Tacitus, Annals, 15.20-23, 33-45. Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, and Commentary
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1.   Preface and acknowledgements

2.   Introduction

2.1  Tacitus: life and career

2.2  Tacitus’ times: the political system of the principate

2.3  Tacitus’ oeuvre: opera minora and maiora

2.4  Tacitus’ style (as an instrument of thought)

2.5  Tacitus’ Nero-narrative: Rocky-Horror-Picture Show and Broadway on the Tiber

2.6  Thrasea Paetus and the so-called ‘Stoic opposition’

3.   Latin text with study questions and vocabulary aid

4.   Commentary

Section 1: Annals 15.20–23

(I)   20.1–22.1: The Meeting of the Senate

(II)  22.2: Review of striking prodigies that occurred in AD 62

(III) 23.1–4: Start of Tacitus’ account of AD 63: the birth and death of Nero’s daughter by Sabina Poppaea, Claudia Augusta

Section 2: Annals 15.33–45 (AD 64)

(I)   33.1–34.1: Nero’s coming-out party as stage performer

(II)  34.2–35.3: A look at the kind of creatures that populate Nero’s court – and the killing of an alleged rival

(III) 36: Nero considers, but then reconsiders, going on tour to Egypt

(IV) 37: To show his love for Rome, Nero celebrates a huge public orgy that segues into a mock-wedding with his freedman Pythagoras

(V) 38–41: The fire of Rome

(VI) 42–43: Reconstructing the Capital: Nero’s New Palace

(VII) 44: Appeasing the Gods, and Christians as Scapegoats

(VIII) 45: Raising of Funds for Buildings

5.   Bibliography

6.   Visual aids

6.1  Map of Italy

6.2  Map of Rome

6.3  Family Tree of Nero and Junius Silanus

6.4  Inside the Domus Aurea