
Lilia Makhloufi

Tangible and Intangible Heritage in the Age of Globalisation considers heritage in different contexts from an interdisciplinary perspective, bringing together sixteen contributors from various fields. They include architects, urban planners, historians, sociologists and archaeologists, as well as heritage marketing, museum and cultural tourism professionals. These experts come from all over the world—Algeria, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Türkiye—representing a diversity of scholarship which offers a broad range of insights on the topic of heritage.

The book is the outcome of an academic research project initiated and directed by Lilia Makhloufi under the title ‘Tangible and Intangible Heritage: Architecture, Design and Culture’.1 The research project was funded by the Arab–German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) based in the Berlin–Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) in Germany. The scientific coordinator and the chair of the scientific and review committees would like to thank AGYA and the contributors to this volume as well as the members of the scientific and review committees for their comments during the review process to improve the submitted chapters. Their active contributions and their interesting recommendations on theoretical and practical approaches related to heritage contributed to the success of the publication project.

Dr. Lilia Makhloufi

Scientific coordinator

Scientific and review committees Chair

1 The project was run under grant 01DL20003 from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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