium a te expetesso,671 Apoecides.


Apoecides: reperiamus672 aliquid673 calidi,674 conducibilis675 consili.676

nam ille quidem aut iam677 hic678 aderit,679 credo hercle, aut iam680 adest. Epidicus: si aequom681 siet682

me plus sapere683 quam uos, dederim uobis consilium catum684

quod laudetis, ut ego opino,685 uterque — Periphanes: ergo ubi id686 est, Epidice?

Epidicus: atque ad eam rem687 conducibile. Apoecides: quid688 istuc689 dubitas dicere?


Epidicus: uos priores690 esse oportet, nos posterius691 dicere,

qui plus sapitis. Periphanes: heia uero!692 age dice. Epidicus: at deridebitis.693

Apoecides: non edepol faciemus. Epidicus: immo694 si placebit utitor,695

consilium si non placebit, reperitote696 rectius.697

mihi istic698 nec seritur699 nec metitur,700 nisi ea quae tu uis uolo.


Periphanes: gratiam habeo;701 fac participes702 nos tuae sapientiae.

Epidicus: continuo703 arbitretur704 uxor tuo gnato atque ut fidicinam

illam quam is uolt liberare, quae illum corrumpit705 tibi,

ulciscare706 atque ita curetur, usque ad mortem707 ut seruiat.708

Apoecides: fieri oportet. Periphanes: facere cupio quiduis709 dum710 id fiat modo. Epidicus: em!711


nunc occasiost712 faciundi, priu’ quam713 in urbem aduenerit,

sicut714 cras hic aderit, hodie non uenit. Periphanes: qui715 scis? Epidicus: scio.

quia mihi alius dixit qui illinc716 uenit mane717 hic adfore.718

Periphanes: quin tu eloquere,719 quid faciemus? Epidicus: sic faciundum censeo,720

quasi721 tu cupias liberare fidicinam animi gratia722


quasique ames uehementer tu illam. Periphanes: quam ad rem istuc refert?723 Epidicus: rogas?

ut enim praestines724 argento, priu’ quam725 ueniat filius,

atque ut726 eam te727 in libertatem728 dicas emere — Periphanes: intellego.

Epidicus: ubi erit empta,729 ut730 aliquo731 ex urbe amoueas;732 nisi quid733 tuast734

secu’735 sententia. Periphanes: immo736 docte!737 Epidicus: quid tu autem, Apoecides?


Apoecides: quid ego738 iam nisi te commentum739 nimis740 astute741 intellego?742

Epidicus: iam igitur amota ei743 fuerit744 omnis consultatio745

nuptiarum,746 ne grauetur747 quod uelis.748 Periphanes: uiue749 sapis750

et placet. Epidicus: tum tu igitur calide751 quidquid acturu’s752 age.

Periphanes: rem753 hercle loquere.754 Epidicus: et repperi755 haec te qui756 apscedat757 suspicio.758


Periphanes: sine759 me scire. Epidicus: scibis,760 audi. Apoecides: sapit hic pleno pectore.761

Epidicus: opus est762 homine qui illo763 argentum deferat764 pro fidicina;

nam te nolo neque opu’765 factost.766 Periphanes: quid767 iam? Epidicus: ne te censeat768

fili769 caussa770 facere — Periphanes: docte! Epidicus: quo illum ab illa prohibeas:

ne qua771 ob772 eam suspicionem difficultas euenat.773


Periphanes: quem hominem inueniemus ad eam rem utilem? Epidicus: hic774 erit optumus;775

hic poterit cauere776 recte, iura qui et leges tenet.777

Periphanes: Epidico habeas gratiam.778 Epidicus: sed ego istuc779 faciam sedulo:780

ego illum conueniam781 atque adducam huc ad te, quoiiast,782 fidicinam783

atque argentum ego cum hoc784 feram. Periphanes: quanti785 emi786 potest minimo? Epidicus: illane?


ad quadraginta787 fortasse788 eam posse emi minimo789 minis.790

uerum si plus dederis referam, nihil in ea re captiost.791

atque id non decem occupatum792 tibi erit argentum dies.793

Periphanes: quidum?794 Epidicus: quia enim mulierem alius illam adulescens deperit,795

auro opulentus, magnus miles Rhodius,796 raptor hostium,


gloriosus:797 hic emet illam de te et dabit aurum lubens.798

face799 modo, est lucrum800 hic tibi amplum.801 Periphanes: deos quidem oro. Epidicus: impetras.802

Apoecides: quin803 tu is804 intro atque huic argentum promis?805 ego uisam806 ad forum.

Epidice, eo807 ueni. Epidicus: ne abitas808 priu’809 quam ego ad te uenero.

Apoecides: usque810 opperiar.811 — Periphanes: sequere tu intro. — Epidicus: i numera,812

nil813 ego te moror.814



Scene summary: While the two old men are indoors getting the money, Epidicus rejoices at how well he’s fooling them. He says that, in the place of Acropolistis, whom he’s supposed to be buying, he’ll hire a different lyre-player. This new lyre-player was to have been hired to play the lyre for a religious sacrifice Periphanes had planned to do, but now Epidicus will coach her to play the part of Acropolistis.

Epidicus: nullum esse opinor815 ego agrum in agro Attico

aeque816 feracem817 quam hic est noster Periphanes:

quin818 ex occluso819 atque opsignato820 armario821

decutio822 argenti tantum quantum mihi lubet.823

quod pol ego metuo si senex resciuerit824


ne ulmos825 parasitos826 faciat quae827 usque828 attondeant.829

sed me una turbat830 res ratioque,831 Apoecidi

quam832 ostendam fidicinam aliquam conducticiam.833

atque id quoque habeo: mane834 me iussit senex

conducere835 aliquam fidicinam sibi huc domum,


dum rem diuinam836 faceret, cantaret837 sibi;

ea conducetur atque ei praemonstrabitur838

quo pacto fiat subdola839 aduorsus840 senem.

ibo intro, argentum accipiam ab damnoso841 sene. — 



Scene summary: While Epidicus is in Periphanes’s house getting the money to purchase the supposed Acropolistis, Stratippocles and Chaeribulus come on stage. Stratippocles expresses his worry that Epidicus won’t be able to find a way to pay off his debt, and loses his temper with Chaeribulus for being unable to help.

Stratippocles: Expectando842 exedor843 miser atque exenteror844


quo modo mi845 Epidici blanda dicta euenant.846

nimi’847 diu maceror:848 sitne quid necne sit849

scire cupio. Chaeribulus: per850 illam tibi copiam851

copiam parare852 aliam licet: sciui equidem in principio ili-

co853 nullam tibi esse in illo854 copiam. Stratippocles: interii855 hercle ego!


Chaeribulus: apsurde856 faci’857 qui angas858 te animi;859 si hercle ego illum semel prendero,860

numquam inridere861 nos illum inultum862 sinam seruom hominem.


Stratippocles: quid863 illum ferre uis qui, tibi864 quoi865 diuitiae domi866 maxumae sunt,

is867 nummum868 nullum habes nec sodali869 tuo in te copiast.870


Chaeribulus: si hercle habeam pollicear871 lubens,872 uerum aliquid aliqua aliquo modo

alicunde873 ab aliqui874 aliqua tibi spes est fore875 mecum fortunam.876

Stratippocles: uae tibi, muricide877 homo! Chaeribulus: qui878 tibi lubet879 mihi male loqui?

Stratippocles: quipp’880 tu mi881 aliquid aliquo modo alicunde ab aliquibus882 blatis883

quod nusquamst,884 neque ego id immitto885 in auris886 meas,


nec mihi plus adiumenti887 ades888 quam ille qui numquam etiam natust.889


Scene summary: Epidicus joins the two young men and tells Stratippocles that he’s tricked Periphanes into giving him fifty minae, supposedly to buy Acropolistis. He says that he plans on tricking the pimp, who had sold him Acropolistis two days earlier, into telling Periphanes that he’s now just sold a lyre-player to Epidicus for the fifty minae. Epidicus gives the money to Stratippocles and explains the two deceptions he’s played on Periphanes (firstly tricking him into thinking Acropolistis is his daughter Telestis so that he buys her, and secondly tricking him into giving him the purchase price for Acropolistis which will instead be used to pay Stratippocles’s debt). Epidicus tells Stratippocles that Periphanes is arranging to get him married, and Stratippocles says he’ll never agree to get married while his (new) girlfriend is alive. Epidicus tells Stratippocles that he’ll hire a different lyre-player to pretend to be Acropolistis.

Epidicus: fecisti iam officium tuom,890 me meum nunc facere oportet.

per891 hanc curam quieto892 tibi licet esse — hoc quidem iam periit:893

ni quid tibi hinc in spem referas,894 oppido895 hoc896 pollinctum est;897

crede modo mihi: sic ego ago, sic egerunt nostri.898


pro di inmortales,899 mihi hunc diem dedistis luculentum!900

ut901 facilem atque impetrabilem!902 sed ego hinc migrare903 cesso,904

ut importem905 in coloniam906 hunc <meo> auspicio907 commeatum.908

mihi cesso quom909 sto. sed quid hoc? ante aedis910 duo sodales911

erum et Chaeribulum conspicor.912 quid hic agitis? accipe hoc sis.913


Stratippocles: quantum914 hic inest? Epidicus: quantum sat915 est et plus satis:916 superfit.917

decem minis918 plus attuli919 quam tu danistae debes.

dum920 tibi ego placeam atque opsequar921 meum tergum flocci facio.922

Stratippocles: nam quid923 ita? Epidicus: quia ego tuom924 patrem faciam parenticidam.925

Stratippocles: quid istuc est uerbi?926 Epidicus: nil moror927 uetera928 et uolgata929 uerba.


“peratum ductare” †at† ego follitum ductitabo.930

nam leno931 omne argentum apstulit932 pro fidicina (ego resolui,933

manibus his934 denumeraui935) pater suam natam quam936 esse credit;

nunc iterum ut fallatur937 pater tibique auxilium apparetur938

inueni;939 nam ita suasi940 seni atque hanc habui orationem


ut quom941 rediisses,942 ne tibi eiius943 copia944 esset. Stratippocles: eugae!945

Epidicus: ea iam domist946 pro947 filia. Stratippocles: <iam> teneo.948 Epidicus: nunc auctorem949

dedit mi950 ad hanc rem Apoecidem, is apud forum manet951 me

†quasiquae amaret† caueat.952 Stratippocles: hau953 male. Epidicus: iam ipse | cautor954 captusst.955

ipse in meo collo tuo’956 pater cruminam957 collocauit;958


is adornat,959 adueniens960 domi extemplo961 ut maritus962 fias.

Stratippocles: uno persuadebit modo,963 si illam quae adducta est mecum

mihi adempsit964 Orcus.965 Epidicus: nunc ego hanc astutiam966 institui.967

deueniam968 ad lenonem domum969 egomet970 solus, eum ego docebo,

si quid971 ad eum adueniam,972 ut sibi esse datum973 argentum dicat


pro fidicina, argenti minas974 se habere quinquaginta.975

(quippe976 ego qui nudiustertius977 meis manibus denumeraui978

pro illa tua amica quam pater suam filiam esse retur):979

ibi980 leno sceleratum981 caput suom982 inprudens983 alligabit,984

quasi pro illa argentum acceperit quae tecum adducta nunc est.


Stratippocles: uorsutior985 es quam rota986 figularis. Epidicus: iam ego parabo987

aliquam dolosam988 fidicinam, nummo989 conducta quae sit,990

quae se emptam991 simulet,992 quae senes duo docte993 ludificetur.994

eam ducet simul995 Apoecides ad tuom996 patrem. Stratippocles: ut parate!997

Epidicus: eam permeditatam,998 meis dolis999 astutiisque1000 onustam1001


mittam. sed nimi’1002 longum1003 loquor, diu me estis demorati.1004

haec scitis iam ut futura sint. abeo. — Stratippocles: bene ambulato.1005

Chaeribulus: nimi’ doctus illic1006 ad male faciendum.1007 Stratippocles: me equidem certo1008

seruauit1009 consiliis suis. Chaeribulus: abeamus intro hinc ad me.1010

Stratippocles: atque aliquanto1011 lubentius1012 quam aps1013 te sum egressus1014 intus;1015


uirtute atque auspicio Epidici cum praeda1016 in castra redeo. — 


Scene summary: Periphanes admits in a soliloquy that he himself behaved badly when he was younger, so he shouldn’t judge his son Stratippocles too harshly. Apoecides arrives with the hired lyre-player whom he believes is Acropolistis. Periphanes directs a slave to lead her into his house but instructs the slave to keep this low-class sex worker well away from the woman he believes is his virginal daughter Telestis. Apoecides raves about Epicicus’s cleverness at (as he thinks) tricking the hired lyre-player into thinking she’d merely been hired for the day instead of having been bought.

Periphanes: non oris1017 caussa1018 modo homines aequom1019 fuit

sibi habere speculum1020 ubi os contemplarent1021 suom,1022

sed qui perspicere1023 possent [cor1024 sapientiae,

igitur perspicere ut possint] cordis copiam;1025


ubi id inspexissent,1026 cogitarent1027 postea1028

uitam ut uixissent olim in adulescentia.

fuit conducibile1029 hoc quidem mea sententia.1030

uel1031 [quasi]1032 ego[met],1033 qui dudum1034 fili1035 caussa coeperam1036

ego me excruciare1037 animi,1038 quasi quid1039 filius


meu’1040 deliquisset1041 med1042 erga1043 aut [quasi] non pluruma1044

malefacta mea essent solida1045 in adulescentia.

profecto1046 deliramus1047 interdum1048 senes.

sed meu’1049 sodalis1050 it1051 cum praeda1052 Apoecides.

uenire saluom1053 mercatorem1054 gaudeo.1055


quid fit?1056 Apoecides: di deaeque te adiuuant. Periphanes: omen placet.

Apoecides: quin omini omnis1057 suppetunt1058 res1059 prospere.1060

sed tu †hanc iubes† intro1061 abduci.1062 Periphanes: heus!1063 foras

exite huc aliquis.1064 duce1065 istam intro mulierem.

atque audin?1066 Seruos: quid uis? Periphanes: caue1067 siris1068 cum filia


mea copulari1069 hanc neque conspicere.1070 iam tenes?1071

in aediculam1072 istanc1073 sorsum1074 concludi1075 uolo.

diuortunt1076 mores uirgini longe ac lupae.1077

Apoecides: docte et sapienter dicis. num<quam> nimi’1078 potest

pudicitiam1079 quisquam1080 suae seruare filiae.


edepol ne1081 istam * temperi1082 gnato tuo

sumu’1083 praemercati.1084 Periphanes: quid1085 iam? Apoecides: quia dixit mihi

iam dudum1086 se alius tuom1087 uidisse hic filium:

hanc edepol rem1088 apparabat.1089 Periphanes: plane hercle hoc quidem est.

Apoecides: ne1090 tu habes seruom1091 graphicum1092 et quantiuis preti,1093


non carust1094 auro contra.1095 ut ille fidicinam

fecit †nescire† esse emptam tibi!1096

ita ridibundam1097 atque hilaram1098 huc adduxit simul.1099

Periphanes: mirum hoc qui1100 potuit fieri. Apoecides: te pro filio

facturum dixit rem esse diuinam1101 domi,


quia Thebis1102 saluos1103 redierit.1104 Periphanes: recte1105 institit.

Apoecides: immo1106 ipsus1107 illi1108 dixit conductam esse1109 eam

quae1110 hic administraret1111 ad rem diuinam tibi.1112

[facturum hoc dixit rem esse diuinam tibi domi]1113

ego illic1114 med1115 autem sic adsimulabam:1116 quasi


stolidum,1117 combardum1118 me faciebam.1119 Periphanes: Immo ita decet.1120

Apoecides: res1121 magna amici apud forum agitur,1122 ei uolo

ire aduocatus.1123 Periphanes: at quaeso,1124 ubi erit otium,1125

reuortere1126 ad me extemplo.1127 Apoecides: continuo1128 hic ero. — 

Periphanes: nihil homini amicost1129 opportuno1130 amicius:1131


sine tuo labore quod uelis actumst1132 tamen.

ego si adlegassem1133 aliquem ad hoc negotium

minus hominem doctum minu’que1134 ad hanc rem callidum,1135

os sublitum esset,1136 itaque me albis dentibus1137

meu’1138 derideret1139 filius meritissumo.1140


atque haec stultitiast1141 me illi uitio1142 uortere1143

egomet1144 quod factitaui1145 in adulescentia,

quom1146 militabam:1147 pugnis memorandis1148 meis1149

eradicabam1150 hominum auris,1151 quando occeperam.1152

sed quis illic1153 est quem huc aduenientem conspicor1154


suam qui undantem1155 chlamydem1156 quassando1157 facit?


Scene summary: A swaggering soldier arrives looking for Periphanes. After a comic exchange of boastful military claims, the soldier says that he wants to buy the slave woman that he hears Periphanes has just bought. He had been planning to buy her, manumit her, and make her his concubine, and now wants to buy her back from Periphanes. Periphanes agrees to sell her for sixty minae (ten more than he thinks he paid for her).

Miles: Caue1158 praeterbitas1159 ullas aedis1160 quin roges,1161

senex hic ubi habitat Periphanes Platenius.

incertus tuom1162 caue ad me rettuleris1163 pedem.1164

Periphanes: adulescens, si istunc1165 hominem quem tu quaeritas1166


tibi commostrasso,1167 ecquam1168 aps1169 te inibo gratiam?1170

Miles: uirtute belli armatus promerui1171 ut mihi

omnis mortalis agere deceat gratias.

Periphanes: non repperisti,1172 adulescens, tranquillum locum

ubi tuas uirtutes explices1173 ut postulas.1174


nam strenuiori1175 deterior1176 si praedicat1177

suas pugnas, de illius1178 illae fiunt sordidae.1179

sed istum quem quaeris Periphanem Platenium

ego sum, si quid uis.1180 Miles: nemp’1181 quem in adulescentia

memorant1182 apud reges armis, arte duellica


diuitias1183 magnas indeptum?1184 Periphanes: immo,1185 si audias

meas pugnas, fugias manibus dimissis1186 domum.

Miles: pol ego magis unum1187 quaero meas1188 quoi1189 praedicem1190

quam illum qui memoret suas1191 mihi. Periphanes: hic non est locus;

proin1192 tu alium quaeras quoi centones1193 sarcias.1194


Miles: animum aduorte1195 ut quod1196 ego ad te aduenio intellegas.

meam amicam audiui te esse mercatum.1197 Periphanes: attatae!1198

nunc demum scio ego hunc qui sit: quem dudum1199 Epidicus

mihi praedicauit militem. adulescens, itast1200

ut dicis, emi.1201 Miles: uolo te uerbis pauculis1202


si tibi molestum1203 non est. Periphanes: non edepol scio

molestum necne1204 sit, nisi dicis quid uelis.

Miles: mihi illam ut tramittas,1205 argentum accipias. Periphanes: adest?1206

Miles: nam quid1207 ego apud te uera1208 parcam1209 proloqui?

ego illam uolo hodie facere libertam1210 meam


mihi concubina1211 quae sit. Periphanes: te apsoluam1212 breui:1213

argenti quinquaginta1214 mihi illa empta est minis;1215

si sexaginta1216 mihi denumerantur1217 minae,

tuas possidebit1218 mulier faxo1219 ferias;1220

atque ita profecto1221 ut1222 eam ex hoc exoneres1223 agro.1224

Miles: estne empta mihi istis legibus?1225 Periphanes: habeas licet.


Miles: conciliauisti1226 pulchre.1227 Periphanes: heus!1228 foras1229 educite1230

quam introduxistis1231 fidicinam. atque etiam fides,1232

ei quae accessere,1233 tibi addam1234 dono1235 gratiis.1236


Scene summary: When the soldier sees the hired lyre-player instead of Acropolistis, he tells Periphanes that it’s the wrong woman, and Periphanes begins to realize that Epidicus has cheated him. The hired lyre-player tells him that she has been a freedwoman for five years and was told she was being hired to play her lyre for an old man who would be performing a religious sacrifice. She also says that she knows the real Acropolistis, who has, she says, recently been freed by Stratippocles. Periphanes expresses shame and anger at how well Epidicus had tricked him.

Periphanes: age accipe hanc sis.1237 Miles: quae te intemperiae1238 tenent?1239


quas tu mihi tenebras1240 trudis?1241 quin1242 tu fidicinam

produci1243 intus1244 iubes? Periphanes: haec ergo est fidicina.

hic alia nullast.1245 Miles: non mihi nugari1246 potes.

quin tu huc producis fidicinam Acropolistidem?1247

Periphanes: haec inquamst.1248 Miles: non haec inquamst. non nouisse1249 me


meam rere1250 amicam posse? Periphanes: hanc, inquam, filius

meu’1251 deperibat1252 fidicinam. Miles: haec non est ea.

Periphanes: quid? non est? Miles: non est. Periphanes: unde haec igitur gentiumst?1253

equidem hercle argentum pro hac dedi. Miles: stulte datum1254

reor,1255 peccatum1256 largiter.1257 Periphanes: immo1258 haec east.1259


nam seruom misi qui illum sectari1260 solet

meum gnatum:1261 is ipse hanc destinauit1262 fidicinam.

Miles: em1263 istic1264 homo te articulatim1265 concidit,1266 senex,

tuo’ seruos.1267 Periphanes: quid “concidit”? Miles: sic suspiciost,1268

nam pro fidicina haec cerua1269 supposita1270 est tibi.


senex, tibi os est sublitum1271 plane et probe.

ego illam requiram1272 iam ubi ubi1273 est. bellator, uale. — 

Periphanes: eugae,1274 eugae! Epidice, frugi’s,1275 pugnasti,1276 homo es,

qui me emunxisti1277 mucidum,1278 minimi preti.1279

mercatus1280 te hodie est de lenone1281 Apoecides?


Fidicina: fando1282 ego istunc hominem numquam audiui ante hunc diem

neque me quidem emere quisquam ulla pecunia

potuit: plus iam sum libera quinquennium.1283

Periphanes: quid tibi negotist1284 meae domi igitur? Fidicina: audies.

conducta1285 ueni ut fidibus1286 cantarem seni,


dum rem diuinam1287 faceret. Periphanes: fateor1288 me omnium

hominum esse Athenis Atticis minimi preti.1289

sed tu nouistin1290 fidicinam Acropolistidem?

Fidicina: tam facile quam me.1291 Periphanes: ubi habitat? Fidicina: postquam1292 liberast1293

ubi habitet dicere admodum1294 incerte scio.1295


Periphanes: eho1296 an libera illa est? quis eam liberauerit

uolo scire, si scis. Fidicina: id quod audiui audies.

Stratippoclem aiunt Periphanei1297 filium

apsentem1298 curauisse1299 ut fieret libera.

Periphanes: perii1300 hercle si istaec1301 uera sunt; planissume.1302


meum exenterauit1303 Epidicus marsuppium.1304

Fidicina: haec sic audiui. numquid1305 me uis ceterum?1306

Periphanes: malo cruciatu1307 ut pereas atque abeas cito.1308

Fidicina: fides1309 non reddis?1310 Periphanes: neque fides neque tibias.1311

propera1312 sis1313 fugere hinc si te di amant. Fidicina: abiero.1314


flagitio1315 cum maiore post reddes tamen.1316 — 

Periphanes: quid nunc? qui in tantis positus sum1317 sententiis1318

eamne ego sinam1319 impune?1320 immo1321 etiam si alterum

tantum1322 perdundumst,1323 perdam potius quam1324 sinam

me impune inrisum esse,1325 habitum1326 depeculatui.1327


ei!1328 seic1329 data esse uerba1330 praesenti1331 palam!1332

ac me minoris1333 facio prae1334 illo, qui omnium

legum atque iurum fictor,1335 condictor1336 cluet;1337

is etiam sese sapere1338 memorat:1339 malleum1340

sapientiorem uidi excusso1341 manubrio.1342




Scene summary: Philippa, the mother of Telestis, arrives on stage, expressing anxiety and sadness because her daughter has been taken captive. She is looking for Periphanes, and finally sees him. They eventually recognize each other, having not seen each other for many years. Periphanes remembers his part in the affair (during which he had helped her out financially) as having been more generous than Philippa does, since she was left with a child to bring up and no husband. Periphanes tells Philippa the good news that he has their daughter Telestis safe in his house, and he calls for her to be brought outside to see her mother.

