1. Preface and acknowledgements
2.2 Tacitus’ times: the political system of the principate
2.3 Tacitus’ oeuvre: opera minora and maiora
2.4 Tacitus’ style (as an instrument of thought)
2.5 Tacitus’ Nero-narrative: Rocky-Horror-Picture Show and Broadway on the Tiber
2.6 Thrasea Paetus and the so-called ‘Stoic opposition’
3. Latin text with study questions and vocabulary aid
(I) 20.1–22.1: The Meeting of the Senate
(II) 22.2: Review of striking prodigies that occurred in AD 62
Section 2: Annals 15.33–45 (AD 64)
(I) 33.1–34.1: Nero’s coming-out party as stage performer
(III) 36: Nero considers, but then reconsiders, going on tour to Egypt
(VI) 42–43: Reconstructing the Capital: Nero’s New Palace
(VII) 44: Appeasing the Gods, and Christians as Scapegoats
(VIII) 45: Raising of Funds for Buildings