
Our warm gratitude extends to so many:

First and foremost, to all 71 authors without whom there would be no book—for dedication, imagination, and commitment to the future of higher education.

To all foreword and afterword authors: Jyoti Arora, Raewyn Connell, Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela, and Jonathan Jansen, for generous and provocative contributions that we are honoured to include in the book. And to Simon Marginson, for an inspiring global list of young scholars of the future.

To all potential authors who took time to conceptualise a long abstract, who invested in writing but had to withdraw for a range of good reasons. Please keep writing; we will keep reading. This journey isn’t over!

To thoughtful reviewers, for taking on this work during tough times, for committing and keeping to deadlines, and especially for deep, constructive reviews, most of which were openly shared.

To the talented artists who responded so generously to our call and who expressed, in beautiful form, unique yet aligned visions for the future.

To colleagues who played essential and appreciated mentoring roles, including Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams, Nokthula Vilakati, and Michelle Willmers.

To copy-editor Larry Erhuvwuokhene Onokpite for outstanding and indefatigable work in copy editing all 27 chapters of the book.

To Open Book Publishers’ Alessandra Tosi for expressing enthusiastic interest right from the start and for impressive professionalism all the way through.

To everyone on social media and other networks who disseminated our call for proposals and answered our questions, including the FemEdTech and Continuity With Care networks.

To our dear friends and colleagues who supported and believed in the work, and to our families, especially Rick and Hamish, for continual support and for cheerfully living with this project from the seed of an idea to its fruition.

And finally, to those who gave us breath and give us hope. To our foremothers who imagined and fought for the futures that are our present, to our forebears in critical education and activism, to all who imagine better futures for/on this precious planet, and to all who work to create them.

Thank you.

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