Philippa: Si quid est homini1343 miseriarum1344 quod miserescat,1345 miser ex animost.1346

id ego experior,1347 quoi1348 multa in unum locum confluont1349 quae

meum pectu’1350 pulsant1351

simul: multiplex1352 aerumna1353 exercitam1354 habet,

paupertas, pauor1355 territat1356 mentem animi,


neque ubi meas conlocem1357 spes1358 habeo mi usquam1359 munitum1360 locum.

ita gnata1361 mea hostiumst1362 potita1363 neque ea nunc ubi sit scio.

Periphanes: quis illaec1364 est mulier timido pectore1365 peregre1366 adueniens

quae ipsa se miseratur?1367 Philippa: in his dictust1368 locis habitare mihi

Periphanes. Periphanes: me nominat haec; credo ego illi1369 hospitio1370 usu’1371 uenit.


Philippa: peruelim1372 mercedem1373 dare qui monstret eum mi hominem [aut] ubi habitet.

Periphanes: noscito1374 ego hanc, nam uideor nescio ubi1375 mi1376 uidisse prius.

estne ea an non east1377 quam animus retur1378 meus?

Philippa: di boni! uisitaui1379 * * antidhac?1380

Periphanes: certo1381 east * *


quam in Epidauro


pauperculam1382 memini1383 comprimere1384


Philippa: plane hicine1385 est

qui mi in Epidauro uirgini primu’1386 pudicitiam1387 perpulit.1388


Periphanes: quae meo compressu1389 peperit1390 filiam quam domi nunc habeo.

quid si1391 adeam1392 — Philippa: hau scio1393 an congredias1394 — Periphanes: si haec east. Philippa: sin is est homo,

sicut1395 anni multi dubia1396 dant. Periphanes: longa dies1397 meum incertat1398 animum.

sin1399 east quam incerte autumo,1400 hanc congrediar astu.1401


Philippa: muliebris1402 adhibenda1403 mihi malitia1404 nunc est.

Periphanes: compellabo.1405 Philippa: orationis aciem1406 contra1407 conferam.1408

Periphanes: salua sies.1409 Philippa: salutem1410 accipio mihi et meis.1411 Periphanes: quid ceterum?

Philippa: saluos1412 sis: quod credidisti1413 reddo.1414 Periphanes: haud accuso1415 fidem.1416

nouin1417 ego te? Philippa: si ego te noui, animum inducam1418 ut tu noueris.1419


Periphanes: ubi te uisitaui? Philippa: inique1420 iniuriu’s.1421 Periphanes: quid iam? Philippa: quia

tuae memoriae interpretari1422 me aequom1423 censes.1424 Periphanes: commode1425

fabulata’s.1426 Philippa: mira1427 memoras,1428 <Periphane.1429> Periphanes: em1430 istuc1431 rectius.1432

meministin?1433 Philippa: memini id quod memini. Periphanes: at in Epidauro — Philippa: ah! guttula1434

pectus ardens mihi aspersisti.1435 Periphanes: uirgini pauperculae


tuaeque matri me leuare1436 paupertatem?1437 Philippa: tun1438 is es

qui per1439 uoluptatem tuam in me aerumnam1440 obseuisti1441 grauem?

Periphanes: ego sum. salue. Philippa: salua1442 sum quia te esse saluom1443 sentio.1444

Periphanes: cedo1445 manum. Philippa: accipe; aerumnosam1446 et miseriarum1447 compotem1448

mulierem retines.1449 Periphanes: quid est quod1450 uoltus1451 †te turbat†1452 tuos?1453


Philippa: filiam quam ex te suscepi1454 — Periphanes: quid eam?1455 Philippa: eductam1456 perdidi.1457

hostium est potita.1458 Periphanes: habe animum lenem et tranquillum. tace.

domi meae1459 eccam1460 saluam et sanam. nam postquam audiui ilico1461

e meo seruo illam esse captam, continuo1462 argentum dedi

ut emeretur.1463 ille eam rem adeo1464 sobrie1465 et frugaliter1466


accurauit1467 ut — ut ad alias res est impense1468 inprobus.1469

Philippa: fac uideam,1470 sei1471 mea,1472 sei saluam <me> uis.1473 Periphanes: eho!1474 istinc,1475 Canthara,1476

iube Telestidem1477 huc prodire1478 filiam ante1479 aedis1480 meam,

ut suam uideat matrem. Philippa: remigrat1481 animus nunc demum mihi.


Scene summary: Acropolistis (whom Periphanes has been made to believe is his daughter Telestis) comes out, calling Periphanes “father”. Philippa says that the woman is not Telestis, and Acropolistis says she was told by Epidicus to pretend to be Telestis. Periphanes is enraged and threatens to have Epidicus executed when he finds him.

Acropolistis: quid est, pater, quod me exciuisti1482 ante aedis? Periphanes: ut matrem tuam


uideas, adeas,1483 aduenienti1484 des1485 salutem1486 atque osculum.1487

Acropolostis: quam meam matrem?1488 Periphanes: quae exanimata1489 exsequitur1490 aspectum1491 tuom.1492

Philippa: quis istaec1493 est quam tu osculum mi1494 ferre iubes? Periphanes: tua filia.

Philippa: haecine?1495 Periphanes: haec. Philippa: egone osculum huic dem? Periphanes: qur1496

non, quae ex te nata sit?1497

Philippa: tu homo insanis. Periphanes: egone? Philippa: tune. Periphanes: qur?1498 Philippa: quia ego hanc quae siet1499


neque scio neque noui1500 neque ego hanc oculis uidi ante hunc diem.

Periphanes: scio quid1501 erres:1502 quia uestitum1503 atque ornatum1504 immutabilem1505

habet haec, *

Philippa: * aliter1506 catuli1507 longe1508 olent,1509 aliter sues.1510

ne1511 ego me nego nosse1512 hanc quae sit. Periphanes: pro1513 deum atque hominum fidem!


quid? ego lenocinium1514 facio qui habeam alienas1515 domi1516

atque argentum egurgitem1517 domo prosus?1518 quid1519 tu, quae patrem

tuom1520 uocas me atque osculare, quid stas stupida? quid taces?

Acropolostis: quid1521 loquar uis? Periphanes: haec negat se tuam esse matrem. Acropolostis: ne fuat1522

si non uolt:1523 equidem hac inuita1524 tamen ero1525 matris1526 filia;


non med1527 istanc1528 cogere1529 aequom1530 est meam esse matrem si neuolt.1531

Periphanes: qur1532 me igitur patrem uocabas? Acropolistis: tua istaec1533 culpast,1534 non mea.

non patrem ego te nominem,1535 ubi tu tuam me appelles1536 filiam?

hanc quoque etiam, si me appellet filiam, matrem uocem.

negat haec filiam me suam esse: non ergo haec mater mea est.


postremo1537 haec mea culpa non est: quae didici1538 dixi omnia;

Epidicus mihi fuit magister.1539 Periphanes: perii!1540 plaustrum1541 perculi.1542

Acropolistis: numquid1543 ego ibi, pater, peccaui? Periphanes: si hercle te umquam audiuero

me patrem uocare, uitam tuam ego interimam.1544 Acropolistis: non uoco.

ubi1545 uoles pater esse ibi1546 esto;1547 ubi noles ne fueris1548 pater.


Philippa: quid <si> | ob eam rem1549 hanc emisti1550 quia tuam gnatam1551 ratu’s,1552

quibu’1553 de signis agnoscebas?1554 Periphanes: nullis. Philippa: qua re1555 filiam

credidisti nostram?1556 Periphanes: seruos1557 Epidicus dixit mihi.

Philippa: quid si seruo aliter uisum est,1558 non poteras nouisse,1559 opsecro?1560

Periphanes: quid ego,1561 qui illam ut1562 preimum1563 uidi, numquam uidi postea?


Philippa: perii misera! Periphanes: ne fle,1564 mulier. intro abi,1565 habe animum bonum;

ego illam reperiam.1566 Philippa: hinc1567 Athenis1568 ciuis eam emit Atticus:

adulescentem equidem dicebant emisse. Periphanes: inueniam, tace.

abi1569 modo intro atque hanc asserua1570 Circam1571 Solis1572 filiam.

ego relictis rebus1573 Epidicum operam quaerendo dabo:1574


si inuenio exitiabilem1575 ego illi faciam hunc ut fiat diem. — 



Scene summary: Epidicus expresses terror at the punishment he knows Periphanes is planning for him, since he has seen Periphanes and Apoecides buying straps for tying him up. He begs for help in running away, but Stratippocles is unsympathetic. The moneylender arrives with Telestis, and Stratippocles goes indoors to bring out the money he owes the moneylender. While Stratippocles is indoors, Epidicus recognizes Telestis as Periphanes’s illegitimate daughter, since he’d brought her some birthday gifts some years before (presumably at Periphanes’s order). She is delighted to learn that she has found her father, and when Stratippocles comes outdoors and pays off the moneylender, she greets him as her brother. Stratippocles is disappointed to find that his newly acquired slave girlfriend has turned out to be his sister but Epidicus tells him to keep quiet and to make do with Acropolistis instead. Epidicus knows that his discovery of the real Telestis will turn Periphanes’s rage into gratitude, and so no longer plans to run away.

Stratippocles: male1576 morigerus1577 mihi est danista,1578 quei1579 a me argentum non petit

neque illam adducit quam <emi> ex praeda.1580 sed eccum1581 incedit1582 Epidicus.

quid illuc est quod1583 illi caperrat1584 frons1585 seueritudine?1586

Epidicus: si undecim1587 deos praeter1588 sese secum adducat Iuppiter,


ita non omnes ex cruciatu1589 poterunt eximere1590 Epidicum.

Periphanem emere lora1591 uidi, ibi aderat una1592 Apoecides;

nunc homines me quaeritare1593 credo. senserunt, sciunt

sibi data esse uerba.1594 Stratippocles: quid agis,1595 mea Commoditas?1596 Epidicus: quod1597 miser.

Stratippocles: quid est tibi? Epidicus: quin1598 tu mihi adornas1599 ad fugam1600 uiaticum1601


priu’ quam1602 pereo? nam per urbem duo defloccati1603 senes

quaeritant me, in manibus gestant1604 copulas1605 secum simul.1606

Stratippocles: habe bonum animum. Epidicus: quippe1607 ego quoi1608 libertas in mundo1609 sitast.1610

Stratippocles: ego te seruabo.1611 Epidicus: edepol me illi melius1612 si nancti fuant.1613

sed quis haec est muliercula1614 et ille grauastellus,1615 qui uenit?


Stratippocles: hic est danista, haec illa est autem quam [ego] emi de praeda. Epidicus: haecinest?1616

Stratippocles: haec est. estne ita ut tibi dixi? aspecta1617 et contempla,1618 Epidice:

usque ab unguiculo1619 ad capillum1620 summumst1621 festiuissuma.1622

estne consimilis1623 quasi1624 quom1625 signum1626 pictum1627 pulchre aspexeris?1628

Epidicus: e tuis uerbis meum futurum1629 corium1630 pulchrum1631 praedicas,1632


quem1633 Apelles1634 ac Zeuxis1635 duo1636 pingent1637 pigmentis1638 ulmeis.1639

Stratippocles: di inmortales!1640 sicin1641 iussi1642 ad me ires?1643 pedibus plumbeis1644

qui1645 perhibetur1646 priu’1647 uenisset quam tu aduenisti mihi.

Danista: haec edepol remorata1648 med1649 est. Stratippocles: siquidem1650 istius gratia

id1651 remoratu’s1652 quod1653 ista uoluit, nimium aduenisti cito.1654


Danista: age age,1655 apsolue1656 <me> atque argentum numera,1657 ne comites1658 morer.1659

Stratippocles: pernumeratumst.1660 Danista: tene1661 cruminam:1662 huc1663 inde.1664 Stratippocles: sapienter1665 uenis.

opperire1666 dum ecfero1667 ad te argentum. Danista: matura.1668 Stratippocles: domist.1669 — 

Epidicus: satin1670 ego oculis1671 utilitatem1672 optineo1673 sincere1674 an parum?1675

uideon1676 ego Telestidem1677 te, Periphanei1678 filiam,


ex Philippa matre natam Thebis,1679 Epidauri1680 satam?1681

Telestis: quis tu homo es qui meum parentum nomen memoras1682 et meum?

Epidicus: non me nouisti?1683 Telestis: quod quidem nunc ueniat in mentem mihi.1684

Epidicus: non meministi1685 me auream1686 ad te adferre1687 natali1688 die

lunulam1689 atque anellum1690 aureolum1691 in digitum?1692 Telestis: memini, mi1693 homo.


tune is es? Epidicus: ego sum, et istic1694 frater qui te mercatust1695 tuos.1696

* * alia matre, uno patre.1697

Telestis: quid1698 pater meu’?1699 uiuost?1700 Epidicus: animo1701 liquido1702 et tranquillo1703 es,1704 tace.

Telestis: di me ex perdita1705 seruatam cupiunt si uera autumas.1706

Epidicus: non habeo ullam occasionem1707 ut apud te falsa fabuler.1708


Stratippocles: accipe argentum hoc, danista. hic sunt quadraginta1709 minae.1710

siquid erit dubium1711 immutabo.1712 Danista: bene fecisti, bene uale. — 

Stratippocles: nunc enim tu mea es. Telestis: soror quidem edepol, ut tu aeque1713 scias.

salue, frater. Stratippocles: sanan1714 haec est? Epidicus: sana, si appellat suom.1715

Stratippocles: quid? ego <quo> modo1716 huic <sum> frater factus, dum intro eo atque exeo?1717


Epidicus: quod boni est1718 id tacitus1719 taceas1720 tute1721 tecum et gaudeas.1722

Stratippocles: perdidisti1723 et repperisti1724 me, soror. Epidicus: stultu’s,1725 tace.

tibi quidem quod1726 ames domi praestost,1727 fidicina, | opera mea;1728

et sororem in libertatem idem1729 opera concilio1730 mea.

Stratippocles: Epidice, fateor1731 — Epidicus: abi1732 intro ac iube1733 huic aquam calefieri;1734


cetera haec posterius1735 faxo1736 scibis1737 ubi erit otium.1738

Stratippocles: sequere1739 hac1740 me, soror. Epidicus: ego ad uos Thesprionem iussero1741

huc transire. sed memento,1742 si quid1743 saeuibit1744 senex,

suppetias1745 mihi cum sorore ferre. Stratippocles: facile1746 istuc1747 erit. — 

Epidicus: Thesprio, exi istac1748 per hortum, adfer domum1749 auxilium mihi,


magnast1750 res. minoris multo facio1751 quam dudum1752 senes.

remeabo1753 intro, ut adcurentur1754 aduenientes hospites.

eadem1755 haec intus edocebo1756 quae ego scio Stratippoclem.

non fugio, domi adesse certumst;1757 neque ille haud1758 obiciet1759 mihi

pedibus1760 sese prouocatum.1761 abeo intro, nimi’1762 longum loquor. — 



Scene summary: Periphanes is still enraged at Epidicus, and Apoecides is exhausted from helping him look for Epidicus, and he blames Periphanes. Epidicus calmly strolls up, and surprises Periphanes by demanding that the latter tie him up with the straps he’s bought. Epidicus, with his hands bound, admits that he tricked Periphanes into paying thirty minae to buy Stratippocles’s lyre-playing girlfriend (Acropolistis) and to pretend that she was his daughter Telestis. Epidicus also admits that he gave Stratippocles the fifty minae that Periphanes had meant to be given to the pimp in exchange for Acropolistis. Epidicus says Periphanes shouldn’t yell at him so angrily, as though he were merely a slave, saying that he has earned his freedom and that Periphanes will understand if he goes into his house. When Periphanes sees the real Telestis, he feels badly for having been so angry at Epidicus and wants to untie him. Epidicus, milking Periphanes’s gratitude and guilt as much as he can, won’t let him untie the bonds until Periphanes has begged his pardon, promised him some new clothes, promised to free him, and to provide for him as his freedman. Epidicus magnanimously accepts these offers and allows Periphanes to untie him. The play ends with the troop of actors celebrating the man (Epidicus) who has won his freedom through bad behaviour, and they ask the audience for a round of applause.

Periphanes: Satine1763 illic1764 homo ludibrio1765 nos uetulos1766 decrepitos1767 duos

habet?1768 Apoecides: immo edepol tuquidem1769 miserum med1770 habes miseris modis.

Periphanes: tace sis, modo sine1771 me hominem apisci.1772 Apoecides: dico ego tibi iam, ut scias:

alium tibi te comitem meliust1773 quaerere; ita, dum te sequor,

lassitudine1774 inuaserunt1775 misero1776 in genua flemina.1777


Periphanes: quot illic homo hodie me exemplis1778 ludificatust1779 atque te,

ut1780 illic autem exenterauit1781 mihi opes argentarias!1782

Apoecides: apage1783 illum a me! nam ille quidem Volcani iratist1784 filius:

quaqua1785 tangit, omne amburit,1786 si astes,1787 aestu1788 calefacit.1789

Epidicus: duodecim1790 dis1791 plus quam1792 in caelo deorumst1793 inmortalium1794


mihi nunc auxilio1795 adiutores1796 sunt et mecum militant.1797

quidquid ego male feci, auxilia mi1798 et suppetiae1799 sunt domi,

apolactizo1800 inimicos omnis.1801 Periphanes: ubi illum quaeram1802 gentium?1803

Apoecides: dum1804 sine me quaeras, quaeras mea caussa1805 uel1806 medio in mari.1807

Epidicus: quid1808 me quaeris? quid laboras?1809 quid hunc1810 sollicitas?1811 ecce me.


num1812 te fugi, num ab domo apsum,1813 num oculis concessi1814 tuis?

* *

nec tibi supplico.1815 uincire1816 uis? em,1817 ostendo manus;

tu habes lora,1818 ego te emere uidi:1819 quid nunc cessas?1820 conliga.1821

Periphanes: ilicet!1822 uadimonium1823 ultro1824 mihi hic facit.1825 Epidicus: quin1826 conligas?


Apoecides: edepol mancupium1827 scelestum!1828 Epidicus: te profecto,1829 Apoecides, — 

nil1830 moror mihi deprecari.1831 Apoecides: facile exoras,1832 Epidice.

Epidicus: ecquid agis?1833 Periphanes: tuon1834 arbitratu?1835 Epidicus: meo1836 hercle uero atque hau1837 tuo1838

conligandae haec1839 sunt tibi1840 hodie. Periphanes: at non lubet,1841 non conligo.1842

Apoecides: tragulam1843 in te inicere1844 adornat,1845 nescioquam1846 fabricam1847 facit.


Epidicus: tibi moram1848 faci’1849 quom1850 ego solutus1851 asto.1852 age, inquam, conliga.

Periphanes: at mihi magi’1853 lubet solutum te rogitare. Epidicus: at nihil scies.

Periphanes: quid ago? Apoecides: quid agas? mos geratur.1854 Epidicus: frugi1855 es tu homo, Apoecides.

Periphanes: cedo1856 manus igitur. Epidicus: morantur nihil.1857 atque arte1858 conliga,

nihil uero <hoc> obnoxiosse.1859 Periphanes: facto opere1860 arbitramino.1861


Epidicus: bene hoc habet.1862 age nunciam1863 ex me exquire,1864 rogita quod lubet.1865

Periphanes: qua fiducia1866 ausu’s1867 primum quae emptast1868 nudiustertius1869

filiam meam dicere esse? Epidicus: lubuit:1870 ea fiducia.1871

Periphanes: ain1872 tu? lubuit? Epidicus: aio.1873 uel1874 da pignus,1875 ni1876 ea sit filia.

Periphanes: quam negat nouisse1877 mater? Epidicus: ni ergo matris filia est,


in meum nummum, in tuom talentum pignus da.1878 Periphanes: enim istaec1879 captiost.1880

sed quis east1881 mulier? Epidicus: tui gnati1882 amica, ut omnem rem scias.

Periphanes: dedin1883 tibi minas1884 triginta1885 ob1886 filiam? Epidicus: fateor1887 datas1888

et eo argento illam me emisse amicam fili fidicinam

pro1889 tua filia: istam ob rem1890 te tetigi1891 triginta minis.


Periphanes: quomodo me ludos fecisti1892 de illa conducticia1893

fidicina! Epidicus: factum hercle uero et recte factum iudico.

Periphanes: quid postremo argento factum est quod dedi? Epidicus: dicam tibi:

neque malo homini neque benigno1894 tuo dedi Stratippocli.

Periphanes: qur1895 dare ausu’s?1896 Epidicus: quia mi1897 lubitum est.1898 Periphanes: quae haec, malum,1899 inpudentiast?1900


Epidicus: etiam inclamitor1901 quasi seruos?1902 Periphanes: quom1903 tu es liber gaudeo.

Epidicus: merui1904 ut fierem.1905 Periphanes: tu meruisti? Epidicus: uisse1906 intro: ego faxo1907 scies

hoc ita esse.1908 Periphanes: quid est negoti?1909 Epidicus: iam ipsa res dicet tibi.

abi1910 modo intro. Apoecides: i,1911 illuc1912 non temerest.1913 Periphanes: adserua1914 istum, Apoecides. — 

Apoecides: quid illuc, Epidice, est negoti? Epidicus: maxuma1915 hercle iniuria


uinctus asto,1916 quoius1917 haec hodie opera1918 inuentast1919 filia.

Apoecides: ain1920 tu te illius inuenisse filiam? Epidicus: inueni et domi est.

sed ut acerbum1921 est pro bene factis quom1922 mali messim1923 metas!1924

Apoecides: quamne1925 hodie per urbem uterque sumu’1926 defessi quaerere?

Epidicus: ego sum defessus reperire,1927 uos defessi quaerere.


Periphanes: quid1928 isti1929 oratis opere tanto?1930 <me> meruisse1931 intellego1932

ut liceat1933 merito1934 huiius1935 facere.1936 cedo1937 tu ut exsoluam1938 manus.

Epidicus: ne attigas.1939 Periphanes: ostende1940 uero. Epidicus: nolo. Periphanes: non aequom1941 facis.1942

Epidicus: numquam hercle hodie, nisi supplicium1943 mihi das, me solui1944 sinam.1945

Periphanes: optumum1946 atque aequissumum1947 oras. soccos,1948 tunicam, pallium1949


tibi dabo. Epidicus: quid deinde porro?1950 Periphanes: libertatem. Epidicus: at postea?

nouo liberto1951 opus est1952 quod1953 pappet.1954 Periphanes: dabitur, praebebo1955 cibum.

Epidicus: numquam hercle hodie, nisi me orassis,1956 solues. Periphanes: oro te, Epidice,

mihi ut ignoscas1957 si quid inprudens1958 culpa1959 peccaui1960 mea.

at ob eam rem1961 liber esto.1962 Epidicus: inuitus do hanc ueniam1963 tibi,


nisi1964 necessitate cogar.1965 solue sane1966 si lubet.1967

Grex:1968 hic is homo est qui libertatem malitia1969 inuenit sua.

plaudite1970 et ualete. lumbos1971 porgite1972 atque exsurgite.1973

1 There is some scholarly uncertainty as to the mood and tense of these forms (see Duckworth-Wheeler 1940: 178–179).

2 Any good Latin grammar, such as Bennett’s New Latin Grammar or Allen & Greenough’s New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges, will provide a helpfully simplified explanation of Latin meter.

