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academic careers 215

addiction 145, 147148, 150, 154156, 171

adversarial legal systems 23

Afghanistan 98

African 80

age at first birth 203

ageing 3, 85, 91, 96, 100102, 144, 192

agency 26, 39, 43, 4552, 5458, 75, 160

aggregate analysis 112

AIDS 154

Akee, Randall 145, 152153

American 13, 93, 103, 115, 134135, 137, 140, 150152, 178

Andrews, Clare 135, 211

animal learning 190191

anti-abstract 212213

Aristotle 187

artisans 187, 229

A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens) 99

Aznavour, Charles 199

Bartlett, Frederick 207

Bateson, Melissa 69, 183, 188, 211, 236

Bateson, Patrick 43, 103, 189

Bayesian statistics 240

behavioural ecology 51, 78, 90, 194, 203, 209

behaviourism 191

Beheim, Brett 185

Berkeley, George 187

Berlin 29

big idea piece (BIP) 1216, 20, 2224, 242

biology 25, 97

‘biology’/’non-biology’ distinction 27, 3032, 35, 40

Bourdieu, Pierre 133

Boyer, Pascal 25, 31, 49, 167

Brando, Marlon 216

Brecht, Bertolt 96

Britain, British 32, 48, 89, 96, 98, 102, 104, 122123, 134, 136, 138, 164, 203204, 217

Buddha 241, 243

Buddhism 240

Bunyan, John 231

Burton, Robert 190, 227

Byzantine 48

Caesar 224

Cameron, David 145, 157

cash transfer 154

Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC) (Kenya) 154155

cash transfers 147148, 150, 158, 161

cavaliers 189, 195

Centre for Social Justice 145150, 153, 155158

Chater, Nick 77, 188, 239240

Cherokee 150153, 155, 157158, 160

China 139, 194

Chomsky, Noam 51

choral singing 182

Civil Rights Act 125

communal sharing 168169

Connelly, Michael 215

Conservative party 127, 134, 145, 165

cooperation 141, 190

Corn Laws 139

Costello, Elizabeth Jane 150151, 153

crime 54, 145, 152, 154

cross-country running 70, 72

cross-cultural studies 141142

cultural attraction 31, 40, 73

cultural evolution 45, 5962, 6870, 72, 7475, 174, 208209

Cultural Evolution: Conceptual Challenges (Lewens) 59

cultural explanations 43, 48

cultural group selection 45

cultural inheritance 49, 54, 69, 71

cultural replication 244

cultural selection 68, 71, 75

culture 35, 2528, 32, 34, 37, 4345, 4951, 54, 61, 6870, 7275, 81, 103, 141, 149, 158160, 207, 209, 234

