Peace and Democratic Society
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9/11 events 34, 123
Abu Ghraib prisoners 116
Achebe, Chinua 13
dialogue 47
multilateralism 38, 11113
poverty 201
rethinking 122
terrorism 49
women/consultation 84
Africa 73
Alderdice, John 278, 40
Alliance of Civilizations report, UN 97, 11516
Al Qaeda 24
America 34, 50, 123
apartheid 19, 245
Appiah, Kwame Anthony 278, 40
arms exports 115
Audioslave music band 96
Australia 867, 945
Bangladesh 34, 20, 1056
‘belonging’ 878
Big Power politics 108
Bombay (Mumbai) 19, 20, 68
Bonn Agreement 2001 112
Britain 50, 678, 126
Brixton race riots, Britain 126
Burundi 78
Calcutta (Kolkata) 1720, 678
Calgacus (Scottish chief) 212
inequality 71
as soldiers 100
violence 48
see also young people
CHOGM see Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
citizenship 87
Civil Paths to Peace report 2, 6, 24, 27137
commission members 2731
communication 937, 1289
conclusions 12331
conflict 7580
education 99106, 125, 12930
executive summary 3240
grievance 7580, 1256
historical aspects 7580
humiliation 6774, 1256
inequality 6774, 126
the international order 10720
media 937, 1289
multilateralism 10720, 1224, 131
nature/nurture of violence 5966
political participation 8192, 1268
poverty 6774
preface 1335
presentation letter 1367
the way forward 12131
why respect/understanding matter 4157
young people 99106, 12930
civil society 125
development 127
initiatives 2, 5
organizations 36, 79, 867
violence 125
Clarkson, Adrienne 27, 29, 40
‘clash of civilisations’ theory 1012, 14, 34, 534, 134
colonialism 723
the Commission see Commonwealth Commission on Respect and Understanding
Commonwealth 447
countries in conflict 48
dialogue 45, 47
learning from the past 1223
membership 118
networks 46
political participation 8990
principles/values 467, 8990
renewal 105
ways of working 456
why respect/understanding matter 447
see also Commonwealth ‘
Commonwealth approach’ 33
dialogue and dignity 122
multilateral approaches 38
political participation 89
respect/understanding 33, 44
Commonwealth Commission on Respect and Understanding (the Commission)
agreed emphases 33
‘Commonwealth approach’ 33
executive summary 323
members 2731
shared forums 33
violence and civil society 2, 6, 24
why commission established 121
written submissions to 1478
see also Civil Paths to Peace
Commonwealth Foundation 64
Commonwealth Games 378, 102
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 32, 121, 133, 136
Commonwealth Secretary-General 38, 39, 110, 133, 135
Commonwealth Youth Games 102
Commonwealth Youth Programme 101, 105
communication 834, 937, 1289
community-building 88
confidence-building 889, 90
conflict 34, 7580
confidence-building 889
education 1045
media exacerbation 934
media roles 967
Middle East 11516
why respect/understanding matter 478
see also violence
consultation styles 834
see also dialogue
cooperation, regional 11820
counter-terrorism 501
crime 5, 1718, 68
Cronulla Beach, Australia 945
cultural contexts 46
cultural diversity 4
cultural influences 34, 567
cultural theories
government action 557
remedies to theories 55
root causes 537
violence 1015, 19, 23
Declaration of Commonwealth Principles 45
Delhi 18, 20
civil initiatives 2
Commonwealth 47
developed countries 117
political participation 902
multilateralism 109, 1234, 135
political participation 81, 8890
religious groups 34
report conclusions 1214
terrorists 523
why respect/understanding matter 45, 47, 523
dignity 1213
disadvantage, socio-economic 689
by email 94
government by 2, 23, 812, 86, 91
disrespect 44, 59, 734, 133
see also respect
double standards 11415
economic inequality 5
economic privation 15
education 358, 99106
age extensions 103
content 104, 1245
difference management 1045
participation 103
private 1056
reflection on conflict 1045
report conclusions 12930
respect/understanding 37, 1036
social cohesion 1045
world history 104
youth working together 567
see also young people
elections 901, 111, 117
email discussion groups 94
employment 99100
empowerment 1013
‘engineered bloodshed/violence’ 12, 130, 133
ethno-religious government 912
European Movement 25
executive summary 3240
education 358
grievance 345
history 345
inequality 345
media 357
multilateral approaches 38
new thinking 34
participation 357
reach of civil paths 3940
thoughts on conflict 34
young people 378
export of arms 115
extremism 34
9/11 events 34, 123
double standards 115
multilateralism 113, 115
religious 201
see also terrorism
faith-based approaches 50
faith-based organizations 88, 106, 127
see also religion
faith and identity 646