3 heus: “hey!” (used to try to get someone’s attention).

4 fateor, fateri, fassus sum: “admit”, “confess”.

5 odio es (odio is dative of purpose): “you are an object of hatred”.

6 familiaris… familiariter: this is a play on words: familiaris means “fellow slave”, while familiariter means “on friendly terms”.

7 conspicor, conspicari, conspicatus sum: “catch sight of”, “see”.

8 sati’ = satis: “enough”, “sufficiently”.

9 uteris (second-person singular present deponent indicative) < utor, uti, usus sum (+ ablative).

10 uenire saluom gaudeo: “I am glad that you’ve come home safe and sound” (a formulaic greeting).

11 quod eo adsolet: “what’s usual with that [greeting]” (eo is an adverb here, meaning “there”, “in that place”).

12 spondeo me accepturum [esse] is an indirect statement.

13 quid tu agis: “what’s up with you?” “how are you doing?”

14 ut: “how”.

15 exemplum adesse: “the very model of good health is before [you]” (the introductory verb is missing from this indirect statement, or else Epidicus’s intellego is meant to complete it. I have followed Duckworth-Wheeler in moving intellego from Thesprio’s line to Epidicus’).

16 eugae = euge (exclamation of approval or joy): “good”, “well done”.

17 habitior (a comparative adjective < habeo): “better kept”, “in better condition.”

18 huic gratia: “thanks to this” (“this” refers to his left hand).

19 quam (fem. acc. sing. of the relative pronoun; the antecedent is huic in line 10).

20 perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus: “ruin”, “lose”.

21 oportuit (impersonal verb); translate here as “you ought”.

22 minu’ = minus.

23 furtificus, -a, -um: “thievish”, with the implication of furtive sneakiness.

24 quid ita?: “why so?”

25 propalam (adverb): “openly”, “publicly”.

26 inmortales = immortales.

27 infelico, -are: “grant bad luck”.

28 gradibus grandibus < gradus, -us (m.): “step”, “stride” and grandis, -e (adjective): “huge”, “enormous” (they are datives of reference); translate the phrase: “what enormous steps you’re taking”.

29 ut: “when”.

30 curriculo (adverb): “by running”, “at full speed”.

31 occipio, occipere, occepi / occoepi, occeptum: “begin”.

32 adipiscendi (gerund) < adipiscor, adipisci, adeptus: “overtake”, “catch up”.

33 scurra, -ae (m.): a fashionable man of the town; an idler.

34 audacter (adverb): “boldly”.

35 quamuis (adverb): “as much as you want”.

36 dicito (second-person singular future imperative active) < dico, dicere.

37 perpetuen = perpetue + ne (adverb): “continually”.

38 uarie (adverb): “so-so” (uarie could also mean “spotted” or “striped”, hence Epidicus’s reference to (presumably spotted) goats and leopards. His joke refers to slaves being “striped” due to having been severely beaten.

39 capreaginus, -a, -um: “goatlike”, “goaty” (modifies genus).

40 While placet is singular, its subject is nevertheless qui uarie ualent.

41 ut illae res* (some word(s) missing): “how did it go?”.

42 probe: “fine”.

43 erilis, -e (adjective): “relating to the erus (master)”.

44 pugilice atque athletice: “like a boxer and like an athlete”.

45 ubist = ubi est.

46 simul (adverb): “right now”, “at the same time”.

47 ergost = ergo est.

48 uidulus, -i (m.): “suitcase”.

49 mellina, -ae (f.): a bag made of the skin of a marten or badger (meles).

50 percontari is a complementary infinitive after uolo; te is the direct object of percontari.

51 operam da, opera reddetur tibi: literally “pay attention, [and] attention will be paid to you”. This seems to have been a formulaic phrase used in the law courts, which is why Thesprio jokes about ius in the next line.

52 Epidicus says me decet probably because ius dicis sounds a bit like the name Epidicus (it’s the sort of terrible joke that an audience will enjoy because it’s so terrible).

53 nobis praeturam geris: “you’re acting the praetor for us”.

54 quem... hominem... alterum: “what other man”.

55 dices introduces indirect discourse with the infinitive esse. The accusative subject of esse is quem… hominem… alterum.

56 Athenis (locative).

57 The subject of abest is unum, in line 27.

58 quidnam (from quisnam, quidnam, a more emphatic version of quis, quid).

59 Lictors were officials whose job was to walk in front of magistrates to give them status and authority. Lictors carried bundles of sticks (sometimes including a double axe head) called fasces, which symbolized the magistrate’s authority to scourge and even execute citizens. The urban praetor had two lictors, while the ruling consul had twelve. The modern term “fascism” comes from the Roman fasces.

60 ulmeus, -a, -um: “[made of] elm wood”.

61 uirga, -ae (f.): “sticks,” “rods”.

62 Stratippocli (dative) < Stratippocles, -is.

63 pol: “by Pollux” (see note on page 131 for the use of the swear words pol and edepol).

64 hostīs (accusative plural).

65 transfugio, -ere, -fugi, – : “go over to the enemy”, “desert”.

66 armane = arma + ne (making the sentence into a question).

67 cito (adverb): “quickly”, “speedily”.

68 serio (adverb): “seriously”.

69 dici’ = dicis.

70 edepol: “by Pollux”.

71 facinus inprobum = facinus improbum (accusative of exclamation): “what a shameful deed!”, “what a crime!”

72 iam ante: “before now”.

73 idem: “the same thing”.

74 honori (dative of purpose); erit illi illa res honori “that affair will end up honourably for him”.

75 quia ante aliis fuit: “because it has ended up honourably for others before him”. This may be a disparaging reference to the fugitives from the Battle of Cannae who were thought to have been honoured undeservedly for their defeat (see Duckworth-Wheeler 1940: 125).

76 Mulciber, Mulciberis (m.): another name for Vulcan, the Roman blacksmith god, and god of fire generally.

77 trauolauerunt = transuolauerunt < transuolo, -are, -aui, -atus: “fly across”.

78 hostīs (accusative plural).

79 prognatus, -a, -um: “sprung from”, “descended from” (followed by the ablative; the word was archaic even in Plautus’s time, and is here intended to parody the language of tragedy or epic — see de Melo 2013: 340).

80 Theti: alternative ablative form of Thetis, Thetidis (f.), the name of a sea goddess, mother of the Greek hero Achilles.

81 sine (second-person singular present imperative active) < sino, sinere, siui, situm: “allow”, “permit”.

82 sine perdat: “let [that son of Thetis] lose [them].

83 adportabunt = apportabunt.

84 Neri (alternative genitive singular form of Nereus, a sea god and father of Thetis).

85 uidendum est introduces the ut clause (construction found only in Plautus).

86 materies, -ei (f.): “wood”, “material” [for making shields].

87 suppeto, -ere, -iui, -itus (+ dative): “be at hand”, “be equal to”, “be sufficient for”, “agree with”.

88 scutarius, -i (m.): “shield-maker” (the scutarii probably refer to the divine helpers of Vulcan).

89 singuli, -ae, -a: “each”, “every”.

90 stipendium, -i (n.): “military campaign”.

91 ad hostis: “to the enemy” (we would expect hostibus, dative of indirect object).

92 exuuiae, -arum (f.): “spoils”, “booty”.

93 supersedeo, -sedere, -sedi, -sessus: “be superior to”, “refrain from” + ablative.

94 rebu’ = rebus.

95 lubet = libet: “it is pleasing”; ubi lubet: “whenever you want”.

96 face = fac < facio, -ere, feci, factum.

97 percontarier = percontari.

98 loquere (second-person singular present imperative deponent) < loquor, loqui, locutus sum.

99 ubist = ubi est.

100 est caussa quā caussā = est causa quā causā: “there is a reason [that he’s not here] and it’s because…”.

101 ueritust = ueritus est (perfect passive participle masculine nominative singular) < uereor, uereri, ueritus sum.

102 quidnam (from quisnam, quidnam, a more emphatic version of quis, quid).

103 neuolt = non uult.

104 quapropter: “why?” “for what reason?”.

105 formā lepidā et liberali (ablative of description).

106 adulescentula, -ae (f.): “young woman”, “teenaged girl”.

107 de praeda: “from the spoils/booty [he acquired from the campaign]”.

108 mercatust = mercatus est < mercor, -ari, -atus sum: “buy”.

109 hoc quod fabulor: “what I’m telling you.”

110 qur = cur.

111 animus, -i (m.): (in this context) “pleasure”, “whim”.

112 caussa = causa.

113 illic = ille.

114 certo: “certainly”.

115 priu’ quam = prius quam: “before”.

116 hinc: “from this place”, “from here”, “hence”.

117 mandauit mihi […] ut fidicina emeretur sibi (indirect command): “he ordered me to buy a lyre-player”.

118 leno, -onis (m.): “pimp”, “brothel keeper”.

119 fidicina, -ae (f.): a woman trained in playing the lyre, who was usually a slave or freedwoman and who was assumed, like all female performers, to be a sex worker.

120 id (refers to the act of buying the fidicina).

121 impetro, -are, -aui, -atum: “achieve”, “bring to pass”.

122 reddo, -ere, reddidi, redditus: (in this context) “render”, “cause [something] to be”. The phrase id ei impetratum reddidi should be translated “I made it happen for him” or “I did what he asked.”

123 utquomque = utcumque: “however”, “whichever way”.

124 altum, -i (n.): “the sea”.

125 uentust = uentus est; uentus, -i (m.): “wind”.

126 exim (adverb): “so”, “in that way”.

127 uelum, -i (n.): “sail”.

128 uortitur = uertitur < uerto, -ere, uerti, uersum: “turn”, “direct”.

129 quid istuc: “what are you talking about”.

130 quid: “anyway”.

131 istanc = istam (here intensifying quam): “that girl whom [he bought]”.

132 quanti (genitive of indefinite price): “for how much [money]”.

133 uilis, -e (adjective): “[for a] cheap [price]”.

134 haud istuc te rogo: “that’s not what I’m asking you.”

135 quot: “how many” is answered by Thesprio with tot: “this many” (no doubt illustrating the number with his fingers).

136 minis (ablative of price) < mina, -ae (f.): a Greek unit of money equivalent to 430g of silver.

137 quadraginta (indeclinable): “forty”.

138 adeo: “precisely”, “exactly”.

139 id adeo argentum: “this exact amount of money”.

140 danista, -ae (m.): “moneylender”.

141 apud Thebas: “in Thebes”.

142 sumo, -ere, sumpsi, sumptum: “obtain”, “get”.

143 faenus, faenoris (n.): “interest”, “usury”.

144 nummus, -i (m.): “coin” (possibly a sestertius, a small silver coin, theoretically equal to 2.5 grams of silver); in dies minasque argenti singulas nummis: “at the rate of a sestertius a day for each silver mina” (this is an extortionate rate of interest).

145 papae: an expression of surprise, or, as in this case, of horror.

146 unā: “at the same time”, “along with him”.

147 intereo, interire, interiui / interii, interitus: “perish”, “die”, “be ruined”.

148 basilice (adverb): “royally, “completely”.

149 perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus: “ruin”, “lose” (note that the same word is used in different ways here and at the end of this line, but the pun is difficult to replicate in English).

150 satiust = satius est; satius = comparative form of satis: “better”.

151 plus scire satiust quam loqui seruom hominem: “it is enough for a slave to know more than he says [aloud]”; seruom = seruum; hominem is in apposition to seruom.

152 timidu’s = timidus es.

153 trepido, -are, -aui, -atum: “tremble”, “be in a state of anxiety”.

154 uoltu = uultu from uultus, -us (m.): “face”, “expression”. The manuscript tradition has uoltum tuom, which Lindsay retains, but the emendation to uoltu tuo makes more sense.

155 commeruisse (supply te as the accusative subject of commeruisse): “that you have gotten involved in” (+ accusative).

156 apsente = absente; me apsente is an ablative absolute.

157 aliquid mali (genitive of the whole): “something bad”.

158 potin = potisne [es].

159 potin ut molestus ne sies: “can you not be annoying?”, “can’t you stop bothering me?” (sies = sis).

160 asto, astare, astiti, -: “wait”, “stay”, “stand near”.

161 abire (supply te as the accusative subject of abire, introduced by sinam).

162 sinam (first-person singular future active indicative) < sino, sinere, siui, situm: “allow”.

163 depereo, -ire, -ii/iui, -itum (conjugated like eo, ire): “die”, “be destroyed”; translate here: “fall desperately in love”.

164 deago, -ere, degi, –: “remove”

165 corium, -ii (n.): “skin”, “hide”.

166 perduit = perdat < perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditum: “destroy”, “ruin”.

167 mitto, -ere, misi, missum: here translate as “let go”.

168 nunciam = nunc + iam (emphatic form of nunc).

169 uotuit = uetuit < ueto, uetare, uetui, uetitus: “forbid”.

170 Chaeribulus, another young man, is the friend and neighbour of Stratippocles (the young master).

171 For iussit reuse me… uenire in order to complete the sense of the verb; similarly you need to supply me as object of iussit in line 69.

172 proxumum = proximum, here translate as “next door [house]”.

173 eo: “there”, “to that place”.

174 uenturust = uenturus est.

175 ipsus = ipse.

176 quid ita: “why so?”

177 priu’ = prius; translate with quam in line 71; priu’quam: “before”; “until”.

178 uolt = uult < uolo, uelle, uolui, –.

179 conspicor, conspicari, conspicatus sum: “catch sight of”, “see”.

180 illa = the slave girl Stratippocles has just bought on credit.

181 dinumero, dinumerare, dinumeraui, dinumeratus: “pay out”.

182 eu: an exclamation, often of joy, but here of lamentation.

183 res turbulentas (accusative of exclamation): “what a terrible situation!”.

184 eam < eo, ire, iui/ii, itum: “go”.

185 nunciam = nunc + iam.

186 haecine = haec: “these things”; the suffix -ne, while identical in form to the interrogative suffix -ne, here functions as a firm statement or affirmation.

187 scibit = sciet < scio, scire, sciui, scitum.

188 puppis, puppis (f.): “ship”.

189 pereunda est (gerundive, passive periphrastic) < pereo, perire, periui / perii, peritus: “die”, “be ruined”; here translate as “sink” or “be shipwrecked”.

190 probe: “thoroughly”.

191 quid istuc ad me attinet: “why does that concern me?”, “what’s it to me?”.

192 intereo, interire, interii, interitum: “be ruined”, “die”.

193 malam rem maxumam is a euphemistic way of referring to the malam crucem (the cross on which a slave who was given the most extreme penalty would be crucified).

194 istac = istā (feminine ablative singular of iste, ista, istud).

195 condicio, -onis (f.): “option”, “proposal”.

196 sane: “certainly”, “however” (used here to add force to the imperative i).

197 siquidem: “if indeed”, “since”.

198 festinas magis: “you’re in such a hurry”.

199 quemquam < quisquam, cuiusquam: “anyone”, “any [man])”.

200 unde: here translate as “from whom”.

201 abierim (first-person singular perfect subjunctive active) < abeo, -ire, -iui / -ii, -itum: “go away”.

202 lubentius = libentius: “cheerfully”.

203 illic = ille.

204 Epidicus is talking to himself in this speech, hence the use of the second-person singular and the vocative Epidice.

205 res, rei (f.): “matter”, “situation”.

206 tibi (dative of reference).

207 tete = te + te (the suffix -te adds emphasis to the pronoun).

208 auxili (genitive of the whole after quid): “[any] help”.

209 apsumptus = absumptus < absumo, -ere, -sumpsi, -sumptus: “annihilate”, “ruin”.

210 impendeo, -ere: “hang over”.

211 ruina, -ae (f.): “catastrophe”, “disaster”.

212 suffulcio, suffulcire, suffulsi, suffultus: “prop up” (supply te as a direct object).

213 supsistere = subsistere < subsisto, -ere, –stiti, –: “remain standing”.

214 inruont = irruont (third-person plural present indicative active) < irruo, -ere, -ui, -utum: “run headlong into”, “topple down on”, “crash down on”.

215 mali (genitive) < malum, -i (n.): “evil”, “trouble”, “bad luck”.

216 neque (translate with consilium placet): “a plan doesn’t seem good”, “there is no good plan”.

217 quo modo: “how”, “in what way”.

218 expeditum (perfect passive participle; agrees with me) < expedio, expedire, expediui, expeditus: “disengage,” “set free”.

219 impedito (perfect passive participle) < impedio, impedio, impedire, impediui, impeditus: “encumber”, “trap”. Here it modifies a missing ablative me; translate quo modo me expeditum ex impedito faciam: “how I can free myself from this predicament”.

220 perpello, perpellere, perpuli, perpulsus: “compel”, “prevail upon”.

221 senem “old man” refers to the old master Periphanes.

222 suam… filiam is the direct object of emere; sese is the accusative subject of emere.

223 This is the fidicina he mentioned in line 47.

224 ipse here refers to the young master Stratippocles.

225 After mandauit supply ut emerem.

226 caussa = causa.

227 corium, -ii (n.): “skin”, “hide”.

228 sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum: “realize”.

229 sibi data esse uerba: “that he has been tricked / lied to”.

230 dispolio, -are, -aui, -atum: “strip for flogging”; uirgis dorsum dispoliet meum: “he’ll strip my back for a flogging with rods / cudgels”.

231 praecaueo, praecauere, praecaui, praecautum: “beware”.

232 bat: a comic word to rhyme with at, similar to the Yiddish-origin “shm-reduplication” we see in English phrases like “fancy-shmancy”.

233 nihil est istuc: “it’s no use”.

234 corruptumst = corruptum est (the subject is caput).

235 nequam (indeclinable): “worthless”.

236 qui (an old ablative form): “how”, “why”.

237 lubidost = lubido est = libido est: “is it a pleasure [for me]”, “is there a desire [in me]”.

238 The suffix -te adds emphasis to the pronoun.

239 desero, -ere, -serui, -sertus: “abandon”, “give up [on]”.

240 men = me + ne.

241 tuquidem = tu quidem.

242 mutuus, -a, -um: “mutual”, “reciprocal”. This is difficult to translate here, but the idea seems to be that Epidicus used to give advice to others in the expectation of getting advice from them in return.

243 aliquid: “some [scheme]”, some [solution]”.

244 aliqua: “somehow”.

245 reperiundumst = reperiendum est.

246 cesso, -are, -aui, -atum (intransitive): “hold back from”, “delay” (+ infinitive).

247 obuiam (adverb): “in the way”, “to meet” (+ dative).

248 negoti = negotii (genitive of the whole after quid): “[what sort] of trouble / situation”.

249 illic = ille.

250 aequalis, -e: “peer”, “friend of the same age”.

251 concedam (future indicative) < concedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum: “withdraw”, “move back”.

252 unde: “from which place”, “where”.

253 placide (adverb): “quietly”.

254 persequor, -sequi, -cutus sum (present subjunctive, either hortatory or purpose clause after a missing ut): “follow” (in the sense of “hear”), “note down”.

255 eloquor, eloqui, elocutus sum: “tell in detail” (+ dative of person told).

256 admodum (adverb): “fully”, “thoroughly”.

257 maeror, maeroris (m.): “sadness”, “misery”. “woe”.

258 summa, -ae (f.): “main point”, “sum total”.

259 edicto, -are, -aui, -atum: “tell”, “lay out” (+ dative of person told).

260 praeter: “contrary to” (+ accusative).

261 prognatus, -a, -um: “descended from”.

262 in: “amongst” (+ ablative praedā).

263 mercor, -ari, -atus sum: “buy”.

264 uitio qui id uortat tibi: “who would blame you for it”.

265 qui: “those who”.

266 omnı̄s = omnēs (masculine accusative plural).

267 illoc = illo.

268 reperio, reperire, repperi, repertum: “find”.

269 eiius = eius.

270 uitium, -ii (n.): “crime”, “violation”.

271 affero, afferre, attuli, allatum (or adfero, adferre, adtuli, adlatum): “bring”, “deliver”, “use” (+ accusative).

272 istoc = isto: “by that very fact”.

273 probior (masc. nom. sing. comparative): “[you are] more honourable” (supply es) < probus, -a, -um.

274 quom = cum.

275 tempero, -are, -aui, -atus: “control oneself”.

276 diffido, -ere, diffisus sum: “lack confidence”, “despair”.

277 solor, -ari, -atus sum: “console”, “comfort”.

278 qui in re dubia re iuuat ubi re est opus: “who, in difficult circumstances, gives actual help when there’s a need for it.”

279 rest = re est.

280 argentum, -i (n.): “silver”, “money”.

281 quadraginta (indeclinable): “forty”.

282 mina, -ae (f.): a Greek unit of money equivalent to 430g of silver.

283 danista, -ae (m.): “moneylender”.

284 sumo, -ere, sumpsi, sumptum: “obtain”, “get”.

285 faenus, -oris (n.): “interest”; “usury”.

286 hercle: “by Hercules!” (see note on page 136 for the use of hercle and mehercle).

287 pollicerer (apodosis of a present contrary-to-fact conditional sentence, with si haberem being the protasis): first-person singular imperfect subjunctive deponent < polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus sum: “offer”, “promise”.

288 nam quid te igitur retulit te beneficum esse oratione: “so what was the use of you being generous in your speech”.

289 rem: “the matter at hand”.

290 emortuom = emortuum < emortuus, -a, -um: “dead” (modifies auxilium).

291 quin: “but”, “really”.

292 edepol: “by Pollux” (a mild oath).

293 egomet = ego + -met: “I, myself”.

294 clamore: (in this instance) “verbal harassment by debt collectors”.

295 differo, differre, distuli, dilatum: “disturb”.

296 difflagito, difflagitare, difflagitaui, difflagitatus: “dun”, “harass for debt repayment”.

297 malo, malle, malui, –: “prefer”. Lindsay’s text gives this line as: malim istiusmodi mi amicos forno occensos quam foro, but Duckworth-Wheeler’s emendations make more sense here.

298 modus, -i (m.): “type”, “kind” (istius modi is a genitive of quality after amicos).

299 furnus, -i (m.): “oven”.

300 mergo, mergere, mersi, mersum: “plunge”, “immerse” (supply esse, with amicos as the accusative subject of the passive infinitive mersum esse).

301 forum, -i (n.): “forum” (where bankruptcies were dealt with before the praetor); the alliteration of furno and foro explains why Stratippocles takes such an extreme view of his indebted friends.

302 opera, -ae (f.): “service”, “help”.

303 me should perhaps be mi/mihi (see Duckworth-Wheeler 1940: 177).

304 pretio pretioso (ablative of price): “for a large amount of money”.

305 quem (connecting relative, modifying hominem): translate “that [man]”.

306 inrigatum = irrigatum; irrigo, -are, -aui, -atum: “beat soundly”.

307 plaga, -ae (f.): “blow”, “whiplash”.

308 pistor, -is (m.): “miller”. Flour mills were powered by treadmills turned by animals or humans. It was exhausting work, and being sent to work at a mill was a dreaded punishment. Lucius, a man turned into a donkey in Apuleius’s Metamorphoses (9.11–12), describes what it was like for him to be made to work the treadmill.

309 priu’ = prius; priu’ should be translated with quam in the next line; priu’… quam: “before”.

310 nisi… comparassit: “[unless] he gets hold of”.

311 fuero elocutus = ero elocutus: “I’ll tell (someone in the dative) in detail”. Perfect passive forms that normally use sum, eram, or ero (indicative) or sim, essem (subjunctive) sometimes instead use fui, fueram, fuero (indicative) and fuerim, fuissem (subjunctive) — see Bennett 102, notes 36, 37,

312 argenti… postremam syllabam: “the last syllable of the [amount] of money”.