Currie, Edwina 134, 139

Daly, Martin 123, 144

Darwin, Charles 14, 61, 66, 229

Darwinian 29, 31, 5962, 7172, 74, 78, 83, 215

Darwinism 5960, 70, 144, 207

Davis, David 127

Dawkins, Richard 14, 35, 59, 232, 235

death 9699, 101103, 108109, 142143, 236237, 244245

Democratic party 125, 179

demoralization 217, 232

depression 10, 12, 29, 153, 171, 217, 220, 224

Descartes, René 28

Dickens, Charles 99100, 103, 107

diminishing returns 116, 118119, 121122, 124, 126, 176

disadvantage, structural 106

disciplinary boundaries 40, 51, 184, 193, 199, 209

disgust 204

DNA 3, 44, 65, 73, 75, 100, 102103, 237

Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grygorovych 9293

Douglas, Mary 204

Durkheim, Émile 30

Dutch 27

ecological fallacy 114, 120, 124125

economic games 141, 189

economics 46, 5152, 188

Elster, Jon 8

emotions 114, 122, 126

Emperor Hui 139

England, English 22, 4849, 7071, 84, 99, 101, 104105, 139, 194, 203, 241

epistemic diversity 194, 196

equality matching 168169

European Union 145

Europe, European 80, 135, 174, 192, 194, 198, 206

evolutionary history 29

Evolutionary History (Russell) 29

evolutionary psychology 143144, 207, 209

evolutionary theory 14, 59, 61, 66, 73, 75, 82, 85, 87, 89, 91

explanation 77, 91, 129

failure 10, 15, 20, 74, 123, 145, 172, 178, 184, 190, 199, 207, 217, 222, 242

faith 165, 235236

falsification 27, 81, 88, 132

Family Assistance Plan 179

fast-slow continuum 83, 8587

fatigue 139

Feyerabend, Paul 5, 204

Fisher, Ronald 39

Fiske, Alan 168, 176

fitness 60, 6367, 69, 7174, 82, 203, 205

flight 80, 234235

folk economics 167

food banks 134, 137, 140

food insecurity 115, 135

food stamps 135, 137

foraging theory 225

Ford, Henry T. 103, 175

Foucault, Michel 45, 5051

Frankenhuis, Willem 87, 108, 211

Fraser, Sam 141142

Friedman, Milton 179

Fuegians 50

fundamental attribution error 140

Garthwaite, Kayleigh 123, 134, 136, 138

Gates, Bill 216

genetic evolution 14, 30, 59, 62, 64, 6869, 7172, 75

genetic inheritance 67, 72, 158160

genetic replication 65

genetic systems 14, 30, 59, 62, 64, 6869, 71, 75

Germany 29

Geronimus, Arline 105

Gini coefficient 118119

Gintis, Herb 43, 5255

Glasgow 58

Great Smoky Mountains study 150151

Hacking, Ian 5

Haidt, Jonathan 241

Hamilton, William 39

Hardy, G. H. 218, 220

Harwood, Ronald 217

Hawking, Stephen 216

Healy, Kieran 130

Helsinki 185

holiday hunger 137

Horton, Richard 231232

Howard, Michael 178

human evolutionary behavioural science 209

hunger 129

hunger-obesity paradox 135

hunter-gatherers 168, 220

Icarus 24

illusion of validity 160

impulsivity 129, 237239

India 179

Individuality and Entanglement (Gintis) 43, 52, 54

Industrial Revolution 174

inequality 3, 32, 100, 111127, 144, 158, 164, 171172, 179

inflammation 102

information 10, 18, 25, 68, 78, 81, 84, 98, 107109, 120, 137, 160, 170, 191, 194, 196, 198, 200201, 205, 208, 222, 227

inquisitorial legal systems 23

insecurity 164, 171172

intention 33

inter-disciplinarity 4, 180, 184, 186, 189, 195, 197, 199

Israeli 160

Japan, Japanese 111, 200

Jensen’s inequality 118, 124

Kafka, Franz 239

Kahneman, Daniel 160

Kenya 154155, 157

King, Martin Luther 163, 172

Kirby, Simon 68, 207

Konner, Melvin 92

Lenoir, Timothy 182, 188, 192193

Lewens, Tim 5960

life history theory 83, 88, 211

Loewenstein, George 139140

London 141, 217

Marie Antoinette 138

Marxism 31

Marx, Karl 3132

mathematical modelling 90

Mathot, Kimberley 87

Mayr, Ernst 124

meaning 26, 48, 6667, 97, 104, 109, 190

mechanistic explanations 91

Melville, Herman 129

memory 207, 216

Mendelssohn, Felix 34

Mercier, Hugo 1617, 1921, 24

me-sidedness 1719, 2123

meta-analysis 237238

microeconomics 46

middle way 241, 243

Minds Make Societies (Boyer) 25, 31

morality 39, 52, 173, 190

More, Thomas 164

Mori, Masahiro 200

Muller, Max 66

multilevel modelling 120

musicianship 188

Namibia 173, 179

narcotics 155156

Native Americans 150

natural experiments 149, 194

Nature 14, 62, 68, 8384, 86, 100, 105, 111, 114, 192, 196, 198, 222223

neoliberalism 164165

neo-materialism 122

Nettle, Daniel 69, 207, 211

Newcastle 44, 96, 123, 142

Newman, John Henry 231

Newtonian mechanics 8082

Newton, Isaac 82, 133

nirvana 241, 244

Nixon, Richard 179

NPR 25

nuance 5, 130, 185, 207208

obesity 83, 114115, 118, 134135, 211

observational research 107

other-regarding preferences 53, 190

ownership 173174

Paine, Thomas 174

Panchanathan, Karthik 92, 108, 176

Panglossian 47

paradigm shifts 212

Paris 99

peer review 2021, 130132, 197, 213, 228, 236, 242

Pepper, Gillian 57, 103104, 106, 108

personality 10, 2324, 88, 140, 145, 153, 158159, 195

pessimistic meta-induction 15, 236

Petersen, Michael Bang 167

Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein) 93

Pickett, Kate 111112, 114116, 121122, 124127

Planck, Max 21, 242

plasticity 158

playfulness 223

Pollet, Thomas V. 111, 114

Poor man’s pudding and rich man’s crumbs (Melville) 129

Popper, Karl 244

population thinking 124126

poverty 3, 56, 98, 100101, 103, 106, 122, 130, 134, 138, 144146, 150, 157, 159160, 205