First World War 3, 1415, 66
freedom fighters 52
G8 countries 115
Gandhi, Mahatma 14
gender equity 96
see also women
globalization 63, 114
Good Friday Agreement, Northern Ireland 77
Good Offices, Secretary-General 38, 110
Gordimer, Nadine 9, 13, 25
‘government by discussion’ 2, 23, 812, 86, 91
CHOGM 32, 121, 133, 136
implementing respect 557
military training 56
police training 56
grievance 345, 7580
historical aspects 756
injustice 113
narratives 767
Northern Ireland 67
regional 11920
report conclusions 1256
group violence 1334
and civil society 16, 17
defeating terrorism 122
multilateralism 135
poverty 67
why respect/understanding matter 41
see also violence
Guantanamo prisoners 116
Haq, Mahbub ul 7
hate-related violence 512
HDI see Human Development Index
heads of governments, CHOGM 32, 121, 133, 136
Heyzer, Noeleen 27, 29, 40
Hindu/Muslim riots 1213, 19
historical aspects 345, 7580, 104
HIV/AIDS 867, 101
homicide 5, 18, 133
Hossain, Kamal 27, 29, 40
Howard, Elaine Sihoatani 27, 29, 40
human development 69
Human Development Index (HDI) 78
human rights 434, 46
human security 510
humiliation 734, 1256
Huntington, Samuel 34
civil paths commitment 1245
faith 646
multiple identities 656
Muslim/Western 54
national 356, 39, 124, 127
politics 1315, 623
richness of 39
see also solitarist identity
inclusion 812, 1268
The Independent Commission on Africa 73
India 1720, 79
inequality 345, 6774
disparity couplings 70
economic 5
embedded 702
intervention rationales 6970
lack of protest 712
perceptions of 71, 126
report conclusions 126
violence 5, 1524, 6771
injustice 11314
institutional change 1345
international institutions 116
international law 116
the international order 10720
double standards 11416
injustice 11314
international institutions 116
respect/understanding 11314, 117
uneven globalization benefits 114
internet 945
Iraq 49, 111, 116, 122
Ireland 212, 75
see also Northern Ireland
Irish Famine 22, 75
island states 1012, 119
Israeli–Palestine conflict 11516
Kolkata see Calcutta
Ladbury, Sarah 31
landlocked countries 119
law, international 116
leadership in civil society 127
left-wing politics 1920, 68
Lewis Mumford Lecture 2007 1719
Liberia 80
Loya Jirgas (Grand Assemblies), Afghanistan 84
Maathai, Wangari Muta 27, 2930, 40
Mahfouz, Naguib 13
Mandela, Nelson 25, 33
media 357, 937
accountability 93
as important influence 934
innovative roles 967
new media 945
report conclusions 1289
medical inequality 24
Middle East 223, 25, 11516
MIFTAH see Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
migration 74, 114
military initiatives
report conclusions 1245, 130
terrorism 49
UN 88
unilateralism 113
violence 12, 6, 412
military training 56
Mill, John Stuart 2, 23
multiculturalism 35
multilateralism 38, 10720
common interests 108
dialogue 109, 1234, 135
late opportunities 11113
regional neighbours 11820
report conclusions 1224, 131
respect/understanding 108, 11314
unilateralism 10810
multiple identities 656
Mumbai see Bombay
Cronulla Beach 95
cultural theories 54
grievance narratives 76
humiliation 734
Israeli–Palestine conflict 11516
multiple identities of 12-13, 54
Muslim-Hindu relations 1213, 19, 20
psychological violence 60
role in civil society 50
radicalisation 116
schools 106
terrorism 501
women 84, 95
national identity 356, 39, 124, 127
nationalism 1415
national security 67, 9
negotiation 62
Nettleford, Ralston Milton 27, 30, 40
networks 46
Nigeria 110
Northern Ireland
grievance 67, 756, 77
multilateralism 113
newspaper initiatives 967
poverty and violence 67
Oe, Kenzaburo 9
Ogata, Sadako 10
one-dimensional identity see solitarist identity
opposition parties 82, 91
O’Regan, Kate 84
Owen, Wilfred 1415
Oz, Amos 13
Pacific Islands 1012
Pakistan 49
elections 117
humiliation 74
Israeli–Palestine conflict 11516
media initiative 96
reconciliation 79
women 79, 96
Pan-Commonwealth Youth Caucus 101
Paris, France 2005 70
parliaments, youth 1012
participation see political participation
physical violence 5961
police 48, 56
political carnage 15
political participation 357, 8192
best practice 902
civil society 867
Commonwealth principles 8990
confidence-building 889
consultation styles 834
dialogue and inclusion 81
how it is done 823
promoting democracy 902
report conclusions 1268
sense of ‘belonging’ 878
women 36, 128
young people 85
Big Powers 108
Calcutta 1920, 68
identity 1315, 623
left-wing 1920, 68
violence 1524, 59, 61
poverty 35, 6774
economic connections 203
and peace 212
unethical argument 1617
violence 1524, 679
power-sharing government 912
private education 1056
Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) 96
Proust 13, 25
proxy wars 115
psychological violence 5961
race riots, Brixton 126
radicalisation of Muslims 116
radio broadcasts 94
rape 60
reconciliation 74, 7780, 1001, 126
regional cooperation 11820
dialogue 34
differences 34, 1214, 20, 134
ethno-religious government 912
extremism 201
identity 34
‘War on Terror’ 50
see also faith…
representation issues 823
respect 4157
agendas for peace 42
the Commission 2, 6, 24, 2733, 121, 1478
Commonwealth 447, 118
definitions 434
devaluing 117
education 37, 1036
government implementation 557
international institutions 116
international law 116
intrinsic value 133
multilateralism 108, 11314
multiple identities 65
for people/viewpoints 42
regional neighbours 11820
violence 412, 478
‘War on Terror’ 4953
why it matters 4157
young people 99101
‘retaliatory’ violence 130
rights see human rights
robbery 59
Rwabyomere, Joan 27, 30, 40
multiple identities 66
radio hate broadcasts 94
violence 12, 13, 23
women and reconciliation 78
Saggar, Shamit 31
Sampaio, Jorge 4
Scarman Report 1982 1256
schools 106
Secretary-General of the Commonwealth 38, 39, 110, 133, 135
secular religion 65
security 130
human 510
national 67, 9
terrorism 133
Security Council Resolution 1325, UN 78
Sen, Amartya 27, 40
Sierra Leone 110
single majority-simple plurality (SMSP) electoral system 91
singular identity see solitarist identity small states 120
SMSP see single majority-simple plurality electoral system
social cohesion 1045
socio-economic disadvantage 689
solitarist identity
colonialism 723
faith/religion 34, 646
violence 34, 1115, 616, 72
see also ‘clash of civilisations’ theory
South Africa
anti-apartheid movement 245
dialogue 47
grievance 126
multilateralism 10910
TRC 80, 126
violence 19, 245
South Asia 60, 84
Soviet Union 21
sport 378, 56, 1023
stigmatized groups 101
technology 48, 945
terrorism 34
9/11 events 34, 123
civil paths commitment 124
double standards 115
ethical thinking 24
multilateralism 113, 135
nature of violence 60
security measures 5, 1334
terrorists 523
time to rethink 122
‘War on Terror’ 4953
why respect/understanding matter 41, 4853
see also group violence
Tevoedjre, Albert 73
text messaging 945
Tonga Youth Parliament 102
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), South Africa 80, 126
Turnbull, Lucy 27, 301, 40
Tutu, Desmond 25
UN see United Nations
understanding 4157
the Commission 2, 6, 24, 2733, 121, 1478
Commonwealth 447, 118
definitions 434
devaluing 117
education 37, 1036
intrinsic value 133
multilateralism 108, 11314
root causes 537
sport 1023
violence 412, 478
‘War on Terror’ 4953
why it matters 4157
young people 99101
unilateralism 10810, 113
United Nations (UN)
Alliance of Civilizations report 97, 11516
military initiatives 88
reach of civil paths 39
Security Council Resolution 13, 25, 78
value systems 63
civil society 125
cultural theories 1015, 19, 23
economic connections 203
economic inequality 5
‘engineered’ 12, 130, 133
faith and identity 646
human development 69
human security 510
humiliation 734
identity politics 1315, 623
inequality 5, 1524, 6771
means of resistance 45
military initiatives 12, 6, 412
nationalism 1415
national security 67, 9
nature/nurture aspects 5966
new thinking 34
politics 1524, 59, 61
poverty 1524, 679
psychological 5961
religious differences 34, 1214, 20
‘retaliatory’ 130
solitarist identity 34, 1115, 616, 72
theory integration 10, 234
triggers 723
why respect/understanding matter 412, 478
women 48, 601
see also conflict; group violence;
war 3, 1415, 66, 115
‘War on Terror’ 4953
counter-terrorism 501
dialogue 523
faith-based approaches 50
freedom fighters 52
hate-related violence 512
polarized society 51
tactical terrorism 52
weapons of war 48
Western hegemony 114
Western identity 54
Williams, Tennessee 22
Afghanistan 84
consultation 834
disrespect 44
Palestine 79, 96
political participation 36, 128
psychological violence 601
rape 60
reconciliation 7780
South Asian 84
violence 48, 601
Woode, Georgina 83
world-views 62
Writing and Being (Gordimer) 13
written submissions to the Commission 1478
young people 99106
black young people 68
Commonwealth Youth Games 102
Commonwealth Youth Programme 101, 105
empowerment 1012
migration 114
personality damage 7980
political participation 85
psychological violence 61
reconciliation 7980
report conclusions 12930
respect/understanding 99101
sport 1023
working together 567
Youth Ambassadors for Positive
Living 101
youth parliaments 1012
see also education
Youth Ambassadors for Positive Living 101
youth parliaments 1012
YouTube 129
Zimbabwe 38, 111, 118