313 spero, seruabit fidem: “he’ll keep his word, I hope”.

314 sumptus, -us (m.): “expense”, “charge”.

315 scapula, -ae (f.): “shoulder”, “back”.

316 symbola, -ae (f.): the monetary contribution owed by participants in a group banquet, paid for by the subscribers; here translate as “contributions”, “donations”.

317 adgrediar = aggrediar < aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum: “approach”.

318 peregre (adverb): “from abroad”.

319 erus, -i (m.): “master”.

320 suom = suum.

321 Stratippoclem (accusative singular).

322 impertit salute: “greets”.

323 seruos = seruus.

324 saluom huc aduenisse (supply gaudeo; a formulaic greeting to someone who has returned from abroad, see line 7): “I’m happy to see you’re safely back again”.

325 tam… quam: “as much… as”.

326 istuc: “as far as that goes”.

327 a morboab animo: “as far as illness goes… in my mind…”.

328 attineo, -ere, -ui, -attentum: “concern”, “pertain to”.

329 mandasti = mandauisti < mando, -are, -aui, -atum: “order”, “entrust”.

330 impetro, -are, -aui, -atus: “achieve”, “get”, “obtain”.

331 ancillast = ancilla est < ancilla, -ae (f.): “female slave”, “slave girl”.

332 The suffix -te adds emphasis to the pronoun.

333 missiculo, -are, -aui, -atum: “send often”, “keep sending”.

334 qui: “how”.

335 cara est… placet (ancilla is the subject of both verbs).

336 quid retulit: “what was the use” (completed by the accusative-infinitive construction).

337 tanto opere: “so much”.

338 impendeo, -ere: “hang over”.

339 miserum est ingratum esse homini id quod facias bene: “it’s upsetting when a favour you do for someone is unappreciated”.

340 amor mutauit locum: “you’ve switched loves” (literally “your love changed place”).

341 desipio, -ere, -ui, –: “be foolish”, “be out of one’s right mind”.

342 mentis (genitive of respect).

343 men = me + ne.

344 piacularis, -e: “sacrificial victim”.

345 subdo, -ere, -didi, -ditum: “substitute”.

346 succidaneus, -a, -um (a rare word referring to another type of sacrificial victim): “substitute victim”.

347 quid: “why”.

348 istic (adverb): “now”, “here”, “there”.

349 opust = opus est.

350 calidis: “red hot” (apparently implying that the minae need to be quick in coming).

351 resoluo, -ere, -solui, -solutum (subjunctive in a relative clause of purpose): “pay”.

352 aufero, -ferre, apstuli, ablatum: “get”, “take”.

353 tarpezita = trapezita, -ae (m.): “moneylender”.

354 lubet = libet: “it is pleasing”; unde lubet: “[borrow it] from wherever you want”.

355 occido, -ere, -cidi, -casum: “set”, “sink”.

356 ni ante solem occasum e lo<culis adferes>: “unless you bring it from some stash before the sun has set”.

357 inbitas = ineas < ineo, -ire, -iui/ii, -itum: “go into”, “enter”.

358 pistrinum, -i (n.): “flour mill” (where slaves or animals were made to push a treadmill for grinding grain into flour).

359 se confero, conferre, contuli, collatum: “take oneself”; “go”.

360 istuc: “about that”.

361 periclo = periculo < periculum, i (n.): “danger”, “risk”.

362 cor, cordis (n.): “heart”.

363 fabulare = fabularis < fabulor, -ari, -atus sum: “speak”.

364 nosco, -ere, noui, notum: “get to know”, “know”, “recognize”.

365 nostros (substantive adjective): “our [fellow slaves]”, “our [floggers]” (referring to the slaves whom Stratippocles would order to beat Epidicus).

366 mihi dolet: “I feel pain”.

367 quom = cum.

368 uapulo, -are, -aui, -atum: “be beaten”, “get a beating”.

369 patierin = patierisne < patior, pati, passus sum: “allow”.

370 interimo, -ere, interimi, interemptum: “kill”.

371 ne feceris (prohibitive subjunctive): “don’t do [it]”.

372 istuc (modifies periclum) = istud.

373 accedo, -ere, -essi, -essum: “approach”, “face up to”.

374 periclum = periculum.

375 potius: “rather [than let you kill yourself]”.

376 audacia, -ae (f.): “daring plan”.

377 patiar ego istuc quod lubet: “I’ll endure whatever you want [me to]”.

378 quid illa fiet fidicina igitur: “so what will be done with the lyre-player?”

379 reperibitur = reperietur.

380 exsoluo, -ere, -i, -utum: “solve”, “deliver”, “free”, “discharge” (supply te as the direct object of exsoluam and extricabor.

381 extricor, -ari, -atus sum: “disentangle”, “free”, “release”.

382 consili’s = consili es; consilium, -i/-ii (n.): “scheming”.

383 Euboicus, -a, -um: “Euboean”, “from (or serving as a soldier on) the island of Euboea”.

384 locuples, -pletis: “wealthy”.

385 multio auro potens: “with a lot of buying power”.

386 tibi (dative of reference): “for you”, “on your behalf”.

387 istam (refers to the fidicina, the first girl Stratippocles was in love with).

388 scibit = sciet < scio, scire, sciui, scitum: “know”.

389 adductam (supply esse): “[that the other girl] has been brought [as well]”.

390 hanc… alteram (refers to the second girl whom Stratippocles has just brought home).

391 continuo (adverb): “immediately”.

392 ultro (adverb): “voluntarily”, “on his own initiative”.

393 illam (refers to the fidicina).

394 tramitto, -ere, –misi, -missum: “send over”, “hand over”.

395 adduco, -ere, adduxi, adductum: “bring”.

396 iam: “already”; translate here: “soon”.

397 faxo (alternative form of the first-person singular future indicative active of facio, -ere): “I’ll make [it happen]”, “I promise”, “definitely”.

398 hic: “here”.

399 quid hic nunc agimus: “what should we do now?” (despite the indicative mood this works best as a deliberative question).

400 ad te: “to your house”.

401 luculente (adverb): “excellently”, “well”, “agreeably”.

402 habeamus: “spend”, “pass”, “keep” [this day].

403 de re argentaria: “regarding the money situation”.

404 Epidicus uses the metaphor of the senate to refer to his own internal deliberations as to what course he should take.

405 consiliarius, -a, -um (modifies senatum): “advice-giving”.

406 quoi = cui (dative because of the compound verb indicatur): “[against] whom”.

407 potissumum = potissimum (adverb): “especially”.

408 indico, -ere, indixi, indictum: “publicly declare”.

409 obiectast = obiecta est < obicio/obiicio, -ere, obieci, obiectum: “throw at”, “assign” (+ dative).

410 dormitandi… cunctandi (gerunds): “dozing… delaying”.

411 copia, -ae (f.): “opportunity”.

412 adeundum (gerundive; supply est): “it must be done!”.

413 oppugno, -are, -aui, -atum: “fight against”, “make an attack on”.

414 certumst = certum est.

415 senem oppugnare certumst consilium mihi: “my plan is settled: I’ll make an attack on the old man”.

416 erilis, -e: “relating to the erus (master)”.

417 foras (adverb): “out of doors”.

418 exambulo, -are, -aui, -atum: “stroll out”, “walk out”.

419 neue: “and so that… not”.

420 obuiam (adverb): “into the presence of” (+ dative).

421 plerusque, pleraque, plerumque: “many”, “most”.

422 quom = cum.

423 nil = nihil.

424 quos quom nihil refert pudet: “who feel shame about something that doesn’t [actually] matter”.

425 pudendum est (impersonal use of the gerundive in passive periphrastic): “[when] they ought to feel shame”.

426 desero, -ere, -serui, -sertum: “abandon”.

427 usust = usus est (impersonal; = opus est): “there is need”.

428 ut pudeat (impersonal verb in a substantive clause after usus est; see Bennett 295.6, “that there should be shame”; translate here: “that he should feel shame”.

429 is: translate here: “this sort of man”.

430 adeo: “precisely”, “exactly”.

431 tu’s = tu es.

432 quid est quod: “what is there that”.

433 siet = sit.

434 gnatam = natam < nata, -ae (f.): “daughter”.

435 genere bono (ablative of separation, see Bennett 215): “from a good family”.

436 pauper, pauperis: “poor”, “poverty-stricken”.

437 domum ducere... uxorem: (literally) “to lead a wife home”; translate here: “marry”.

438 praesertim: “especially”.

439 qua ex = ex qua: “from whom”.

440 commemoro, -are, -aui, -atus (subjunctive because it is a subordinate clause within the indirect discourse of lines 169–170, see Bennett 314): “mention”, “say”.

441 domist = domi est (locative).

442 hanc… filiam prognatam (supply esse; indirect discourse after commemores): “that this daughter… was born”.

443 reuereor filium: “I have respect for my son”, “I’m afraid my son [won’t like it]”.

444 pol: “by Pollux”.

445 te credidi… exsequi (indirect discourse).

446 ecfero/effero, ecferre/efferre, extuli, elatus: “carry out for burial”, “bury”.

447 pudore exsequi: literally “to follow with decency”; translate here: “to show respect to” (+ accusative).

448 quoiius = cuius.

449 sacruficas = sacrificas < sacrifico, -are, -aui, -atum: “sacrifice”, “offer a sacrifice”.

450 ilico: “on the spot”, “immediately”.

451 Orcus, -i (m.): Orcus, god of death and the underworld.

452 hostia, -ae (f.): “sacrificial victim”, “animal sacrifice”.

453 neque adeo inuria: “and rightly too”.

454 licitumst = licitum est < licet, licuit, licitum est (impersonal): “it was lawful”, “it was permitted” (+ dative of the person to whom it was permitted, in this case tibi).

455 uiuendo (gerund; ablative of means).

456 oh (exclamation of surprise, either happy or unhappy): here translate as “ugh!”.

457 Hercules, -is (m.): “Hercules”, or perhaps here “a Hercules”.

458 aerumna, -ae (f.): “distress”, “hardship”, “labour”, “task”; the Sixth Labour of Hercules, according to common Roman versions, was that of the belt of Amazon Hippolyta (Duckworth-Wheeler 1940: 218).

459 Herculi (dative).

460 quam illa mihi obiectast: “than that [labour that] was assigned to me”.

461 obiectast = obiecta est (sexta aerumna is the subject of obiectast): “thrown (at); translate here: “assigned (to)”.

462 edepol: “by Pollux”.

463 dos, dotis (f): “dowry”.

464 pecuniast = pecunia est.

465 quae quidem pol non maritast: “yes, by Pollux – at least, it would be if it came without marriage” (maritast = marita est).

466 st: “sh”, “shush” (command to be silent).

467 animum bonum: “good courage”.

468 liquidus, -a, -um: “clear”.

469 foras (adverb): “outside”.

470 auis, -is (f.): “bird”.

471 sinistera = sinistra (ablative feminine singular, modifying aui) < sinister, -tra, -trum: “left”. (Birds seen flying by on the left were usually considered to be a favourable omen).

472 senex, senis (m.): “old man”.

473 qui = quo (ablative of means).

474 exentero, -are, -aui, -atus: “disembowel”; (in the context of a purse or store of money) “empty”. Epidicus’s imagery here suggests that Periphanes and his marsuppium are going to be cut open like an animal sacrifice in Roman religious ritual.

475 marsuppium, -ii (n.): “purse”, “moneybag”.

476 eccum = ecce + hunc: “look, there he is!”.

477 ante (preposition + accusative): “in front of”.

478 aedis/aedes, -is (f.): “building”, “house” (often used in the plural, as here).

479 conspicor, -ari, -atus sum: “notice”, “see”.

480 qualis (masc. plural accusative): “of the kind”.

481 uetulus, -a, -um: “elderly”. There may be a pun here that continues Epidicus’s sacrificial imagery, since uetulos sounds like uitulos (“calves”), animals used in religious sacrifice (see Gellar-Goad 2012 and Barrios-Lech 2014).

482 conuorto/conuerto, -ere, -ti, -sum: “turn [oneself] into”.

483 hirudo, -inis (f.): “leech”.

484 exsugeo, -ere (variant form of ex(s)ugo, -ere, exsuxi, exsuctum): “suck out”.

485 senati = senatūs (genitive singular of senatus, -ūs).

486 columen, -inis (n.): “pillar” (here in the sense of “most valuable member”).

487 cluo, -ere, –, – : “be calling”; “be said to be”.

488 There may be some lines missing here, in which Apoecides probably tried to persuade Periphanes that if he married off his son Stratippocles it would leave Periphanes free to remarry.

489 continuo (adverb): “immediately”.

490 maritus, -a, -um: “married”.

491 tuom = tuum.

492 in amorem = in amore.

493 haereo, -ere, haesi, haesum: “hang around (someone)”, “keep near/close to (someone)”.

494 nescioquam = nescio quam.

495 id (accusative of inner object): “[I’m upset about] it”.

496 excrucio, -are, -aui, -atum: literally “crucify”, but here “torture”, “upset”.

497 hiquidem = hi quidem.

498 pactum, pacti (n.): “manner”, “way”.

499 se (refers to the old men).

500 nunciam = nunc + iam (emphatic form of nunc).

501 orno, -are, -aui, -atum: “dress up”, “equip”; translate here: “get ready”.

502 palliolum, -i (n.): “little pallium”, “little Greek cloak”, “hood”.

503 collum, -i (n.): “neck”.

504 conicio, -ere, conieci, coniectum: “throw over” (Epidicus gathers up the loose folds of his palliolum, and throws them around his neck or over his shoulder in order to look the part of a slave running to carry out an errand for his master).

505 adsimulato (second-person singular future imperative active) < adsimulo, -are, -aui, -atum: “act the part”, “pretend”.

506 quasi (adverb): “as though” (followed by the subjunctive mood).

507 quaesiueris (second-person singular perfect active subjunctive) < quaero, -ere, quaesiui, quaesitum: “seek”, “look for”.

508 age, si quid agis: “act, if you’re going to act”, “if you’re going to do anything, do it”.

509 inmortales = immortales.

510 conuenio, -ire, -ueni, -uentum: “meet”, “meet with”.

511 domi (locative case).

512 defetiscor, -isci, defessus sum: “become exhausted”, “be worn out”.

513 quaerere (this infinitive is used where later Latin would use a gerund).

514 medicinus, -a, um; medicinas modifies a missing tabernas: “doctor’s [offices]”.

515 tostrinas = tonstrinas < tonstrinus, -a, -um: “barber [shops]”, “hairdressers’ [establishments]”

516 myropolium, -ii (n.): “perfumer’s shop”.

517 laniena, lanienae (f): “butcher’s shop”.

518 argentarius, -a, -um: “bankers [counters]”.

519 raucus, -a, -um: “hoarse”.

520 concido, -ere, concidi, concisum: “faint”, “collapse”.

521 egoquidem = ego quidem.

522 erus, -i (m.): “master”.

523 optumā = optimā.

524 optumā opportunitate (ablative of time when).

525 quid rei est: “what’s the matter?”.

526 sino, -ere, siui, situm: “allow”, “let” (+ subjunctive).

527 quaeso: “please”.

528 immo: “by all means”, “indeed”; “on the contrary”, “by no means”.

529 adquiesco / acquiesco, -ere, -eui, -etum: “rest”, “take a break”.

530 animo malest (= animo male est): “I’m feeling faint”.

531 anhelitus, -ūs (m.): “breath”, “breathing”.

532 clementer (adverb): “calmly”, “gradually”.

533 animum aduortite: “pay attention”.

534 domum (accusative of place to which; no need for a preposition with domus): “home[ward]”.

535 Thebis (ablative of place from which): “from Thebes”.

536 scin = scisne.

537 istuc = istud.

538 qui: “how”.

539 plenus, -a, -um: “full”, ”crowded”.

540 plenis uiis (ablative of the way by which; see Bennett 218.9,

541 iumentum, -i (n.): “mule”, “pack animal”.

542 nimi’ = nimis: “very”.

543 captiuorum quid: “what about the prisoners”.

544 binos (< binus, -a, -um): “in twos”.

545 ternos (< ternus, -a, -um): “in threes”.

546 concursus, -ūs (m.): “collision”, “traffic jam”.

547 quisque (although quisque is singular, it should be taken as the plural subject of uisunt).

548 uiso, uisere, uisi, uisum: “go to see”, “look at”.

549 rem gestam bene (rem gestam is an accusative of exclamation): “things have gone well!”.

550 meretrix, meretricis (f.): “courtesan”, “prostitute”, “[hired] girlfriend”.

551 obuiam (adverb): “into the presence of”, “to meet” (+ dative).

552 orno, -are, -aui, -atum: “dress up”, adorn”.

553 quaequae = quaeque: “each” < quique, quaeque, quidque/quicque/quodque.

554 captabant: “they were on the hunt for”, “they were going to make [them] their prisoners” < capto, -are, -aui, -atum.

555 adeo: “precisely”, “exactly”.

556 qui: “how?”.

557 animum aduorterim: “[how] did I notice?”.

558 plerusque, pleraque, plerumque: “many”, “most”.

559 retia, -ae (f.): “net” (nets were used in hunting, and some Roman women, or perhaps just Roman sex workers, wore net tunics underneath their outer garments).

560 quom = cum.

561 porta, -ae (f.): “gate”, “city gate”.

562 uideo (historical present).

563 praestolarier = praestolari < praestolor, -ari, -atus sum: “wait for” (+ dative of person waited for).

564 tibicina, -ae (f.): “female player of a tibia (a reed instrument originally made from the shin bone of an animal)”.

565 quicum = quācum (feminine ablative singular of the interrogative pronoun).

566 tuo’ = tuos = tuus.

567 gnatus = natus < natus, -i (m.): “son”.

568 deamo, -are, -aui, -atum: “adore”.

569 depereo, -ire, -ii/iui, -itum (conjugated like eo, ire): “die”, “be destroyed”; translate here: “fall desperately in love”.

570 ubi = in qua: “in whom”, “because of whom”.

571 fidem: “credit”.

572 rem: “fortune”.

573 ubi = in qua: “in whom”, “because of whom”.

574 praestolabatur < praestolor, -ari, -atus sum: “wait for” (+ dative of person waited for).

575 uiden = uidesne.

576 uenefica, -ae (f.): “poisoner”; translate here: “witch”.

577 uestio, -ire, -iui, -itum: “be dressed up”.

578 auro, -are, -aui, -atum: “gild”, “adorn with gold jewelry”.

579 ornata < orno, -are, -aui, -atum: “dress up”, adorn”.

580 ut: “how” (exclamatory).

581 lepide (adverb): “charmingly” < lepidus, -a, -um.

582 concinne (adverb): “neatly”, “elegantly” < concinnus, -a, -um.

583 noue (adverb) < nouus, -a, -um: “freshly”, “unusually”; translate here: “wearing the latest fashion”.

584 induo, -ere, -ui, -utum: “clothe”, “dress oneself in” (+ accusative quid).

585 regillam: “royal”, “regal”, “queenly” (a rare word probably invented by Plautus < regius, -a, -um).

586 induculam: possibly meaning “lingerie”, “underwear” (also probably invented by Plautus < induo).

587 mendiculam: “beggarly”, “meager” (also probably invented by Plautus < mendicus, -a, -um; opposite of regillam).

588 impluuiatam: “the Skylight”, “Rain-shoot” (either another comic invention of Plautus, or a name for a style or colour of garment < impluuium, -i, see below).

589 utin = ut(i) + -ne.

590 impluuium, -ii (n.): “skylight” (the impluuium was the square opening in the roof of a Roman house’s main room; the word was also used to refer to the shallow trough in the floor underneath that collected the rain water, also called the compluuium). The joke is that Periphanes foolishly interprets Epidicus’s description of the woman’s impluuiatam dress (whatever impluuiatam meant, see note above) as referring to the woman actually wearing the impluuium of a house.

591 induta fuerit = induta sit (perfect passive subjunctive) < induo, -ere, indui, indutum.

592 istuc = istud.

593 quasi (adverb): “as though” (followed by the subjunctive mood).

594 fundus, -i (m.): “estate”.

595 exorno, -are, -aui, -atum (similar to orno, -are, see above).

596 incedo, -ere, -incessi, incessum: “walk”, “march along”.

597 tributus, -us (m.) = tributum, -i (n.): “tax payment”.

598 quom = cum.

599 negant (the subject of negant is the male clients of the prostitutes, not the women themselves).

600 pendo, -ere, pependi, pensum: “pay”.

601 potis = potis esse = posse.

602 quibu’ = quibus.

603 illis quibus tributus maior penditur, pendi potest: “they can pay the bigger tax, the one they pay over to those women, though”.

604 quid, estae quae…: “what is it with those women who…”.

605 uestei = uesti < uestis, -is (f.): “clothing”.

606 quotannis (quot + annus, -i): “every year”, “over the years”.

607 rallam (word found only in Plautus, so the following definition is based on educated guesswork): “thin”. The words that follow are also found only in Plautus, and their definitions are similarly guessed at, though there is little doubt about most of them: linteolum: “made of linen”; caesicium: “blue”; indusiatam: “under[-tunic]”; patagiatam: “with an embroidered edge”; caltulam: “short under-tunic”; crocotulam: “saffron-yellow”; supparum (a word of Oscan origin): “linen robe”; subnimium (a joke word based on the former word sounding like the Latin sub + parum) “slightly-too-much”; ricam: “veil”; cumatile: “sea-coloured”; plumatile: “feather-patterned”; carinum: “nut-brown”; cerinum: “wax-dyed” (Duckworth-Wheeler 1940: 244–247).

608 spissus, -a, -um: “thick”.

609 basilicus, -a, -um: “royal”, “regal”.

610 exoticus, -a, -um: “foreign”.

611 gerrae, -arum (f. pl.): “nonsense”.

612 maxumae = maximae.

613 cani (dative singular) < canis, -is (m./f.): “dog”.

614 ademptumst = ademptum est < adimo, -ere, ademi, ademptum: “take” (+ dative of person/thing from whom it is taken).

615 qui: “in what way”, “what do you mean”.

616 Laconicus, -a, -um: “Spartan” (apparently “Spartan” could refer both to a well-known dog breed from the Greek state of Sparta, and a fabric or style of clothing from Sparta).

617 uocabulum, -i (n.): “name”.

618 auctio, auctionis (f.): “auction”, “public sale”.

619 subigo, -ere, -subegi, subactum: “compel”, “force”.

620 quin: “but”.

621 ut: “as” (+ indicative).

622 occipio, -ere, occepi, occeptum: “begin”.

623 loquere = loqueris (second-person singular future indicative deponent) < loquor, loqui, locutus sum.

624 occepere (third-person plural perfect active indicative) < occipio, -ere, occepi, occeptum: “begin”.

625 post: “behind”.

626 fabulor, -ari, -atus sum: “talk”, “chat”.

627 sese = se.

628 abscedo, -ere, abscessi, abscessum: “withdraw”, “step back”.

629 sciens < scio, scire, sciui, scitum: “knowingly”, “intentionally”.

630 paullum = paulum: “a little [bit]”, “a little way”.

631 dissimulo, -are, -aui, -atum: “pretend… not”.

632 operam dare: “pay attention to”, “to listen to” (+ dative).

633 exaudibam = exaudiebam < exaudio, -ire, -iui/ii, -itum: “hear clearly”, “understand”.

634 nec sermonis fallebar: “their conversation wasn’t hidden from me”, “I didn’t miss their conversation” (sermonis is genitive “of respect” after fallebar < fallo, -ere, fefelli, falsus: “deceive”, “disappoint” used in the middle voice sense here).

635 fallo, -ere, fefelli, falsus: “deceive”, “disappoint”.

636 lubidost = libido est.

637 ibi: “then”.

638 quicum = quācum: “with whom”.