Powers, Simon 55

prediction error 202, 204206

predictive coding 200201

preregistration 11

Price equation 6163, 65, 6768

Price, George 62

productivity 178, 183, 218, 221, 227228

psychosocial comparison 122

publication iv, 16, 223224, 227229, 234

Raine, Adrian 25, 28, 30

Rai, Tage 168, 176

randomised control trials 149

rational actor model 4647, 5253, 80

reasoning 89, 13, 1621, 23, 5152, 5455, 73, 75, 112, 124, 175, 177, 194, 241, 244

redistribution 122, 147, 157158

reductionism 37, 220

replication crisis 9, 11, 16, 231, 235236, 240

Republican party 125, 179

research metrics 217, 223, 231

Richerson, Peter 45, 50

Rickard, Ian 211

Rome, Roman 58, 60, 174, 184, 224

roundheads 189, 195

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 138

Russell, Bertrand 1, 29, 163

Russians 50

Sahlins, Marshall 220

Scandinavia 111

scatterplots 112115, 124

Science 54, 102, 141, 182, 188, 193, 198199, 204, 207, 211, 215, 221223, 225, 232233, 243244

scientific disciplines 182, 184, 188, 193

scientific method 8, 2021, 36, 174, 233, 244

Scotland 194

security 163164, 171172, 177

self-interest 16, 54, 126, 177

sex 28, 47, 66, 8283, 97, 101, 143, 170, 241

Shankland, Tom 62

Simonton, Dean Keith 225

simulation 118119, 167

skill 4, 29, 150, 153155, 161, 164, 178, 182184, 186188, 190193, 195197, 203, 227

small-world networks 196, 198

Smith, E. A. 51

smoking 5657, 7778, 103, 105106

social cognition 167

social constructionism 39, 45

social heterogeneity 49

social norms 27, 49, 5354, 131132, 244

social practice theory 8082

social sciences 1, 2627, 3538, 51, 6062, 75, 92, 133, 203204, 206, 217, 235

socio-economic disparities 78, 98, 101, 104105, 145, 203

Solow paradox 228

Sperber, Dan 1617, 1921, 24, 61, 72

Spinoza, Baruch 224, 230

Standing, Guy 166, 171, 173, 178

St. Antoine 99100, 103, 107

starlings 91, 192, 206, 237238

steel man 185, 193194

Stichweh, Rudolph 193, 199

Strauss, Johann 46

Stravinsky, Igor 46

suffering 240243

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 115, 137

Sweden 114115

Tamariz, Monica 207

teenage pregnancy 203, 205, 207

television 127, 136, 206

telomeres 191192, 237

theatre companies 221

The Dresser (Harwood) 217

The Mind is Flat (Chater) 77, 240

theories 79

theory 91, 130, 132

theory of planned behaviour 77, 92

The Spirit Level (Wilson and Pickett) 111, 114115, 119

The Trial (Kafka) 239

Tirez sur le pianiste (Truffaut) 199

Titanic 107

Tourette syndrome 2728

Truffaut, François 199

Trussell Trust, The 137

Tversky, Amos 160

Tyneside Neighbourhoods (Nettle) 96, 101

ultimate explanations 73, 79, 203

uncanny valley 180, 200202, 204207, 209210

United Kingdom 72, 104, 123, 134, 137138, 145, 147, 164166, 169170, 175, 194

United States 26, 28, 50, 68, 70, 111112, 114115, 120, 134, 136, 138, 166, 179, 241

Universal Basic Income 150, 152, 163, 165175, 177180

universal credit 166, 171172

Victorian 70, 96

violence 25, 28, 83

visceral states 139

voluntary simplicity 184, 220

Wales 99, 194

Wallace, A. R. 28, 31

Weber, Max 3031

Weisman, August 31

Welch, John 14

welfare bill 164, 170

welfare system 175, 179

West End 109, 123, 221, 223

Wilkinson, Richard 111112, 114116, 121122, 124127

Wilson, E. O. 232233, 235, 242

Wilson, Margo 144

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 93

Woolf, Virginia 11, 35

work 1, 45, 14, 24, 56, 59, 61, 74, 143, 152, 163164, 166, 169, 171173, 177179, 182183, 193, 218226, 228229, 235237

writers 16, 2324, 50, 219, 226, 233

writing 2, 11, 22, 38, 107, 131, 175, 198, 212213, 218, 226, 232, 236, 254

Yellowstone National Park 39

Yule-Simpson effect 114

Zipf’s law 6667

Zollman, Kevin 196