639 conspicor, -ari, -atus sum: “catch sight of” (+ accusative).

640 tuo’ = tuos = tuus.

641 deperit < depereo, -ire, -ii/iui, -itum (conjugated like eo, ire): “die”, “be destroyed”, “fall desperately in love”.

642 quam… quam: “how… how” (+ adverbs).

643 euĕnit (present tense).

644 opsecro: “please”, “for goodness’ sake”.

645 uolt = uult < uolo, uelle, uolui, —.

646 quisnam < quisnam, quidnam (a more emphatic version of quis, quid).

647 inquit: “says”.

648 ibi: “then”.

649 Periphanei (genitive of Periphanes).

650 pereo, perire, periui / perii, peritum: “die”, “be ruined”, “be lost”.

651 actumst = actum est < ago, -ere, egi, actum; hoc quod actumst: “what was done”, “what happened”.

652 egomet = ego + -met: “I, myself”.

653 loqui < loquor; illas is the accusative subject of this infinitive, and id is its direct object.

654 coepi rursum uorsum ad illas pausillatim accedere: “I began to get gradually closer to them by slowing down”, “I began to slow down little by little so as to let them get closer”.

655 rusum = rursum: “back”, “again”.

656 uorsum = uersum: “towards”.

657 pauxillatim = paulatim: “little by little”, “gradually”.

658 accedo, -ere, accessi, accessum: “approach”, “go near”.

659 retrudo, -ere, –trusi, -trusum: “thrust back”, “force back”.

660 uis, uis (f.): “strength”, “force”; hominum… uis: “force of people”, “crowd”.

661 ibi: “then”.

662 qui = quo: “how”.

663 quin: “but”.

664 affero, afferre, attuli, allatum (or adfero, adferre, adtuli, adlatum): “bring”, “deliver”, “use” (+ accusative).

665 eum… sese (Plautus is inconsistent with his pronouns here: eum is the accusative subject of the infinitive sumpsisse, and refers to Stratippocles, as does the reflexive sese (accusative subject of ferre) in the next line.

666 eum argentum sumpsisse apud Thebas ab danista faenore (see line 53).

667 ob eam rem: “for this/that reason”, “for this/that purpose”.

668 occido, -ere, occidi, occasus: “fall down”, “be ruined”.

669 aibat = aiebat: “[she] claimed”.

670 eapse = ea ipsa.

671 expetesso, -ere, –, – : “want”, “long for”.

672 reperiamus < reperio, reperire, repperi, repertum: “find”.

673 aliquid: “some sort of” (+ genitive).

674 calidus, -a, -um: literally “hot”, but here translate as “quick”, “speedy”.

675 conducibilis, -e: “wise”, “advisable”.

676 consilium, -ii (n.): “plan”, “suggestion”.

677 iam: “soon”.

678 hic: “here”.

679 adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturus: “be present”.

680 iam: “already”.

681 aequom = aequum: “right”, “fair”.

682 siet = sit.

683 sapio, -ere, sapiui, – : “to be sensible”, “to be wise”.

684 catus, -a, -um: “clever”, “prudent”, “wise”.

685 opino = opinor < opinor, -ari, -atus sum: “suppose”, “think”.

686 id refers to consilium.

687 ad eam rem: “for this very situation”.

688 quid: “why”.

689 istuc = istud.

690 prior, prius: “first”.

691 posterius (adverb): “afterwards”, “second”.

692 heia uero (expresses amused doubt): “ha!”, “yeah, right”.

693 derideo, -ere, derisi, derisum: “laugh [at]”, “make fun [of]”.

694 immo: “OK then”, “indeed”.

695 utitor (second-person singular future active imperative of utor; normally utor takes the ablative, but here it takes the accusative direct object consilium).

696 reperitote (second-person plural future active imperative) < reperio, -ire, repperi, repertum: “find”.

697 rectius (comparative adjective neuter accusative singular) < rectus, -a, -um: “a better one”, “a better [plan]”.

698 istic (adverb): “in this matter”.

699 sero, -ere, seui, satum (impersonal use): “sow”, “plant”, “beget”, “conceive”.

700 meto, -ere, messui, messum (impersonal use): “reap”, “harvest”; mihi istic nec seritur nec metitur appears to be proverbial, meaning “I’ve got no stake here”, “I’m not personally involved”.

701 gratiam habeo: “thank you”.

702 particeps, participis (m.): “sharer”, “partaker”.

703 continuo (adverb): “immediately”.

704 arbitro, -are, -aui, -atum (subjunctive after a missing fac ut): “select” (the verb is normally deponent in Classical Latin, but active in Plautus).

705 corrumpo, -ere, corrupi, corruptum: “ruin”, “corrupt”.

706 ulciscare (second-person singular present subjunctive passive) < ulciscor, -ari, ultus sum: “punish”, “take revenge on”.

707 usque ad mortem: “till [her] dying day”, “for the rest of [her] life”.

708 seruio, -ire, seruiui, seruitum: “be a slave”.

709 quiduis: “anything you like”.

710 dum: “so long as”.

711 em: “there!”; translate here: “OK, look”.

712 occasiost = occasio est: “there’s an opportunity to” (+ genitive gerundive).

713 priu’ quam = prius quam: “before”.

714 sicut: “as”, “since”.

715 qui = quo: “how”.

716 illinc: “from there”.

717 mane (adverb): “in the morning”.

718 adfore = adfuturum esse.

719 eloquere = eloqueris (second-person singular present deponent indicative): “you are explaining”, “you are stating”.

720 censeo, -ere, censui, censum: “think”, “recommend”.

721 quasi (adverb): “as though” (followed by the subjunctive mood).

722 animi gratia: “for you own sake”.

723 quam ad rem istuc refert: “how will that help”.

724 praestino, -are, -aui, -atum: “buy”, “purchase”.

725 priu’ quam = prius quam.

726 ut… dicas (substantive clause of purpose): “[arrange it] so that you [can] say”.

727 te…dicas emere (indirect discourse): “you [can] say that you bought…”.

728 in libertatem: “in order to free her”.

729 emo, -ere, emi, emptum: “buy”.

730 ut… amoueas (substantive clause of purpose): “[arrange it] so that you remove”.

731 aliquo: “[to] somewhere”.

732 amoueo, -ere, -amoui, amotum: “remove”.

733 quid: “with respect to anything”; translate here: “in any way”.

734 tuast = tua est.

735 secu’ = secus (adverb): “otherwise”, “contrary”, “different”.

736 immo: “by all means”, “indeed”; “on the contrary”, “by no means”.

737 docte: “very clever[ly done]”.

738 quid ego = quid ego dicam.

739 commentum = commentum esse < comminiscor, -i, commentus sum: “devise”, “invent a story”.

740 nimis: “too much”, “exceedingly” (both meanings are implied here in a play on words, since Apoecides thinks he’s praising Epidicus for such an excellent deception against Stratippocles, but the audience knows that Epidicus is actually deceiving the old men).

741 astute < astutus, -a, -um: “clever”, “sly”.

742 intellego, -ere, -exi, ectum: “understand”; translate here: “realize”.

743 ei (dative after compound verb amouere, referring to Stratippocles): “[from] him”.

744 amota … fuerit (future perfect; see note in Act 1, scene 2).

745 consultatio, -onis (f.): “hesitation”, “deliberation”.

746 nuptiae, -arum (f. pl.): “marriage “, ”wedding”.

747 grauor, -ari, -atus sum: “be annoyed at”, “be upset at”.

748 uelis (subjunctive by attraction to the mood of grauetur; see Bennett 324.1,

749 uiue (adverb) < uius, -a, -um: “very”.

750 sapis < sapio, -ere, sapiui, – : “to be sensible”, “to be wise”.

751 calide (adverb) < calidus, -a, -um; “quickly”.

752 acturu’s = acturus es (active periphrastic, with a meaning similar to ages).

753 rem: translate here as “truth”, “reality”.

754 loquere = loqueris (present indicative).

755 repperi: “I have found [out]”.

756 qui = quo: “how”.

757 apscedat = abscedat < abscedo, -ere, -abscessi, abscessum: “go away”; translate here: “be diverted from”.

758 suspicio, -onis (f.): “suspicion”, “mistrust”.

759 sine < sino, -ere, siui, situm: “allow”, “let”.

760 scibis = scies, < scio, scire, sciui, scitum: “know”.

761 pleno pectore (ablative of manner): literally: “with full heart/mind”; translate here: “through and through”; the pectus was where wisdom was thought to be located in the body, rather than, as we might believe, the brain.

762 opus est (impersonal): “there is need for”, “we need” (+ ablative of thing/person needed).

763 illo: “to that place”.

764 defero, deferre, detuli, delatum: “deliver”, “bring”, “get”.

765 opu’ = opus.

766 neque opus factost = neque opus facto est: “and there is no need [for you] to do it.

767 quid: “why”.

768 censeat (the subject is the pimp from whom Periphanes would be buying the lyre-player).

769 fili = filii.

770 caussa = causa.

771 qua: “in any way”.

772 ob: “because of” (+ accusative).

773 euenat = eueniat < euenio, -ire, -eni, - entum: “arise”, “come about”, “turn out”.

774 hic: “this man” (referring to Apoecides).

775 optumus = optimus.

776 caueo, -ere, caui, cautum: “be careful”.

777 teneo, -ere, tenui, tentum: “hold”, “grasp”; translate here: “understand”.

778 habeas gratiam: “you should thank” (+ dative of person thanked).

779 istuc = istud.

780 sedulo (adverb): “industriously”, “carefully”, “zealously”.

781 conuenio, -ire, -eni, -entum: “meet”, “go to meet”.

782 quoiiast = quoiia/quoia est = cuia est (from the archaic adjective quoiius/quoius/cuius, -a, -um, related to the genitive singular of qui, quae, quod): “whose [property] she is”.

783 The manuscript tradition, followed by Linday’s text, has fidicina, but the emendation to fidicinam works better.

784 hoc (refers to Apoecides).

785 quanti… minimo (genitive of indefinite price and ablative of indefinite price, respectively): “for how little”, “what is the least amount for which”.

786 emi (present passive infinitive) < emo, -ere, emi, emptum: “buy”.

787 quadraginta (indeclinable): “forty”.

788 fortasse: “it’s possible that” (+ accusative-infinitive construction).

789 minimo (adverb): “at the lowest”

790 minis (ablative of price) < mina, -ae (f.): a Greek unit of money equivalent to 430g of silver.

791 captiost = captio est; captio, -onis (f.): “trickery”, “deceit”.

792 occupo, -are, -aui, -atum: “invest”, “lay out [money]”, “use”.

793 non decem… dies (accusative of duration of time): “not [even] for ten days”.

794 quidum = qui dum: “how does it happen that…?”, “what makes you say that?”, “how so?”.

795 deperit < depereo, -ire, -ii/iui, -itum: “he is madly in love with” (+ accusative).

796 It is unclear whether or not this miles Rhodius is the same as the miles Euboicus of line 153; Duckworth believes not, and that the miles Rhodius is invented by Epidicus (Duckworth-Wheeler 1940: 273).

797 gloriosus, -a, -um: “boastful”, “self-glorifying” (soldiers in Plautus always have this characteristic, see his play entitled Miles Gloriosus).

798 lubens = libens: “willingly”.

799 face = fac.

800 lucrum, -i (n.): “profit”.

801 amplus, -a, -um: “big”, “substantial”.

802 impetro, -are, -aui, atum: “achieve”, “get”, “obtain”.

803 quin: “why… not?”, “why don’t you…?”.

804 is < eo, ire, iui/ii, itum.

805 promo, -ere prompsi/promsi, promptum: “bring out”.

806 uiso, -ere, uisi, uisum: “go to”, “visit” (+ ad).

807 eo: “to that place”.

808 abeo, -ire, -iui/-ii, -itum: “go away”.

809 priu’ = prius.

810 usque: “constantly”, “the whole time”.

811 opperior, -iri, -itus sum: “wait”, “wait for”.

812 numero, -are, -aui, -atum: “count out” (referring to the money).

813 nil = nihil; here translate as: “not at all”.

814 moror, -ari, moratus sum: “delay”.

815 opinor, opinari, opinatus sum: “suppose”, “imagine”.

816 aeque (adverb): “equally”, “to the same extent”.

817 ferax, feracis: “fruitful”, “fertile”.

818 quin: “really”.

819 occludo, -ere, -occlusi, occludum: “closed up”, “locked up”.

820 opsignato = obsignato < obsigno, -are, -aui, -atum: “seal”, “seal up”.

821 armarium, -ii (n.): “chest”, “cupboard”.

822 decutio, decutere, decussi, decussus: “shake out”, “dislodge”.

823 lubet = libet.

824 resciuerit (perfect subjunctive) < rescisco, -ere, -resciui, -rescitum: “learn”, “find out”.

825 ulmus, -i (f.): “elm [rod]”.

826 parasitus, -i (m.): “[human] parasite”, “hanger-on” (a parasitus referred to someone who would hang around wealthy friends in the hopes of getting a meal; the elm rods would be made into “parasites” in the sense that they would never be far from Epidicus’s hide, i.e. Epidicus would be given a severe beating).

827 quae (relative pronoun, the antecedent of which is ulmos).

828 usque (adverb): “continuously”, “without interruption”.

829 attondeo, -ere, attondi, attonsum: “clip”, “shear”; translate here: “thrash”.

830 turbo, -are, -aui, -atum: “disturb”, “concern”.

831 ratio, -onis (f.): “matter”, “consideration”.

832 quam (adverb): “how”.

833 conducticius, -a, -um: “hired”, “rented”.

834 mane (adverb): “in the morning”, “this morning”.

835 conduco, -ere, -xi, -ctum: “bring”, “hire”.

836 rem diuinam: “religious activity”, “sacrifice”.

837 canto, -are, -aui, -atum: “play [music]” (supplying ut will help make better sense of the subjunctive).

838 ei praemonstrabitur: “it will be taught to her beforehand” < praemonstro, -are, -aui, -atum: “show beforehand”, “direct [in advance]”, “guide [in advance]”.

839 subdolus, -a, -um: “sly”, “deceitful”.

840 aduorsus = aduersus (preposition + accusative): “toward”, “against”.

841 damnosus, -a, -um: “wasteful” (Epidicus calls the old man “wasteful” presumably because he ought to be smart enough not to be cheated by Epidicus).

842 expecto, -are, -aui, -atum: “wait”.

843 exedo, -ere, -edi, -esum: “eat up”, “consume”.

844 exentero, -are, -aui, -atum: “disembowel”; here translate as “torture”.

845 mi = mihi.

846 euenant = eueniant < euenio, -ire, -eni, - entum: “arise”, “come about”, “turn out”.

847 nimi’ = nimis.

848 macero, -are, -aui, -atum: “make wet”, “soak”; translate here: “wear down”, “worry”.

849 sitne qui necne sit: “if it’s going to happen or not”.

850 per: “as for”, “as far as [that assistance] is concerned”.

851 copia, -ae (f.): “resources”, “wealth”, “assistance”.

852 paro, -are, -aui, -atum: “prepare”; translate here: “obtain”.

853 ilico (adverb): “immediately”.

854 illo (referring to Epidicus).

855 interii < intereo, interire, interiui / interii, interitus: “perish”, “die”; “be ruined”.

856 apsurde = absurde (adverb < absurdus, -a, -um): “absurdly”.

857 faci’ = facis.

858 ango, -ere, anxi, anctum: “choke”, “cause pain to”.

859 animi (genitive of respect).

860 prehendo/prendo, -ere, prehendi/prendi, prehensum/prensum: “lay hold of”, “catch”.

861 inrideo, -ere, -isi, -isum: “laugh at”, “make fun of”.

862 inultus, -a, -um: “unpunished”.

863 quid: “what”.

864 tibi is dative by attraction to quoi; translate as a nominative.

865 quoi = cui.

866 domi (locative).

867 is (repeating the subject qui in line 329): here translate as “you, who…”.

868 nummus, -i (m.): “coin”.

869 sodalis, -is (m.): “companion”, “friend”, “mate”.

870 copiast = copia est.

871 polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus sum: “offer”, “promise”.

872 lubens = libens: “willingly”.

873 alicunde (adverb): “from some source or other”, “from somewhere”.

874 aliqui = aliquo.

875 fore = futuram esse: “that there will be”.

876 uerum aliquid aliqua aliquo modo / alicunde ab aliqui aliqua tibi spes est fore mecum fortunam: “but there’s some hope of something somehow in some way from some source from someone — that there’ll be good luck for you and me”.

877 muricidus, -a, -um (a rare word, the meaning of which isn’t entirely clear): “stupid”, “cowardly”.

878 qui: “why”.

879 lubet = libet.

880 quipp’ = quippe: “obviously”.

881 mi = mihi.

882 aliquibus = aliquis.

883 blatio, -ire, –, – : “babble”, “blather”.

884 nusquamst = nusquam est: “[which] is nowhere”, “[which] doesn’t exist anywhere”.

885 immitto, -ere, -misi, -missum: “admit”, “let in”.

886 aurı̄s = aures < auris, -is (f.): “ear”.

887 adiumentum, -i (n.): “help”, “support”; adiumenti is a genitive of the whole after plus (translate nec mihi plus adiumenti ades quam ille qui numquam etian natust: “you’re standing by me but [you’re] no more help than someone who was never born”).

888 adsum, adesse, affui, affuturus: “be near”, “be at hand”, “stand by”.

889 natust = natus est < nascor, nasci, natus est: “be born”.

890 tuom = tuum.

891 per: “through”, “by means of”.

892 quietus, -a, -um: “calm”.

893 hoc quidem iam periit (Epidicus says this without Periphanes or the young men hearing): “indeed, he’s lost this [the money] already”.

894 niquid tibi hinc in spem referas: “don’t go hoping otherwise”.

895 opiddo (adverb): “very much”, “completely”.

896 hoc (again refers to the money Epidicus has been given by Periphanes).

897 pollingo, -ere, pollinxi, pollinctum: “wash a corpse”, “prepare a body for burial”.

898 nostri: “our people”, “my ancestors” (given that slaves were considered, by slave-owners, no longer to have parents or ancestors, this may be Epidicus’s resistance to the deracination (uprooting from native family) of slaves; more frivolously, Epidicus may also be referring to how the class of slaves has always behaved, or may be making a reference, as a comic seruos callidus, about how serui callidi in the tradition of Roman Comedy have always behaved — see Barbiero’s forthcoming book: chapter 5).

899 inmortales = immortales.

900 luculentus, -a, -um: “bright”, “brilliant”.

901 ut: “how”.

902 impetrabilis, -e: “pleasing”, “successful”.

903 migro, -are, -aui, -atum: “depart”, “get going”.

904 cesso, -are, -aui, -atum: “be remiss”, “delay”, “cease from”.

905 importo, -are, -aui, -atum: “bring”, “carry”.

906 colonia, -ae (f.): “settlement” (coloniae were towns established by the Romans, often in newly-conquered territory so that the colonia’s new population of former Roman citizens could be counted on to defend Roman interests in the area; Epidicus’s reference to bringing supplies to the colonia is a military metaphor, implying that his efforts to cheat the old man for the young man’s benefit are the equivalent of a military stratagem).

907 meo auspicio: “under my own auspices” (the Romans took the auspices, or readings of what the gods wanted them to do, before important actions such as military maneuvers or, in this case, bringing stolen money to Stratippocles).

908 commeatus, -i (m.): “provisions”, “supplies” (this is an army metaphor).

909 quom = cum.

910 aedīs < aedis/es, -is (f.): “building”, “house” (often used in the plural, as here).

911 sodalis, -is (m.): “companion”, “friend”, “mate”.

912 conspicor, conspicari, conspicatus sum: “catch sight of”, “see”.

913 sis = si uis: “please”, “if you please”.

914 quantus, -a, um: “how much”, “as much as”.

915 sat = satis (adverb): “enough”.

916 plus satis = plus quam satis.

917 superfio, superfieri, superfactus sum: “be left over”, “be more than enough”.

918 decem minis (ablative of degree of difference; see Bennett 223).

919 affero, afferre, attuli, allatum (or adfero, adferre, adtuli, adlatum): “bring”, “deliver”, “use” (+ accusative).

920 dum: “provided that”.

921 opsequar = obsequar < obsequor, -i, obsectus sum: “humour”, “submit to” (+ dative).

922 flocci facere: “to make no account of”, “not to care a straw for” (+ accusative).

923 quid: “why”.

924 tuom = tuum.

925 parenticida, -ae (f.): “parricide”, “murderer of one’s parent” (Plautus probably invented this word).

926 quid istuc est uerbi: “what sort of word is that”.

927 nil moror: “I don’t care about”

928 uetus, -eris (adjective): “old-fashioned”, “ancient”.

929 uolgatus, -a, -um: “commonly used”.

930 “peratum ductare” †at† ego follitum ductitabo (the obeli, or daggers, appear on either side of the word “at” here because the Latin text is corrupt, and it’s not obvious how to emend this rather confusing line, which refers in some way to pera, -ae (f.): “bag”, “wallet” and to follis, -is (m.): “moneybag”. The line relates to parenticidam in line 349 in that a person convicted of having killed his parent was traditionally punished by being sewn into a sack, possibly along with various animals, and drowned).

931 leno, -onis (m.): “pimp”, “brothel keeper”.

932 apstulit = abstulit < aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatum: “take away”.

933 resoluo, -ere, resolui, resolutum: “release”; translate here: “pay”.

934 manibus his (ablative of means).

935 denumero, -are, -aui, -atum: “pay in full”, “pay down”.

936 quam (accusative of respect): “for [her], whom”, “the one that”.

937 fallo, -ere, fefelli, falsum: “deceive”, “cheat”.

938 apparo, -are, -aui, -atum: “prepare”, “provide”.

939 inuenire + ut (+ subjunctive): “to devise a plan to”.

940 suadeo, -ere, suasi, suasum: “persuade” (+ dative of person persuaded).

941 quom = cum.

942 rediisse < redeo, -ire, -ii, -itum: “return”, “come back”.

943 eiius = eius.

944 eiius copia: “access to her”.

945 eugae (exclamation): “good”, “well done”.

946 domist = domi est.

947 pro: “in place of”.

948 teneo, -ere, tenui, tentum: “hold”, “grasp”; translate here: “understand”.

949 auctor, -oris (m.): translate here “adviser” (describing Apoecidem).

950 mi = mihi.

951 maneo -ere, mansi, mansum: “remain”, “stay”; translate here: “wait for”.

952 †quasiquae amaret† caueat (the text is corrupt, as evidenced by the obeli, or daggers, surrounding “quasique amaret”; translate as “supposedly to keep an eye on things”).

953 hau = haud: “not”.

954 cautor, -oris (m.): “cautious/wary person”.

955 captust = captus est.

956 tuo’ = tuos = tuus.

957 crumina, -ae (f.): “pouch”, “purse”, “small moneybag”.

958 colloco, -are, -aui, -atum: “put”, “[put in] place”.

959 adorno, -are, -aui, -atum: “get ready”, “prepare”.

960 adueniens agrees with the subject of fias.

961 extemplo: “immediately”.

962 maritus, -a, -um: “married”.

963 uno persuadebit modo: “In [only] one way will [my father] persuade [me]”.

964 adempsit (old form of the future tense) < adimo, -ere, ademi, ademptum: “take” (+ dative of person/thing from whom it is taken).

965 Orcus, -i (m.): Orcus, god of death and the underworld.

966 astutia, -ae (f.): “trick”, “stratagem”.

967 instituo, -ere, -ui, -utum: “set up”, “prepare”.

968 deuenio, -ire, -ueni, -uentum: “come to”, “reach”.

969 ad lenonem domum: “to the pimp, at his house”.

970 egomet = ego + -met: “I, myself”.

971 si quid: “if at all”.

972 si quid ad eum adueniam: “if I go see him at all” (the text may be corrupt, but probably Epidicus means that, if he has to bring Periphanes and/or Apoecides to the pimp to verify his story, the pimp will back him up).

973 esse datum… se habere (both infinitives in indirect discourse after dicat).

974 mina, -ae (f.): a Greek unit of money equivalent to 430g of silver.

975 quinquaginta (indeclinable): “fifty”.

976 quippe: “obviously”.

977 nudiustertius = nudius tertius; nudius = num/nunc dies (always paired with an ordinal number): “it is now the … day since” (because the Romans counted inclusively, nudiustertius means “the day before yesterday”).

978 denumero, -are, -aui, -atum: “pay in full”, “pay down”.

979 reor, reri, ratus sum: “think”, “suppose”, “believe”.

980 ibi: “then”.

981 sceleratus, -a, -um: “criminal”, “wicked”.

982 suom = suum.

983 inprudens = imprudens: “unaware”, “unsuspecting”.

984 adligabit = alligabit < alligo, -are, -aui, -atum: “implicate/involve in”.

985 uorsutior = uersutior, comparative form < uersutus, -a, -um: “clever”, “ingenious”.

986 rota figularis: “potter’s wheel”.

987 paro, -are, -aui, -atum: “prepare”, “provide”, “obtain”.

988 dolosus, -a, -um: “crafty”, “cunning”, “deceitful”.

989 nummus, -i (m.): “coin”.

990 conduco, - ere, -xi, -ctum: “bring”, “hire”.

991 emo, -ere, emi, emptum: “buy”.

992 simulo, -are, -aui, -atum: “pretend”.

993 docte (adverb < doctus, -a, -um): “cleverly”.

994 ludificor, -ari, -atus sum: “make fun of”, “fool”.

995 simul: “[together] with him”.

996 tuom = tuum.

997 ut parate: “how well prepared [you are]”, “what good planning”.

998 permeditatus, -a, -um: “well-prepared”, “well-trained”.

999 dolus, -i (m.): “trick”.

1000 astutiis < astutia, -ae (f.): “trick”, “stratagem”.

1001 onustus, -a, -um: “burdened”, “laden”; translate here: “full of”.

1002 nimi’ = nimis.

1003 longum (adverb): “for [too] long”.

1004 demoror, -ari, -atus sum: “detain”, “cause delay”.

1005 ambulato (second-person singular future imperative active) < ambulo, -are, -aui, atum.

1006 illic = ille.

1007 nimi’ doctus illic ad male faciendum: “that guy is too good at double-dealing”.

1008 certo: “certainly”.

1009 seruo, -are, -aui, -atum: “save”.

1010 ad me: “[to] my house”.

1011 aliquanto (adverb): “by some amount”, “a bit”.

1012 lubentius = libentius: “cheerfully”.

1013 aps = a.

1014 egredior, -i, egressus sum: “come out”, “go out”.

1015 intus: “within”, “inside”.

1016 praeda, -ae (f.): “booty”, “[war] prize”.

1017 os, oris (n.): “face”.

1018 caussa = causa.

1019 aequom = aequum: “right”, “fair”.

1020 speculum, -i (n.): “mirror”.

1021 contemplo, -are, -aui, -atum: “observe”, “contemplate”.

1022 suom = suum.

1023 perspicio, -ere, perspexi, perspectum: “see through”, “examine”, “observe”.

1024 cor, cordis (n.): “heart” (square brackets enclose text that may not be entirely authentic).

1025 copia, -ae (f.): “resources”, “fulness”.

1026 inspicio, -ere, inspexi, inspectum: “examine”, “inspect”, “consider”.

1027 cogito, -are, -aui, -atum: “think”, “consider”, “reflect on”.

1028 postea (adverb): “afterwards”.

1029 conducibilis, -e: “wise”, “advisable”.

1030 meā sententiā: “in my opinion”.

1031 uel: “or”, “actually”, “indeed”, “even”, “if you prefer”.

1032 quasi (adverb): “as if”, “just as though”.

1033 ego[met] = ego + -met: “I, myself”.

1034 dudum (adverb): “a little while ago”, “formerly”.

1035 fili = filii.

1036 coepio, -ere, coepi, coeptum: “begin”.

1037 excrucio, -are, -aui, -atum: literally “crucify”, but here “torture”, “upset”.

1038 animi (genitive of respect).

1039 quid = aliquid: “[with respect to] something”, “in some way”.

1040 meu’ = meus.

1041 delinquo, -ere, deliqui, delictum: “fail”, “do wrong”.

1042 med = me.

1043 erga: “towards”, “in relation to”, “against”.

1044 pluruma = plurima.

1045 solidus, -a, -um: “substantial”, “serious”.

1046 profecto (adverb): “certainly”.

1047 deliro, -are, -aui, -atum: literally “deviate from the straight line”; translate here: “be crazy”, “be out of one’s wits”, “be silly”.

1048 interdum (adverb): “sometimes”, “now and then”.

1049 meu’ = meus.

1050 sodalis, -is (m.): “companion”, “friend”, “mate”.

1051 it < eo, ire, iui/ii, itum.

1052 praeda, -ae (f.): “booty”, “[war] prize”.

1053 saluom = saluum.

1054 mercator, -oris (m.): “trader”, “merchant”, “buyer”.

1055 uenire saluom... gaudeo (see line 7): Periphanes is being humorous by greeting Apoecides as though he has been away on a long voyage. He addresses him as mercator because he’s been on a shopping trip, though the audience knows that Apoecides has not been directly involved in the supposed purchase at all.

1056 quid fit: “how goes it”.

1057 omnı̄s = omnes.

1058 suppeto, -ere, -iui, -itus (+ dative): “be at hand”, “be equal to”, “be sufficient for”, “agree with”.

1059 res (nominative plural) < res, rei.

1060 prospere (adverb from prosperus, -a, -um: “fortunate”, “favourable”). Lindsay’s emendation of the manuscript tradition to prosperae here is less convincing than the original prospere.

1061 intro: “[to the] inside”, “[to the] indoors”.

1062 abduco, -ere, abduxi, abductum: “lead away”.

1063 heus: “hey!” (used to try to get someone’s attention).

1064 exite… aliquis (the singular aliquis is often paired with the plural imperative exite).

1065 duce (the original form of the second-person singular present imperative active of duco, -ere (later duc).

1066 audin = audis + ne: “do you hear”.

1067 caueo, -ere, caui, cautum: “guard against”, “ensure that… not”.

1068 siris = siueris (perfect subjunctive second-person singular) < sino, -ere, siui, situm: “allow”.

1069 copulor, -ari, copulatus sum: “associate”.

1070 conspicio, -ere, conspexi, conspectum: “look at”.

1071 teneo, -ere, tenui, tentum: “hold”, “grasp”, “understand”.

1072 aedicula, -ae (f.): “[small] room”, “[small] house”.

1073 istanc = istam.

1074 sorsum = seorsum (adverb < seorsus, -a, -um): “separately”, “apart”.

1075 concludo, -ere, conclusi, conclusum: “confine”, “limit”, “shut up”.

1076 diuorto/diuerto, -ere, -ti, -sum: “differ”, “be dissimilar”.

1077 lupa, -ae: “female wolf”; translate here: “prostitute”.

1078 nimi’ = nimis.

1079 pudicitia, -ae (f.): “modesty”, “purity”.

1080 quisquam, quaequam, quicquam/quidquam: “anyone, anything”, “someone, something”.

1081 ne (interjection followed by a personal or demonstrative pronoun): “really”, “indeed”.

1082 temperi = tempori (adverb): “at the right time”, “in time”, “seasonably”.

1083 sumu’ = sumus.

1084 praemercor, -ari, -atus sum: “buy before (+ someone in the dative)”.

1085 quid: “why”.

1086 dudum: (adverb): “a little while ago”, “formerly”.

1087 tuom = tuum.

1088 hanc… rem (referring to Stratippocles’s planned purchase of the fidicina).

1089 apparo, -are, -aui, -atum: “get ready”.

1090 ne (interjection followed by a personal or demonstrative pronoun): “really”, “indeed”.

1091 seruom = seruum.

1092 graphicus, -a, -um: “picture-perfect”, “artistic”, “clever”.

1093 quantiuis preti = quanti uis preti (genitive of price): “of whatever price you want”, “priceless”, “worth any price”.

1094 carust = carus est.

1095 non carust auro contra: “he’s worth his weight in gold” (auro contra: “when weighed against gold”).

1096 ut ille fidicinam / fecit †nescire† esse emptam tibi (the text is corrupt but means something like “how he managed to keep the lyre-player from realizing she’d been bought for you”.

1097 ridibundus, -a, um: “laughing”.

1098 hilarus, -a, -um: “light-hearted”.

1099 simul: “[together] with him”.

1100 qui (an old ablative form): “how”, “why”.

1101 rem… diuinam: “religious activity”, “sacrifice”.

1102 Thebis (locative).

1103 saluos = saluus.

1104 redierit (third-person singular perfect subjunctive active < redeo, -ire, -iui/ii, -itum).

1105 insisto, -ere, institi, – :“set about”, “proceed”; recte institit: “he handled it well”, “he did the right thing”.

1106 immo: “by all means”, “indeed”; “on the contrary”, “by no means”.

1107 ipsus = ipse.

1108 illi (dative, referring to the fidicina).

1109 conduco, - ere, -xi, -ctum: “bring”, “hire”.

1110 quae = ut ea (relative clause of purpose).

1111 administro, -are, -aui, -atum: “administer”; translate here: “assist”.

1112 tibi (dative of reference after administraret).

1113 [facturum hoc dixit rem esse diuinam tibi domi] (this line, essentially repeating line 415, probably doesn’t belong here).

1114 illic: “there”.

1115 med = me.

1116 adsimulo, -are, -aui, -atum: “pretend”.

1117 stolidus, -a, -um: “slow”, “obtuse”.

1118 combardus, -a, -um: “stupid”.

1119 me faciebam: “I made myself [look/act]”.

1120 immo ita decet: “you acted exactly as you should”, “indeed that was appropriate”; translate here: “very appropriate”.

1121 res, rei (f.): “matter”; translate here: “[legal] case”.

1122 ago, -ere, egi, actum: “do”, “act”; translate here: “conduct”.

1123 aduocatus, -i (m.): “advocate”, “witness”.

1124 quaeso: “please”.

1125 otium, -ii (n.): “leisure”, “[a] break”, “spare moment”.

1126 reuorto/reuerto, -ere, -ti, –sum: “come back”, “return”.

1127 extemplo (adverb): “immediately”.

1128 continuo (adverb): “immediately”.

1129 amicost = amico est.

1130 opportunus, -a, -um: “useful”.

1131 amicius (comparative adjective from amicus, -a, -um; neuter nominative singular agreeing with nihil).

1132 actumst = actum est.

1133 adlegassem = adlegauissem (first-person singular pluperfect subjunctive active < adlego, -are, -aui, -atum: “dispatch”, “send [someone] to do a job”).

1134 minu’que = minusque.

1135 callidus, -a, -um: “clever”, “shrewd”, “ingenious”.

1136 os sublitum esset:he would have been deceived” (again, the audience would have found this irony hilarious, but Periphanes has no idea that both he and Apoecides are the ones being tricked). alicui os sublinere literally means “to smear someone’s face”, but figuratively means “to make a fool of someone”, “outwit someone”.

1137 albis dentibus: literally “with white teeth”; figuratively “by laughing out loud”.

1138 meu’ = meus.

1139 derideo, -ere, derisi, derisum: “laugh [at]”, “make fun [of]”.

1140 meritissumo = meritissimo (superlative adverb): “most justly”, “very deservedly”.

1141 stultitiast = stultitia est.

1142 uitium, -ii (n.): “fault”, “vice”, “defect”.

1143 atque haec stultitiast me illi uitio uortere: “and it’s stupid for me to blame him”.

1144 egomet = ego + -met: “I, myself”.

1145 factito, -are, -aui, -atum: “do frequently”, “practice”.

1146 quom = cum.

1147 milito, -are, -aui, -atum: “serve as a soldier”, perform military service”, “serve in the army”, “make war”.

1148 memoro, -are, -aui, -atum: “remember”, “reminisce”, “speak of”, “mention”.

1149 pugnis memorandis meis: “because of talking about my battles”, “from reminiscing about my war stories”.

1150 eradico, -are, -aui, -atum: “root out”, “eradicate”.

1151 auris, -is (f.): “ear”.

1152 occipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptum: “begin”.

1153 illic = ille.

1154 auris, -is (f.): “ear”.

1155 undo, -are, -aui, -atum: “wave”, “billow”.

1156 chlamys, clamydos/is (f.): “[Greek] cloak”, “[military] cloak”.

1157 quasso, -are, -aui, -atum: “shake repeatedly”, “flourish”, “swagger”.

1158 caueo, -ere, caui, cautum: “be careful”.

1159 praeterbitas = praetereas < praetereo, -ire, -iui/ii, -itum: “go by”, “go past”, “pass by”.

1160 aedis/aedes, -is (f.): “building”, “house” (often used in the plural, as here).

1161 quin roges: “without asking”.

1162 tuom = tuum.

1163 rettuleris (second-person singular perfect subjunctive active) < refero, referre, rettuli, relatum: “carry back”, “bring back”.

1164 incertus tuom caue ad me rettuleris pedem: “make sure you don’t return without finding it out”.

1165 istunc = istum.

1166 quaerito, -are, -aui, -atum: “seek”, “look for”.

1167 commostrasso = commonstrasso (alternative future tense of commo(n)stro, -are, -aui, -atum); si… commostrasso: “if I show”, “if I point [him] out”.

1168 ecqui, ecquae/ecqua, ecquod: “is there any”, “some sort of”.

1169 aps = a.

1170 ecquam abs te inibo gratiam: “will I put you under an obligation”, “will you be grateful to me”.

1171 promereo, -ere, promerui, promeritum: “deserve”, “earn”.

1172 reperio, -ire, repperi, repertum: “find”.

1173 explico, -are, -aui, -atum: “show off”, “display”.

1174 postulo, -are, -aui, -atum: “claim”, “require”, “ask for”, “want”.

1175 strenuiori (dative singular comparative adjective) < strenuus, -a, -um: “active”, “vigorous”.

1176 deterior, -ius (nominative singular comparative adjective): “lesser”, “weaker”.

1177 praedico, -are, -aui, -atum: “announce”, “proclaim”, “boast about”.

1178 de illius (referring to the streniori of line 446): “in contrast with the other man’s military achievements”.

1179 sordidus, -a, -um: “low”, “humble”, “pathetic”.

1180 si quid uis: “if you want anything”.

1181 nemp’ = nempe: “really”.

1182 memoro, -are, -aui, -atum: “remember”, “reminisce”, “speak of”, “mention”.

1183 diuitiae, -arum (f. pl.): “wealth”.

1184 indipiscor, indipisci, indeptus sum: “overtake”; translate here: “acquire”.

1185 immo: “by all means”, “indeed”; “on the contrary”, “by no means”.

1186 manibus dimissis: literally “with hands let loose”; translate here: “as fast as you could run”.

1187 unum = quendam: “someone”.

1188 meas = meas pugnas.

1189 quoi = cui.

1190 praedico, -are, -aui, -atum: “announce”, “proclaim”, “boast about”.

1191 suas = suas pugnas.

1192 proin (adverb): “therefore”, “so then”.

1193 cento, -onis (m.): “garment or blanket made from patchwork”.

1194 sarcio, -ire, sarsi, sartum: “patch”, “mend”, “restore”; quoi centones sarcias: literally “for whom you can mend your patchwork cloth”; translate here: “to whom you can tell your [tall] tales”, “who’ll listen to your story-telling”.

1195 animum aduorte: “pay attention”.

1196 quod (accusative of the inner object): “about which”, “regarding which”.

1197 mercor, -ari, -atus sum: “buy”.

1198 attatae (an expression of surprise or amazement).

1199 dudum (adverb): “a little while ago”, “formerly”.

1200 itast = ita est.

1201 emo, -ere, emi, emptum: “buy” (supply eam or amicam as the direct object).

1202 pauculus, -a, -um (diminutive of paucus, -a, -um); uolo te uerbis pauculis (supply conloqui): “I want to have a few little words with you”.

1203 molestus, -a, -um: “annoying”, “[a] bother”.

1204 necne: “whether… or not”.

1205 tramittas = transmittas < transmitto, -ere, -misi, -missum: “hand over” (supply uolo before ut tramittas and [ut] accipias).

1206 adest: “is it here”, “do you have [the money] with you”.

1207 quid: “why”.

1208 uerus, -a, -um: “true”.

1209 parco, -ere, peperci, parsum: “refrain from”.

1210 liberta, ae (f.): “freedwoman”, “former slave”.

1211 concubina, -ae (f.): “concubine”, “common-law wife”, “mistress”, “girlfriend” (in Rome, concubines were free or freedwomen who lived in a marriage-like relationship with a man of usually higher status. Any children they produced were considered illegitimate; they did not enter their father’s patria potestas, and they inherited their mother’s legal status, whatever that might be).

1212 apsoluam = absoluam < absoluo, -ere, absolui, absolutum: “free”, “let [someone] off”.

1213 breui (adverb): “quickly”, “soon”.

1214 quinquaginta (indeclinable): “fifty”.

1215 mina, -ae (f.): a Greek unit of money equivalent to 430g of silver.

1216 sexaginta (indeclinable): “sixty”.

1217 denumero, -are, -aui, -atum: “pay in full”, “pay down”.

1218 possideo, -ere, possedi, possessum: “be master of”, “possess”, “take possession of”; translate here: “occupy”.

1219 faxo (alternative form of the first-person singular future indicative active of facio, -ere): “I’ll make [it happen]”; translate here: “I promise”.

1220 feriae, -arum (f. pl.): “religious festival”, “holiday”; translate here: “leisure time”.

1221 profecto (adverb): “certainly”.

1222 ita… ut (+ subjunctive): “on condition that”.

1223 exonero, -are, -aui, -atum: “remove”.

1224 ager, agri (m.): “field”; translate here: “land” (here it refers either to “Attic land”, meaning the territory around Athens where the play is supposedly set, or “my land”, meaning Periphanes’s property).

1225 lex, legis (f.): “law”; translate here: “condition” (istis legibus is an ablative of attendant circumstances: “under those conditions”).

1226 concilio, -are, -aui, -atum: “bring together”; translate here: “buy”.

1227 pulchre (adverb): “excellently” (conciliauisti pulchre: “you’ve made a good bargain”).

1228 heus: “hey!” (used to try to get someone’s attention).

1229 foras (adverb): “out of doors”.

1230 educo, -ere, eduxi, eductum: “lead out”, “bring out”.

1231 introduco, -ere, -duxi, -ductum: “lead in”, “lead inside”.

1232 fides, fidium (f. pl.): “lyre”.

1233 accedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum: “go with” (+ dative).

1234 addo, -ere, addidi, additum: “add”.

1235 dono: “as a gift”.

1236 gratiis: “as a favour”, “for nothing”, “for free”.

1237 sis = si uis: “please”, “if you please”.

1238 intemperia, -ae (f.): “insanity”, “foolishness”.

1239 teneo, -ere, tenui, tentum: “hold”, “possess”.

1240 tenebrae, -arum (f. pl.): “darkness”, “concealment”.

1241 trudo, -ere, trusi, trusum: “thrust”, “push”, “drive”, “force”; quas tu mihi tenebras trudis: “what concealment are you pushing on me”; translate here: “what trick are you playing on me”.

1242 quin: “why… not?”, “why don’t you…?”.

1243 produco, -ere, -duxi, -ductum: “bring out”.

1244 intus: “from within”, “from inside”.

1245 nullast = nulla est.

1246 nugor, -ari, nugatus sum: “trick [someone]”, “act like a fool”.

1247 Acropolistis, Acropolistidis (f.): the name of the first lyre-player that Stratippocles had told Epidicus to buy for him while he was away on campaign. Epidicus has, as you remember, told Periphanes that she was his illegitimate daughter (see line 88).

1248 haec inquamst = haec inquam est: “I say that this is she”, “she’s the one, I tell you”.

1249 nosco, -ere, noui, notum: “get to know”, “know”, “recognize”.

1250 rere (second-person singular present passive indicative) < reor, reri, ratus sum: “reckon”, “think”, “believe”.

1251 meu’ = meus.

1252 depereo, -ire, -iui/-ii, -tum (conjugated like eo, ire): “die”, “be destroyed”, “fall desperately in love”.

1253 unde haec igitur gentiumst?: “where in the world did she come from then?”

1254 datum = datum esse (its accusative subject is argentum).

1255 reor, reri, ratus sum: “think”, “suppose”, “believe”.

1256 peccatum, -i (n.): “mistake” (supply fuisse, the subject of which would be the purchase of the wrong fidicina).

1257 largiter (adverb): “in abundance”, “greatly”.

1258 immo: “by no means”.

1259 east = ea est.

1260 sector, sectari, sectatus sum: “follow continually”, “attend”.

1261 gnatum = natum < natus, -i (m.): “son”.

1262 destino, -are, -aui, -atum: “arrange the purchase of”.

1263 em (expression of surprise, in a good or bad sense): “hah!”.

1264 istic (adverb): “now”, “here”, “there”.

1265 articulatim: “limb from limb”, “point by point”, “in detail”.

1266 concido, -ere, concidi, concisum: “cut to pieces”, “kill”, “destroy”.

1267 tuo’ seruos = tuus seruus.

1268 suspiciost = suspicio est; sic suspiciost: “that’s what I suspect”.

1269 cerua, -ae (f.): “doe”, “deer”.

1270 supposita = subposita < subpono, -ere, -posui, -positum: “substitute”.

1271 tibi os est sublitum: “you’ve been deceived”; alicui os sublinere literally means “to smear someone’s face”, but figuratively means “to make a fool of someone”, “outwit someone”.

1272 requiro, -ere, requisiui, requisitum: “require”, “seek”, “ask for”.

1273 ubi ubi: “wherever”.

1274 eugae (exclamation): “good”, “well done” (here meant ironically: “well that’s just PERFECT!”).

1275 frugi’s = frugi es; frugi (indeclinable adjective): “worthy”, “frugal”, “virtuous” (this is an attribute often applied to slaves who thriftily save up money in their peculia (personal savings) in order that they might eventually buy their own freedom).

1276 pugnasti = pugnauisti < pugno, -are, -aui, -atum: “fight”.

1277 emungo, -ere, emunxi, emunctum: “wipe/blow the nose”; “cheat”.

1278 mucidus, -a, -um: “sniveling”, “snotty”.

1279 minimi preti (genitive of price after memucidum): “of little value”, “worthless”.

1280 mercor, -ari, -atus sum: “buy”.

1281 leno, -onis (m.): “pimp”, “brothel keeper”.

1282 fando (gerund) < for, fari, fatus sum: “speak”, “say”; here translate fando: “by report”.

1283 quinquennium, -ii/-i (n.): “for five years”, “a period of five years”.

1284 negotist = negotii est < negotium, -i/ii (n.): “business”.

1285 conduco, - ere, -xi, -ctum: “bring”, “hire”.

1286 fides, fidium (f. pl.): “lyre”.

1287 rem diuinam: “religious activity”, “sacrifice”.

1288 fateor, fateri, fassus sum: “admit”, “confess”.

1289 minimi preti (genitive of price): “of little value”, “worthless”.

1290 nouistin = nouisti+ne < nosco, -ere, noui, notum: “get to know”, “know”, “recognize”.

1291 tam facile quam me: “as well as I know myself”.

1292 postquam: “after”, “since”.

1293 liberast = libera est < libero, -are, -aui, atum: “set free”, “emancipate”.

1294 admodum (adverb): “fully”, “thoroughly”.

1295 ubi habitet dicere admodum incerte scio: “to tell [you] where she’s living, I don’t really know for sure”; “I’m really not sure where she’s living”.

1296 eho (an exclamation of surprise, amazement, anger, or a preface to giving someone an order or request).

1297 Periphanei (genitive).

1298 apsentem = absentem.

1299 curo, -are, -aui, -atum: “arrange”, “see/attend to”, “take care of”.

1300 pereo, -ire, -iui/-ii, -itum: “die”, “be ruined”, “be lost”.

1301 istaec = ista.

1302 planissume = planissime: “totally”.

1303 exentero, -are, -aui, -atum: “disembowel”; (in the context of a purse or store of money) “empty”.

1304 marsuppium, -ii (n.): “purse”, “moneybag”.

1305 numquid (a strengthened form of num): “surely… not?”, “can it be that…?”.

1306 numquid me uis ceterum: “can I do anything else for you?”.

1307 cruciatus, -us (m.): “torture”, “crucifixion”.

1308 malo cruciatu ut pereas atque abeas cito: “[I want you] to get out of here and go die on a cross”.

1309 fides, -ium (f. pl.): “lyre”.

1310 reddo, -ere, reddidi, redditum: “return”, “give back”.

1311 tibia, -ae (f.): “flute”, “woodwind instrument” (originally made from the tibia or shin bone of an animal).

1312 properā (second-person singular present imperative active) < propero, -are, -aui, -atum: “be quick”, “hurry”, “go quickly”).

1313 sis (second-person singular present subjunctive active) < sum, esse; used here to emphasize the peremptory nature of Periphanes’s command and is best not translated literally (see Lindsay 1904: 58–59).

1314 abiero (first-person singular future perfect indicative active) < abeo, -ire, -iui/-ii, -itum.

1315 flagitium, -ii (n.): “shame”, “scandal”.

1316 flagitio cum maiore post reddes tamen: “but you’ll give it [the lyre] back with the big scandal [I’ll spread around]”, “but you’ll give it back or I’ll make trouble for you”.

1317 pono, -ere, posui, positum: “put”, “place”, “set”.

1318 sententia, -ae (f.): “judgment”, “opinion”.

1319 sino, sinere, siui, situm: “allow”.

1320 impune (adverb): “with impunity”, “without punishment”.

1321 immo: “by no means”.

1322 alterum tantum: “as much again”, “as large a sum”.

1323 perdundumst = perdundum est < perdo, -ere, perdidi, perditum: “ruin”, “lose”.

1324 potius quam: “rather than”.

1325 inrisum = irrisum < irrideo, -ere, irrisi, irrisum: “make fun of”, “laugh at”.

1326 habitum [esse]: “to be regarded as”.

1327 habitum [esse] peculatui: “to have been held as source of plunder”, “to have been cheated”.

1328 ei (exclamation): “oh”.

1329 seic = sic.

1330 data esse uerba: “to have been tricked / lied to” (see note in Act 1, scene 1).

1331 praesens, praesentis (praesenti agrees with a missing mihi): “at hand”, “present”, “in person”.

1332 palam (adverb): “openly”.

1333 minoris (genitive of value): “of less worth”, “lowlier”.

1334 prae: “in front of”.

1335 fictor, -oris (m.): “maker”.

1336 condictor, -oris (m.): “one who fixes or arranges”.

1337 clueo, -ere: “be spoken of”, “hear oneself called”.

1338 sapio, -ere, sapiui, – : “to be sensible”, “to be wise”.

1339 memoro, -are, -aui, -atum: “remember”, “reminisce”, “speak of”, “mention”.

1340 malleus, -ei (m.): “hammer”.

1341 excutio, -ere, excussi, excussum: “shake out or off”; translate here: “knock off”.

1342 manubrium, -ii (n.): “handle”.

1343 homini (dative of possession with est).

1344 miseria, -ae (f.): “suffering”, “misery”.

1345 miseresco, -ere: “have compassion”.

1346 animost = animo est; si quid est homini miseriarum quod miserescat, miser ex animost: “if a person suffers so much that she pities herself, she is well and truly pitiable”.

1347 experior, -iri, expertus sum: “put to the test”, “experience”.

1348 quoi = cui.

1349 confluont = confluunt < confluo, -ere, -fluxi, – : “flow together”.

1350 pectu’ = pectus < pectus, pectoris (n.): “breast”, “chest”; translate here: “heart”.

1351 pulso, -are, -aui, -atum: “beat”, “strike”, “hammer”.

1352 multiplex, -plicis: “having many folds”, “having many parts”.

1353 aerumna, -ae: “distress”, “hardship”, “labour”, “task”.

1354 exerceo, -ere, -ui, -itum: “occupy”, “exercise”, “disturb”.

1355 pauor, -oris (m.): “fear”, “panic”.

1356 territo, -are, -aui, -atum: “intimidate”, “keep in a state of fear”.

1357 conlocem = collocem < colloco, -are, -aui, -atum: “place”, “position”.

1358 spes (feminine accusative plural) < spes, spei.

1359 usquam: “anywhere”.

1360 munitus, -a, -um: “safe”.

1361 gnata = nata, -ae (f.): “daughter”.

1362 hostiumst = hostium est; hostis, -is (m.): “stranger”, “foreigner”.

1363 hostiumst potita: “[she] has been captured by the enemy”.

1364 illaec = illa.

1365 pectore < pectus, pectoris (see above).

1366 peregre (adverb): “to/from abroad”.

1367 miseror, -ari, -atus sum: “pity”, “feel sorry for”.

1368 dictust = dictus est.

1369 illi (feminive dative singular, referring to Philippa).

1370 hospitium, -ii (n.): “hospitality”.

1371 usu’ = usus; usu’ uenit (+ ablative): there is need for”, “it is necessary”.

1372 peruolo, peruelle, peruolui (stronger form of uolo).

1373 merces, mercedis (f.): “pay”, “reward”.

1374 noscito, -are, -aui, -atum: “recognize”, “try to recognize”.

1375 nescio ubi: “I don’t know where”.

1376 mi = mihi.

1377 east = ea est.

1378 reor, reri, ratus sum: “think”, “suppose”, “believe”.

1379 uisito, -are, -aui, -atum: “see”, “go to see”.

1380 antidhac = antehac (adverb): “before this time”, “in the past”; uisitaui … antidhac?: “have I seen [this man] before?”.

1381 certo: “certainly”.

1382 pauperculus, -a, -um: “poor little” (diminutive of pauper, pauperis).

1383 memini, -isse: “remember” (only the perfect tense forms exist).

1384 comprimo, -ere, -pressi, -pressum: “press together”, “restrain”; translate here: “have sex with” (from a male point of view), “sexually penetrate”.

1385 hicine: “here”.

1386 primu’ = primus.

1387 pudicitia, -ae (f.): “chastity”, “virginity”.

1388 perpello, perpellere, perpuli, perpulsum: “compel”, “constrain”, “prevail upon”.

1389 compressus, -us (m.): “pressing together”; translate here: “sexual intercourse” (by a man), “sexual penetration”.

1390 pario, -ere, peperi, paritum/partum: “give birth to”.

1391 quid si: “what if”.

1392 adeo, -ire, -iui/-ii, -itum: “approach”.

1393 hau = haud: “not”, “not at all”.

1394 congredias (alternative second-person singular present subjunctive active < congredior, -iri, congressus sum: “approach”).

1395 sicut: “as”, “since”.

1396 dubius, -a, -um: “uncertain”.

1397 dies, diei (f.): “day”; translate here: “period of time”.

1398 incerto, -are, -aui, -atum: “make unsure/uncertain”.

1399 sin = si + -ne.

1400 autumo, -are, –aui, -atum: “affirm”, “think/believe”.

1401 astus, -us (m.): “cunning”, “cleverness”.

1402 muliebris, muliebre: “womanly”, “feminine”.

1403 adhibeo, -ere, adhibui, adhibitum: “summon”, “use”.

1404 malitia, -ae (f.): “malice”, “artfulness”, “cunning”.

1405 compello, -are, -aui, -atum: “address”, “speak to”.

1406 orationis aciem: “the sharp edge of my eloquence/speech”.

1407 contra: “against [him]”.

1408 confero, -ferre, -tuli, -latum: “direct”, “aim”.

1409 sies = sis.

1410 salus, salutis (f.): “greeting”, “wishes for good health”.

1411 meis = meis familiaribus: “for my family”.

1412 saluos = saluus.

1413 credo, -ere, credidi, creditum: “believe”, “trust”; translate here: “lend”.

1414 quod credidisti reddo: “I return [the greeting] that you lent me”.

1415 accuso, -are, -aui, -atum: “find fault with”.

1416 fides, fidei (f.): “faith”, “trustworthiness”; translate here: “credit”.

1417 nouin = noui + -ne < nosco, -ere, noui, notum: “get to know”, “know”, “recognize”.

1418 induco, -ere, -duxi, -ductum: “induce”, “influence”.

1419 si ego te noui, animum inducam ut tu noueris: “if I know you, I’ll persuade myself that you know me”.

1420 inique (adverb < iniquus, -a, -um): “unjustly”, “unfairly”.

1421 iniuriu’s = iniurius es: “you’re being unfair” (Plautus sometimes pairs an adjective and adverb that mean essentially the same thing).

1422 interpretor, -ari, -atus sum: “explain”, “interpret”; translate here: “assist”, “jog [your memory]” (+ dative tuae memoriae).

1423 aequom = aequum.

1424 censeo, -ere, censui, censitum: “think”, “recommend”.

1425 commode (adverb): “rightly”, “appropriately”, “skillfully”.

1426 fabulata’s = fabulata es < fabulor, -ari, -atus sum: “speak”.

1427 mirus, -a, -um: “amazing”, “surprising”.

1428 memoro, -are, -aui, -atum: “remember”, “reminisce”, “speak of”, “mention”.

1429 Periphane (vocative).

1430 em (expression of surprise, in a good or bad sense): “there!”, “hah!”.

1431 istuc = istud.

1432 rectius (comparative adverb from rectus, -a, -um): “more rightly”.

1433 meministin = meministi + -ne < memini, meminisse: “remember” (only the perfect tense forms exist).

1434 guttulā (ablative singular) < guttula, -ae (f.): “little drop”.

1435 aspergo, -ere, aspersi, aspersum: “sprinkle”.

1436 me leuare (accusative-infinitive construction after meministin in line 554).

1437 meministin… in Epidauro… uirgini pauperculae tuaeque matri me leuare paupertam: “do you remember that in Epidaurus I lightened the poverty of a penniless young girl and of your mother”.

1438 tun = tu + -ne.

1439 per: “for the sake of (+ accusative).

1440 aerumna, -ae (f.): “distress”, “hardship”, “labour”, “task”.

1441 obsero, -ere, obseui, obsitum: “sow”, “plant”, “bring”.

1442 salua… saluom (Philippa takes Periphanes’s greeting salue literally).

1443 saluom = saluum.

1444 sentio, -ire, sensi, sensum: “perceive”.

1445 cedo (archaic singular imperative related to do, dare): “give”.

1446 aerumnosus, -a, -um (adjectival form of aerumna, -a see above).

1447 miseria, -ae (f.): “suffering”, “misery”.

1448 compos, compotis: “in possession of”; translate here: “afflicted with” (+ genitive).

1449 retineo, -ere, retinui, retentus: “hold”; translate here: “hold the hand of”.

1450 quid est quod: “why is that”, “why”.

1451 uoltus/uultus, -ūs (m.): “face”, “facial expression”.

1452 quid est quod uoltus †te turbat† tuos? should probably be emended, as Duckworth suggests, to quid est quod uoltus turbatur tuos: “why is your face so troubled?”.

1453 tuos = tuus.

1454 suscipio, -ere, suscepi, susceptum: “receive”, “bear [a child]”.

1455 quid eam: “what about her?”.

1456 eductam = educatam < educo, -are, -aui, -atum: “raise / bring up [a child]”.

1457 perdo, -ere, perdidi, perditum: “ruin”, “lose”.

1458 hostium est potita: “[she] has been captured by the enemy”.

1459 domi meae (locative).

1460 eccam = ecce eam (ecce usually means “look!”, “behold”, and frequently, as here, refers to someone off stage).

1461 ilico (adverb): “immediately”.

1462 continuo (adverb): “immediately”.

1463 emo, -ere, emi, emptum: “buy”.

1464 adeo: “precisely”, “exactly”.

1465 sobrie (adverb from sobrius, -a, -um: “sober”, “sensible”).

1466 frugaliter (adverb < frugalis, -e: “useful”, “prudent”); see note in Act 3, scene 4a.

1467 accuro, -are, -aui, -atum: “attend to”, “take care of”, “perform with care”.

1468 impense: “exceedingly” < impensus, -a, -um: “great”, “ample”.

1469 inprobus = improbus < improbus, -a, -um: “wicked”, “greedy”, “shameless”.

1470 fac uideam: “let me see [her]”.

1471 sei = si.

1472 sei mea: “if she is mine”.

1473 sei saluam <me> uis: “if you want me to be well”.

1474 eho (an exclamation of surprise, amazement, anger, or a preface to giving someone an order or request).

1475 istinc: “from [in] there”.

1476 Canthara, -ae: a woman’s name.

1477 Telestis, Telestidis: the name of Periphanes’s and Philippa’s illegitimate daughter.

1478 prodeo, -ire, -iui, -itum: “come out”.

1479 ante (preposition + accusative): “in front of”.

1480 aedis/aedes, -is (f.): “building”, “house” (often used in the plural, as here).

1481 remigro, -are, -aui, -atum: “move back”, “return”.

1482 excio, -ire, -iui, -itum: “rouse”, “send for”, “summon”.

1483 adeas < adeo, -ire, -iui/-ii, -itum: “approach”.

1484 aduenienti (dative singular of the present active participle of aduenio, -ire, -ueni, -uentum).

1485 des < do, dare, dedi, datum.

1486 salus, salutis (f.): “greeting”, “wishes for good health”.

1487 osculum, -i (n.): “kiss”.

1488 quam meam matrem (accusative direct object of an implied ut… uideam, adeam carried over from 570–571): “[so that I may come and see] which mother of mine?”.

1489 exanimo, -are, -aui, -atum: “alarm”, “exhaust”, “be out of breath”.

1490 exsequor, -i, -exsecutus sum: “follow”, “pursue”, “search for”.

1491 aspectus, -ūs (m.): “appearance”, “sight”, “countenance”.

1492 tuom = tuum.

1493 istaec = ista.

1494 mi = mihi.

1495 haecine = haec + -ne.

1496 qur = cur.

1497 nata sit < nascor, nasci, natus sum: “be born”; perfect subjunctive because it’s a relative clause of concession, see Allen and Greenough’s Latin Grammar 535.e,

1498 qur = cur.

1499 siet = sit.

1500 quia ego hanc quae siet / neque scio neque noui: literally “because I don’t know this woman — who she may be — and I don’t recognize [her]”.

1501 quid: “why”.

1502 erro, -are, -aui, -atum: “err”, “make a mistake”, “be confused” (subjunctive because it’s an indirect question).

1503 uestitus, -ūs (m.): “clothing”.

1504 ornatus, -ūs (m.): “adornment”, “accessories”.

1505 immutabilis, -e: “changed”, “liable to be changed” (< immuto, -are: “change”; not to be confused with immutabilis < in + mutabilis: ”unchangeable”).

1506 aliter… aliter (abverb): “one way… another way”.

1507 catulus, -i (m.): “puppy”.

1508 longe (adverb): “by a long way”, “far”, “much”.

1509 oleo, -ere, olui, — : “smell of”, “smell like”.

1510 sus, suis (m./f.): “pig”.

1511 ne (interjection followed by a personal or demonstrative pronoun): “really”, “indeed”.

1512 nosse = nouisse < nosco, -ere, noui, notum: “get to know”, “know”, “recognize”.

1513 pro: “oh!”, “by…!”, “for the sake of…” (+ accusative).

1514 lenocinium, -ii (n.): “pimping”, “sex trafficking”.

1515 alienus, -a, -um: “strange”, “foreign”.

1516 domi (locative).

1517 egurgito, -are, -aui, -atum: “pour out from” (+ ablative).

1518 prosus/prorsus (adverb): “entirely”, “utterly”.

1519 quid: “why”.

1520 tuom = tuum.

1521 quid: “what”.

1522 fuat = sit.

1523 uolt = uult.

1524 hāc inuitā (ablative absolute): “even if she isn’t willing”, “even without her agreement”.

1525 ero < sum, esse, fui, futurum.

1526 matris (Acropolistis here is referring to her own real mother): “my mother’s”.

1527 med = me.

1528 istanc = istam.

1529 cogo, -ere, coegi, coactum: “compel”, “force”.

1530 aequom = aequum: “right”, “fair”.

1531 neuolt = non uult.

1532 qur = cur.

1533 istaec = ista.

1534 culpast = culpa est.

1535 nomino, -are, -aui, -atum: “name”, “call”.

1536 appello, -are, -aui, -atum: “call”, “name”.

1537 postremo (adverb): “finally”.

1538 disco, -ere, didici, discitum: “learn”.

1539 magister, -tri (m.): “teacher”.

1540 pereo, -ire, -iui/-ii, -itum: “die”, “be ruined”, “be lost”.

1541 plaustrum, -tri (n.): “wagon”.

1542 percello, -ere, perculi, perculsum: “upset”; plaustrum perculi (proverbial saying): “I’ve really messed up”.

1543 numquid (a strengthened form of num): “surely… not?”, “can it be that…?”.

1544 interimo, -ere, interimi, interemptum: “do away with”, “kill”, “put an end to”.

1545 ubi: “when”, “whenever”.

1546 ibi: “then”.

1547 esto (second-person singular future imperative active) < sum, esse, fui, futurus.

1548 fueris (second-person singular perfect subjunctive active) < sum, esse, fui, futurus.

1549 quam ob rem: “for that reason”.

1550 emo, -ere, emi, emptum: “buy”.

1551 gnatam = natam < nata, -ae (f.): “daughter”.

1552 ratu’s = ratus es < reor, reri, ratus sum: “think”, “suppose”, “believe”. Supply esse to make an indirect statement with tuam gnatam esse ratu’s).

1553 quibu’ = quibus.

1554 agnosco, -ere, agnoui, agnitum: “recognize”.

1555 qua re: “why”.

1556 qua re filiam credidisti nostram (supply esse to make an indirect statement).

1557 seruos = seruus.

1558 quid si seruo aliter uisum est: “so if it seemed otherwise to your slave”, “just because your slave made a mistake”.

1559 nosco, -ere, noui, notum: “get to know”, “know”, “recognize”.

1560 opsecro: “please”, “for goodness’ sake”.

1561 quid ego: “how could I?”.

1562 ut: “since”.

1563 preimum = primum: “for the first time”.

1564 fleo, -ere, fleui, fletum: “weep”, “cry”; ne fle: “stop crying”.

1565 abi (second-person singular present imperative) < abeo, -ire, -ii/iui, -itum.

1566 reperio, -ire, repperi, repertum: “find”.

1567 hinc: “from here”.

1568 Athenis (ablative of place from which, referring to the place where Stratippocles, the ciuis Atticus, is from).

1569 abi (second-person singular present imperative) < abeo, -ire, -ii/iui, -itum.

1570 asseruo, -are, -aui, -atum: “guard, “watch”.

1571 Circa, -ae (f.): “Circe” (Circe, from Greek mythology, was the daughter of the Sun. She was a witch and lover of Odysseus. It is not a compliment for Periphanes to refer to Acropolistis as “Circe”).

1572 Sol, Solis (m.): “sun”.

1573 relictis rebus (ablative absolute): “with the [other] matter left aside”.

1574 operam quaerendo dabo: “I’ll give attention to seeking”, “I’ll start looking for”.

1575 exitiabilis, -e: “destructive”, “deadly”.

1576 male (used to negate morigerus).

1577 morigerus, - a, -um: “compliant”, “obliging”.

1578 danista, -ae (m.): “moneylender”.

1579 quei = qui.

1580 praeda, -ae (f.): “booty”, “[war] prize”.

1581 eccum = ecce + hunc: “look, there he is!”.

1582 incedo, -ere, incessi, incessum: “walk”, “march along”.

1583 quid illuc quod: “why is it that?”.

1584 caperro, -are, -aui, -atum: “be wrinkled”, “wrinkle”, “furrow”.

1585 frons, frontis (m.): “forehead”, “brow”.

1586 seueritudo, -tudinis (f.): “severity”, “worry”.

1587 undecim (indeclinable; here it qualifies deos): “eleven”.

1588 praeter: “except”, “not including”.

1589 cruciatus, -us (m.): “torture”, “crucifixion”.

1590 eximo, -ere, exemi, exemptum: “extract”, “release”, “save”.

1591 lorum, -i (n.): “leather strap”, “whip”.

1592 unā (adverbial): “at the same time”, “along with him”.

1593 quaerito, -are, -aui, -atum: “seek”, “search for”.

1594 sibi data esse uerba: “that they have been tricked / lied to”.

1595 quid agis: “what are you up to” (this is a standard greeting).

1596 Commoditas, -atis (f.): “timeliness”, “convenience”, “benefit” (Stratippocles uses this nickname for Epidicus perhaps from affection, or more likely as a casual acknowledgment that Epidicus is a useful tool to him).

1597 quod (replies literally to Stratippocles’s greeting): “what [a miserable man would be up to]”.

1598 quin: “why… not?”, “why don’t you…?”.

1599 adorno, -are, -aui, -atum: “get ready”, “prepare”.

1600 fuga, -ae (f.): “escape”, “running away” “exile”.

1601 uiaticus, -a, -um (adjective < uia, -ae): “relating to a journey”; quin tu mihi adornaas ad fugam uiaticum: “why don’t you give me what I’ll need to run away”.

1602 priu’ quam = prius quam: “before”.

1603 defloccatus, -a, -um: “bald”, “shorn”, “fleeced” (probably intended in the sense of “cheated”).

1604 gesto, -are, -aui, -atum: “carry”.

1605 copula, -ae (f.): “rope”, “thong”, “bond”.

1606 simul: “also”, “at the same time”.

1607 quippe: “obviously”.

1608 quoi = cui.

1609 in mundo: “in readiness” (Epidicus is being ironic here, since it is punishment, not freedom, that he actually expects).

1610 sitast = sita est: “[for whom freedom] has been allowed / permitted” < sino, -ere, siui, situm: “allow”.

1611 seruo, -are, -aui, -atum: “guard”, “keep watch over”. “protect”, “save”.

1612 me illi melius: “they’ll guard me better” (Stratippocles used te seruabo to mean “I’ll protect you”, but Epidicus picks up on the other meaning of the word: “guard” or “keep watch over”).

1613 nancti fuant = nancti sunt < nanciscor, nancisci, nanctus sum: “get”, “find”, “meet with”.

1614 muliercula, - ae (f.): “little woman”.

1615 grauastellus, -i (m.): “little old man”.

1616 haecinest = haec + -ne est: “this is she”, “this is her”.

1617 aspicio, -ere, aspexi, aspectum: “look [at]”.

1618 contemplo, -are, -aui, -atum: “gaze [at]”.

1619 unguiculus, -i (m.): “fingernail”, “toenail”.

1620 capilla, -ae (f.): “hair”.

1621 summumst = summum est.

1622 festiuissumus = festiuissimus (superlative < festiuus, -a, -um): “most pleasing”, “prettiest”.

1623 consimilis, -e: “similar”.

1624 quasi (adverb): “as though” (followed by the subjunctive mood).

1625 quom = cum.

1626 signum, -i (n.): “statue”, “picture”.

1627 pictus, -a, -um: “painted”.

1628 aspexeris (second-person singular perfect active subjunctive) < aspicio, -ere, aspexi, aspectum: “look [at]”.

1629 futurum = futurum esse: “[my skin] is going to be”.

1630 corium, -ii (n.): “skin”; “hide”.

1631 pulchrum (here Epidicus means that his skin will be “beautiful” or “pretty as a picture” in the sense that it will be marked with whip lashes).

1632 praedico, -ere, -dixi, -dictum (this is a different verb from praedico, -are): “foretell”, “predict”.

1633 quem (referring to a missing me as antecedent).

1634 Apelles, -is: the name of a famous Greek painter.

1635 Zeuxis, is/-idis: the name of another famous Greek painter.

1636 Apelles atque Zeuxis duo (referring to Periphanes and Apoecides).

1637 pingo, -ere, pinxi, pictum: “paint”.

1638 pigmentum, -i (n.): “pigment”, “paint”.

1639 ulmeus, -a, -um: “made of elmwood” (referring to the elmwood rods with which Epidicus expects to be beaten).

1640 inmortales = immortales.

1641 sicin = sic + -ne: “in this way?”.

1642 iubeo, -ere, iussi, iussum: “order”, “tell” (often followed, as here, by the subjunctive without ut, see Allen and Greenough’s Latin Grammar 565a,

1643 ires < eo, ire, iui/ii, itum.

1644 plumbeus, -a, -um: “leaden”, “made of lead”, “slow” (pedibus plumbeis is an ablative of quality).

1645 qui: “the man who” (this seems to be a reference to some proverbial story about a man with leaden feet).

1646 perhibetur: “is said to be”.

1647 priu’ …quam = prius… quam.

1648 remoror, -ari, -atus sum: “delay”.

1649 med = me.

1650 siquidem: “if indeed”, “accordingly”.

1651 id (referring to the task of bringing Telestis to Stratippocles’s home).

1652 remoratu’s = remoratus es < remoror, -ari, -atus sum: “delay”.

1653 quod: “because”.

1654 cito: “quickly”.

1655 age age: “come on now”.

1656 apsolue = absolue < absoluo, -ere, absolui, absolutum: “pay off”.

1657 numero, -are, -aui, -atum: “count out”.

1658 comes, comitis (m.): “partner”, “associate”.

1659 moror, -ari, -atus sum: “delay”.

1660 pernumeratumst = pernumeratum est < pernumero, -are, -aui, -atum: “count out”, “reckon up”.

1661 teneo, -ere, tenui, tentum: “take”, “hold”.

1662 crumina, -ae (f.): “pouch”, “purse”, “small moneybag”.

1663 huc: “in(to) here”.

1664 indo, indidi, inditum: “put into”.

1665 sapienter (adverb < sapiens, sapientis).

1666 opperire (second-person singular present imperative) < opperior, opperiri, opperitus sum: “wait”, “await”.

1667 ecfero = effero < effero, efferre, extuli, elatus: “carry out”, “bring out”.

1668 maturo, -are, -aui, -atum: “ripen”, “hurry”, “make haste to”.

1669 domist = domi est: “it’s in my house”.

1670 satin = satis + -ne: “enough”, “sufficiently”.

1671 oculis (ablative after utilitatem optineo): “[do I still have the use of my] eyes”.

1672 utilitas, -tatis (f.): “use”, “usefulness”.

1673 optineo, -ere, optinui, optentum: “obtain”, “possess”, “keep”.

1674 sincere (adverb < sincerus, -a, -um): “sincerely”, “genuinely”.

1675 parum (adverb): “not enough”, “insufficiently”.

1676 uideon = uideo + -ne.

1677 Telestidem (accusative form of the name Telestis).

1678 Periphanei (genitive).

1679 Thebis (locative).

1680 Epidauri (locative).

1681 sero, -ere, seui, satum: “sow”, “plant”, “beget”; translate here: “conceive”.

1682 memoro, -are, -aui, -atum: “remember”, “reminisce”, “speak of”, “mention”.

1683 nouisti < nosco, -ere, noui, notum: “get to know”, “know”, “recognize”.

1684 quod quidem nunc ueniat in mentem mihi (the negative is implied): “not that I can recall right now”.

1685 memini, meminisse: “remember” (only the perfect tense forms exist).

1686 aureus, -a, -um: “gold”, “golden”.

1687 affero, afferre, attuli, allatum (or adfero, adferre, adtuli, adlatum): “bring”, “deliver”, “use” (+ accusative).

1688 natalis, -e: “natal”, “relating to one’s birth”.

1689 lunula, -ae (f.): “little moon”, “moon-shaped ornament”.

1690 anellus, -i (m.): “little ring”.

1691 aureolus, -a, -um: “golden”.

1692 in digitum: “for your finger”, “to wear on your finger”.

1693 mi (vocative) < meus, -a, -um.

1694 istic (adverb): “now”, “here”, “there”.

1695 mercatust = mercatus est < mercor, -ari, -atus sum: “buy”.

1696 tuos = tuus.

1697 alia matre uno patre: “same father, different mothers”.

1698 quid: “what about”.

1699 meu’ = meus.

1700 uiuost = uiuus est: “is he alive”.

1701 animo (ablative of quality; see Bennett’s New Latin Grammar 224,

1702 liquidus, -a, -um: “clear”, “calm”.

1703 tranquillus, -a, -um: “quiet”, “calm”.

1704 es (2nd person singular present imperative active) < sum, esse, fui, futurus.

1705 ex perdita: “from/after having been lost”.

1706 autumo, -are, -aui, -atum: “say”, “assert”.

1707 occasio, -onis (f.): “occasion”, “opportunity”.

1708 fabulor, -ari, -atus sum: “talk”, “tell”.

1709 quadraginta (indeclinable): “forty”.

1710 mina, -ae (f.): a Greek unit of money equivalent to 430g of silver.

1711 siquid erit dubium: “if any [of the coins] are of doubtful integrity” (that is, if the moneylender thinks any of the coins are counterfeit).

1712 immuto, -are, -aui, -atum: “change”.

1713 aeque (adverb): “equally”.

1714 sanan = sana + -ne < sanus, -a, -um: “sane”, “healthy”.

1715 si appellat suom: “if she is calling [you] her own [brother]”.

1716 <quo> modo: “how?”, “in what way?”.

1717 dum intro eo atque exeo: “while I was going in and then out of the house”.

1718 quod boni est (boni is genitive of the whole): “what’s good”, “the good [situation] that we have”.

1719 tacitus, -a, -um: “silent”.

1720 taceo, -ere, tacui, tacitum: “be silent”.

1721 tute = tu + te (emphatic form of tu).

1722 id tacitus taceas tute tecum et gaudeas: “you should just be quiet about it and be happy”.

1723 perdo, perdere, perdidi, perditus: “ruin”, “lose”.

1724 reperio, -ire, repperi, repertum: “find”.

1725 stultu’s = stultus es.

1726 quod ames: “that which you may love”, “an object for your love”.

1727 praestost = praesto est; praesto (adverb): “at hand”, “ready”, “available”.

1728 operā meā: “thanks to my efforts”.

1729 idem (adverb): “likewise”.

1730 concilio, -are, -aui, -atum: “recover”, “regain”.

1731 fateor, fateri, fassus sum: “admit”, “confess”.

1732 abi (second-person singular present imperative) < abeo, -ire, -ii/iui, -itum.

1733 iubeo -ere, iussi, iussum: “tell”, “order” (here followed by the infinitive; see Bennett’s New Latin Grammar 295,

1734 calefieri (present passive infinitive) < calefacio, calefacere, calefeci, calefactum: “make warm/hot”.

1735 posterius (adverb): “later”.

1736 faxo (alternative form of the first-person singular future indicative active < facio, -ere): “I’ll make [it happen]”, “I promise”.

1737 scibis = scies; faxo scibit: ““I’ll make sure you know”, “I’ll fill you in”.

1738 otium, -ii (n.): “leisure”, “spare time”.

1739 sequere (second-person present imperative) < sequor, -i, secutus sum.

1740 hac: “this way”.

1741 iussero (first-person singular future perfect indicative active) < iubeo, -ere, iussi, iussum.

1742 memento (second-person singular imperative active) < memini, meminisse: “remember”; memento… suppetias… ferre: “remember to bring help”.

1743 quid: “in any way”, “at all”, “about anything”.

1744 saeuibit = saeuiet < saeuio, -ire, saeuiui, saeuitum: “rage”, “be/act angry/violent/ferocious”, “vent rage on”.

1745 suppetiae, -arum (f. pl.): “help”, “aid”.

1746 facile (neuter nominative singular form of the adjective).

1747 istuc = istud.

1748 istac = istā: “that way”.

1749 domum (accusative of place to which): “to the house”.

1750 magnast = magna est.

1751 minoris multo facio: “I care a lot less about”.

1752 dudum: “formerly”, “before”.

1753 remeo, -are, -aui, -atum: “go/come back”, “return”.

1754 adcurentur = accurentur < accuro, -are, -aui, -atum: “take care of”, “attend to”.

1755 eadem: “at the same time”, “likewise”.

1756 edoceo, edocere, edocui, edoctum: “teach/inform thoroughly”.

1757 certumst = certum est mihi: “it is determined by me”, “I’m determined”.

1758 neque… haud (the two negatives strengthen each other).

1759 obicio, -ere, obieci, obiectum: “object”, “throw in the teeth of” (+ dat.).

1760 pedibus: “by my running away”.

1761 prouocatum = prouocatum esse (indirect discourse with the accusative subject sese); prouoco, -are, -aui, -atum: “provoke”.

1762 nimi’ = nimis.

1763 satine = satis + -ne: “surely…?”.

1764 illic = ille.

1765 ludibrium, ludibri/ludibrii (n.): “mockery”, “laughingstock”.

1766 uetulus, -a, -um: “elderly”, “aging”.

1767 decrepitus, -a, -um: “worn out”, “feeble”, “decrepit”, “infirm”.

1768 ludibrio… habet: “is making a laughingstock of” (+ acc.).

1769 tuquidem = tu quidem.

1770 med = me.

1771 sine < sino, -ere, -siui, situm: “allow”, “let”.

1772 apiscor, apisci, aptus sum: “reach”, “catch”.

1773 meliust = melius est.

1774 lassitudine (ablative of cause) < lassitudo, lassitudinis (f.): “exhaustion”, “weariness.

1775 inuado, -ere, inuasi, inuasum: “take possession of”.

1776 misero: “for wretched me”.

1777 flemina, -um (n. pl.): “swelling from blood accumulating in the ankles (or, in this case, the knees)”.

1778 quot… exemplis: “in how many ways”.

1779 ludificatust = ludificatus est < ludificor, -ari, -atus sum: “make a mockery of”, “trick”.

1780 ut: “how!” (exclamatory).

1781 exentero, -are, -aui, -atum: “disembowel”; (in the context of a purse or store of money) “empty”.

1782 opes argentarias: “supply of money”.

1783 apage: “be off!”, “let [that man] keep away”.

1784 iratist = irati est.

1785 quaqua: “wherever”, “whatever”.

1786 amburo, -ere, ambussi, ambustum: “scorch”, “burn”.

1787 asto, astare, astiti, -: “wait”; “stay”, “stand near”.

1788 aestus, -ūs (m.): “heat”, “fire”; “rage”.

1789 calefacio, -ere, calefeci, calefactum: “make hot”, “heat”; “trouble”, “vex”.

1790 duodecim (indeclinable, here agreeing with dis): twelve.

1791 dis (ablative of degree of difference).

1792 duodecim dis plus quam in caelo deorumst inmortalium: “twelve gods more than the immortal gods in heaven”.

1793 deorumst = deorum est.

1794 inmortalium = immortalium.

1795 auxilio: “by means of their assistance”.

1796 adiutor, adiutoris (m.): “helper”, “supporter”.

1797 milito, -are, -aui, -atum: “serve as a soldier”, “perform military service”, “serve in the army”, “make war”.

1798 mi = mihi.

1799 suppetiae, -arum (f. pl.): “help”, “aid”.

1800 apolactizo, -are, -aui, -atum: “kick away”, “spurn”.

1801 omnis = omnes.

1802 quaero, -ere, quaesiui, quaesitum: “seek”, “look for”.

1803 ubi… gentium: “where in the world…?”.

1804 dum: “provided that”.

1805 mea caussa: “for all I care”.

1806 uel (adverb): “even”, “if you prefer”.

1807 medio in mari: “in the middle of the sea”.

1808 quid: “why”.

1809 laboro, -are, -aui, -atum: “labour”, “take pains”, “exert oneself”.

1810 hunc (refers to Apoecides).

1811 sollicito, -are, -aui, -atum: “disturb”, “worry”.

1812 num (interrogative particle, usually implying that a negative answer is expected): “surely… not?”.

1813 apsum = absum.

1814 concedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum: “withdraw”; “move back”.

1815 supplico, -are, -aui, -atum: “supplicate”, “beg for mercy/pardon/help” (+ dative).

1816 uincio, -ire, uinxi, uinctum: “bind”, “restrain”.

1817 em (expression of surprise, in a good or bad sense): “there!”, “ha!”.

1818 lorum, -i (n.): “leather strap”, “whip”.

1819 te emere uidi (indirect discourse; lora is the implied direct object of emere).

1820 cedo, -ere, cessi, cessum: “withdraw”, “leave”.

1821 conligo, -are, -aui, -atum: “bind”, “tie up”.

1822 ilicet: “it’s no use”, “it’s all up”.

1823 uadimonium, -ii (n.): “bail”, “surety”.

1824 ultro (adverb): “of one’s own accord”, “voluntarily”.

1825 uadimonium… facit: “he offers bail”.

1826 quin: “why… not?”, “why don’t you…?”.

1827 mancupium = mancipium: “possession”, “property”; translate here: “slave”.

1828 scelestus, -a, -um: “wicked”.

1829 profecto (adverb): “certainly”.

1830 nil = nihil.

1831 nil moror mihi deprecari: I don’t need you to intercede for me” (on nil/nihil moror see note in Act 3, scene 2).

1832 exoro, -are, -aui, -atum: “obtain by persuasion”, “prevail”.

1833 ecquid agis: “are you going to do anything or not?”.

1834 tuon = tuo + -ne.

1835 arbitratus, -ūs (m.): “decision”, “wish”, “choice”.

1836 meo = meo arbitratu.

1837 hau = haud.

1838 tuo = tuo arbritratu.

1839 haec = haec manūs.

1840 tibi (dative of agent after passive periphrastic).

1841 lubet = libet (impersonal verb; see Bennett 138,

1842 Supply eas or tuas manūs after conligo.

1843 tragula, -ae (f.): “dart”, “javelin”.

1844 inicio, -ere, inieci, iniectum: “thow at”.

1845 adorno, -are, -aui, -atum: “get ready”, “prepare”.

1846 nescioquam = nescio quam.

1847 fabrica, -ae (f.): “crafty device”, “trick”.

1848 mora, ae (f.): “delay”, “obstacle”, “hindrance”.

1849 faci’ = facis.

1850 quom = cum.

1851 solutus, -a, -um: “unbound”, “released”, “unrestrained”, “at large”.

1852 asto, astare, astiti, -: “wait”; “stay”, “stand near”.

1853 magi’ = magis.

1854 mos geratur: “let [his] wish be gratified”, “do what he wants”.

1855 frugi (indeclinable adjective): “worthy”, “frugal”, “virtuous” (see note in Act 3, scene 4a).

1856 cedo (archaic singular imperative related to do, dare): “give”.

1857 morantur nihil: “they don’t mind” (on nil/nihil moror see note in Act 3, scene 2).

1858 arte (adverb < artus, -a, -um): “tightly”.

1859 nihil uero <hoc> obnoxiosse: “and don’t go easy on me”, ”and without any compassion” (obnoxiosse = obnoxie: ”subject to qualification”, “in a restricted manner”).

1860 facto opere (ablative absolute): “when the job has been done”.

1861 arbitramino (archaic imperative second-person singular): “give judgment”.

1862 bene hoc habet: “that does it”.

1863 nunciam = nunc + iam (emphatic form of nunc).

1864 exquiro, exquirere, exquisiui, exquisitum: “find out”, “ask”.

1865 lubet = libet.

1866 qua fiducia: “with what boldness”, “with what brazen self-confidence”.

1867 ausu’s = ausus es < audeo, audere, ausus sum: “dare”.

1868 emptast = empta est.

1869 nudiustertius = nudius tertius; nudius = num/nunc dies (always paired with an ordinal number): “it is now the … day since” (because the Romans counted inclusively, nudiustertius means “the day before yesterday”).

1870 lubuit = libuit (perfect tense of impersonal verb libet); “it pleased [me]”, “I wanted to”.

1871 ea fiducia: “with that brazen self-confidence”.

1872 ain = ais + -ne: “you say [that]?”.

1873 aio: “I do say [that]”.

1874 uel: “or”, “actually”, “indeed”, “even”, “if you prefer”.

1875 pignus, pignoris (n.): “bet”, “stake, “wager”, “hostage”; da pignus prompts the following subjunctive (sit).

1876 ni: “if… not”.

1877 nosco, -ere, noui, notum: “get to know”, “know”, “recognize”.

1878 in meum nummum, in tuom talentum pignus da: “bet me a talent (26–32.5 kg of silver) for a coin (of unknown but not high value)”. We can’t be sure what kind of small coin a nummus was (see note in Act 1, scene 1) but whether it was a sesertius, a drachma, or a didrachma, this is a wildly unequal bet, with Periphanes’s stake, if he loses, being between 3,000–24,000 times higher than Epidicus’s).

1879 istaec = ista.

1880 captiost = captio est; captio, captionis (f.): “trick”, “deception”, “fraud”.

1881 east = ea est.

1882 gnati = nati < natus, -i: “son”.

1883 dedin = dedi + -ne.

1884 mina, -ae (f.): a Greek unit of money equivalent to 430g of silver.

1885 triginta (indeclinable): “thirty”.

1886 ob: “in return for”.

1887 fateor, fateri, fassus sum: “admit”, “confess”.

1888 datas (modifies minas).

1889 pro: “instead of”.

1890 istam ob rem: “because of that”, “for that reason” (this is an emendation of a corrupted line: Lindsay’s text has this line as: pro tua filia: is te †abore† tetigi triginta minis).

1891 tango, -ere, tetigi, tactum: “touch”; translate here: “rob by means of a trick”, “cheat [someone] out of [something (ablative)]”.

1892 quomodo me ludos fecisti: “how you fooled me!”.

1893 conducticius, -a, -um: “hired”, “rented”.

1894 benignus, -a, -um: “kindly”, “good”, “good natured”.

1895 qur = cur.

1896 ausu’s = ausus es < audeo, -ere, ausus sum: “dare”.

1897 mi = mihi.

1898 lubitum est = libitum est < libet, -ere, -uit, libitum (impersonal verb): “it pleases” (+ dative of person pleased).

1899 malum (exclamation): “you no-good rascal”.

1900 inpudentiast = impudentia est; quae haec... inpudentiast: “what is this impudence”.

1901 inclamito, -are, -aui, -atum: “abuse”, “scold”.

1902 seruos = seruus.

1903 quom = cum.

1904 mereo, -ere, merui, meritum: “deserve”, “earn”.

1905 fierem (first-person singular subjunctive active) < fio, fieri, factus sum.

1906 uisse = uise < uiso, -ere, uisi, uisum: “go see”, “go look at”, “visit”.

1907 faxo (alternative form of the first-person singular future indicative active of facio, -ere): “I’ll make [it happen]”, “I promise”.

1908 hoc ita esse: “that this is so”.

1909 quid est negoti: “what is this business”, “what is all this about”.

1910 abi (2nd person singular present imperative) < abeo, -ire, -ii/iui, -itum.

1911 i (singular imperative) < eo, ire, iui, itum.

1912 illuc: “there, “in there”.

1913 temerest = temere est; illuc non temerest: “it’s not by chance [that he’s directing you to go] in there”, “there must be some explanation in there”.

1914 adseruo, -are, -aui, -atum: “keep watch”, “guard”.

1915 maxuma = maxima.

1916 asto, astare, astiti, -: “wait”; “stay”, “stand near”.

1917 quoius = cuius.

1918 operā: “by my efforts”.

1919 inuentast = inuenta est < inuenio, -ire, -iui, -itum.

1920 ain = ais + -ne: “are you saying”.

1921 acerbus, -a, -um: “harsh”, “upsetting”.

1922 quom = cum.

1923 messim (accusative singular) < messis, -is (f.): “harvest”, “crop”.

1924 meto, -ere, messui, messum: “reap”, “harvest”.

1925 quam (relative pronoun).

1926 sumu’ = sumus.

1927 reperio, -ire, repperi, repertum: “find”.

1928 quid: “why”.

1929 isti (dative of reference, or dative of advantage; see Bennett 188,

1930 opere tanto: “so much”.

1931 mereo, -ere, merui, meritum: “deserve”, “earn”.

1932 intellego, -ere, -exi, ectum: “understand”, “realize”.

1933 licet, licuit, licitum est (impersonal): “it is lawful”, “it is permitted”.

1934 merito huiius: “according to his merits”, “as he deserves”.

1935 huiius = huius.

1936 <me> meruisse intellego, ut liceat merito huiius facere: “I realize that I can treat him as he deserves”.

1937 cedo (archaic singular imperative related to do, dare): “give”.

1938 exsoluo, -ere, -solui, –solutum: “untie”, “release”.

1939 ne attigas (prohibitive subjunctive, equivalent to noli/nolite + infinitive) < attigo, -ere, attigi, attactum: “touch”.

1940 ostendeo, -ere, ostendi, — : “show”, “stretch out”.

1941 aequom = aequum.

1942 non aequom facis: “you’re not being fair”.

1943 supplicium, -ii/-i (n.): “supplication”, humble entreaty”; “punishment”.

1944 solui (present infinitive passive) < soluo, -ere, solui, solutum: “release”, “untie”.

1945 sino, -ere, -siui, situm: “allow”, “let”.

1946 optumum = optimum.

1947 aequissumum = aequissimum

1948 soccus, -i (m.): “low-heeled light shoe”, “slipper”.

1949 pallium, ii (n.): “cloak” (technically a Greek cloak).

1950 porro (adverb): “afterwards”, “next”.

1951 libertus, -i (m.): “freedman”, “freed slave”.

1952 opus est (impersonal): “there is need for”; nouo liberto opus est quod pappet: “a freedman needs something that he can eat”.

1953 quod: “something”.

1954 pappo, -are, -aui, -atum: “eat” (specifically eat soft foods like porridge).

1955 praebeo, -ere, praebui, praebitum: “offer”, “supply”.

1956 nisi me orassis (alternative future < oro, -are, -aui, -atum): “[unless] you beg me”.

1957 ignosco, -ere, ignoui, ignotum: “forgive”.

1958 inprudens = imprudens: “without knowing”, “inadvertent[ly]”.

1959 culpā… meā: “because of my own fault”.

1960 pecco, -are, -aui, -atum: “make a mistake”, “be wrong”, “do wrong”.

1961 ob eam rem: “for this/that reason”, “for this/that purpose”.

1962 esto (second-person singular future imperative active) < sum, esse, fui, futurus.

1963 uenia, -ae (f.): “pardon”, “forgiveness”, “kindness”.

1964 nisi: “except”.

1965 cogo, -ere, coegi, coactum: “compel”, “force”.

1966 sane: “certainly”, “however”.

1967 lubet = libet.

1968 grex, gregis (m.): “flock”, “herd”; “troop”; translate here: “company (of actors)”.

1969 malitia, -ae (f.): “wickedness”.

1970 plaudo, -ere, plausi, plausum: “applaud”, “clap”.

1971 lumbus, -i (m.): “loin”.

1972 porgite = porrigite < porrigo, -ere, porrexi, porrectum: “stretch”, stretch out”.

1973 exsurgo, -ere, exsurrexi, exsurrectum: “rise”, “stand up”.

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